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what did u think CP ppl looked like b4 u met them???

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This is interesting cause theres a lotta people here i have met that when i meet them im like whoa no shit TOTALLLLLY NOT WHAT I WAS THINKING!!

For instance...just recently...i was talking to someone and they thought i was BLACK!!! haha....i said why'd u think that? they said....cause of the pic in yer sig. (when i had the rapper, Eazy-E in my sig)

Well for the record...i AM NOT!!! black...gothic...skinhead....etc etc.

Just a run of the mill irish/german and english white boy.

So what are some yer impressions of what people looked like before you met them?

I for one never thought clubkat was like freshly outta high school..and also never thought Tracend (a.k.a. Echostar) was like 12.

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Not tryin to keep it on the race thing...but...

I had always thought that spragga actually looked like Will Smith just from seeing his avatar so much LOL....but in person he kinda looks more like chris rock or some shit.

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i thought DG MODEL was gona b like a gassed dickhead..but hes totally the opposite...

apples ...i thought he looked like emotion eric..i didnt know that was a website..i thought tony was just puttin his own webcam pics in his sig

i thought dj jon stephens was gona b one of those typical greek astoria cats that i hang out with in school...turned out he recently moved to NY

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I also thought ghhhhhost was actually gonna be paler than me with a name like that...turns out i was dead wrong.

oh this is a good one...

motherfuckin Heretic909....i thought he'd be some skinny ass long haired all gothic clothe wearing fool....turns out he is a HUGEEEEEEEE MOTHERFUCKER!! :eek: Body wise..about the size of 3 Quoth's and i don't mean fat...he is a just a big boy...like i gotta say 6' 2" 275lbs. just BIG!!...but yet...SERIOUSLY one of thee cooooooolest fuckin CP kats i have ever met to this day...a real fuckin good dude.

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Originally posted by quoth

This is interesting cause theres a lotta people here i have met that when i meet them im like whoa no shit TOTALLLLLY NOT WHAT I WAS THINKING!!

For instance...just recently...i was talking to someone and they thought i was BLACK!!! haha....i said why'd u think that? they said....cause of the pic in yer sig. (when i had the rapper, Eazy-E in my sig)

Well for the record...i AM NOT!!! black...gothic...skinhead....etc etc.

Just a run of the mill irish/german and english white boy.

So what are some yer impressions of what people looked like before you met them?

I for one never thought clubkat was like freshly outta high school..and also never thought Tracend (a.k.a. Echostar) was like 12.

:laugh: U forgot to say that your freakishly tall for a irish/german/english white boy.


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Originally posted by rdancer

:laugh: U forgot to say that your freakishly tall for a irish/german/english white boy.


:laugh: Aw man..do people really think that?? Like i know i aint at all the tallest dude on CP but holy shit...i do feel weird a lot of times when i am the tallest person in a room full of people.

p.s. Only good thing about being this fuckin tall is that...when marciD,Clubkat,and Tastyt all give me hugs...their hands wrap around my ass cheeks rather then my back...not to mention the fact that they are eye level for a ......(continued on the sex board) j/k :tongue:

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The first conversation I ever had with PETROL (Eric)

Trippintrance: Hey eric this is LavenderMenace

Petrol: Who?

Trippintrance: LavenderMenace, from CP.

ME: hey, whats up.

Petrol: You're not Lavendermenace.

Me: HUH?

Petrol: You cant be, LavenderMenace is a 7-foot-tall black woman.

Me:ummm... no I'm not. I'm LM, I swear.

Petrol: I would have sworn you were a 7-foot-tall black woman.

Me: well, nice to meet ya.


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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

The first conversation I ever had with PETROL (Eric)

Trippintrance: Hey eric this is LavenderMenace

Petrol: Who?

Trippintrance: LavenderMenace, from CP.

ME: hey, whats up.

Petrol: You're not Lavendermenace.

Me: HUH?

Petrol: You cant be, LavenderMenace is a 7-foot-tall black woman.

Me:ummm... no I'm not. I'm LM, I swear.

Petrol: I would have sworn you were a 7-foot-tall black woman.

Me: well, nice to meet ya.


ROFL hahahhahahahaha

awww i miss eric.... :(

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Originally posted by quoth

Sorry to be such a postwhore but it is MY thread...but..

I had thought that Teklord from seeing his real name, Yarin....was a fuckin towelhead with a long beard and everything.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yo I totally forgot about that. I remember that argument/discussion. Do you remember what we were talking about?

This thread is hilarious!! I used to ask for a pic when meeting people one on one, but that got real old. Sometimes if i'm curious i'l search through the pics thread.

Quoth - I kind of expected you to be a tall skinny loudmouth alcoholic. Was i close?

Ghhhost - exactly same thing!! For the longest time i thought he was in his sig, oooops my bad. :laugh:

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Originally posted by teklord310

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Yo I totally forgot about that. I remember that argument/discussion. Do you remember what we were talking about?

This thread is hilarious!! I used to ask for a pic when meeting people one on one, but that got real old. Sometimes if i'm curious i'l search through the pics thread.

Quoth - I kind of expected you to be a tall skinny loudmouth alcoholic. Was i close?

Ghhhost - exactly same thing!! For the longest time i thought he was in his sig, oooops my bad. :laugh:

:confused: bueller, bueller, anyone? :confused:

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well...... i havent met any of you yet but when i i first met someone online in public he was very weird looking :eek: so when i went to homegrown last night i was prepared for the worse but ....the few ppl that were left (it was 12:40)were good looking

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i thought magilicuti (sp) was a guido


I also thought ghhhhost was some little raver kid.....

I thought lavendermenace was gonna be one of those gothic chicks....

I thought dgmodel was gonna be some wannabe juicehead punk....

I thought hitokiri was gonna be Asian, turns out he's black....

I thought trancend(echostar) was gonna be some crazy raver with dreads and shit.....

I'll remember more later.......

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