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Classic Nite @ Tempts Part 1

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Absolutely sick. A lil crowded, but shit, its Tempts ya know ? Denny dropped some bombs, and just seemed like the whole crowd (at least where we were standin) was really feelin the beats. I was as well. Classic closin with "Angel". A night well spent. Thanks to all who were a part of it..;)

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Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

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Originally posted by laurie619

Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

oh boy....now brian is gonna have to delete this one before it turns into another melee......

and you wonder why everyone starts with you:rolleyes:


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Originally posted by ibclubbin

oh boy....now brian is gonna have to delete this one before it turns into another melee......

and you wonder why everyone starts with you:rolleyes:


:D Not trying to start... just want to know the facts I wasnt there so I dont know!! ;)

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Originally posted by laurie619

Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

MLIYL is a classic. Just because he might play every once in a while, it doesnt make not a classic. Last night was the best night at Temps this year so far.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by BRIAN1500

MLIYL is a classic. Just because he might play every once in a while, it doesnt make not a classic. Last night was the best night at Temps this year so far.

when did we start refering my love is your love with MLIYL?:confused: I missed the boat on that one...

I say we put the over/under for this thread at 85 posts

I got over..........

on a side note deep dish is now tied with picotto for my fav djs.

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Originally posted by laurie619

Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

Seriously Laurie, I'm being completely serious, you really need to stop. I'm way too tired to be dealing w/your idiotic ramblings. You weren't there so just shut it. Maybe to a 22 year-old little rat classics night means nothing cause YOU JUST DON'T KNOW!!!!

Also how you figure he plays Whitney every couple of weeks? He's played it one other time this summer and I think about once all of last summer and I know because it's my all time favorite song so it sticks out in my mind.

So if you really, really, truely don't mean to start drama, then please refrain from any more comments on this night. PLEASE!!!

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Screw all of you who had a great time at TEMPS. i was home puking. Thank You. I almost convinced myself I was ok to go.


I hope there is a part to to Retro night? Does anyone know.


Laurie I have never heard you say you have had a good time at TEMPS, only bad bad thing. Seriously not to cause drama why do you go if you know you can't wait to get home and post how bad the misic was and what not.................

Do you go just for the bar? and to listen to bad music while you drink?

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I had a really good time Saturday night! We started off our night at Merge which was alot of fun then we headed over to Tempts. Denny was great and he played every song I wanted to hear! It was nice meeting Brian1500..stardo..and bmw4j! Tempkid thanks for all the drinks. Cigs thanks for all those shiney disco ball shots. It was great to see everyone from CP.... :D

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I felt like I was waiting on line to get into Studio 54 on Saturday... The place was a zoo....

Denny did a great job Revisiting the Summers Past. It was great to hear the entire crowd yelling "HOLY SHIT" or "Oh my GOd" each and everytime Denny mixed into another Classic. Musically Tsettos was flawless in his track selection and programming... He did a great JOb...

I kinda wish they had this night once a month instead of once a summer....

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FOrgot to add... Big Thank you to Jersey Joel and Big Murray for the line cut... Very much appreciated... Seaside/Tempts was just out of control this weekend...

Even Sunday was nuts... I have never once seen a VIP line open on a Sunday...

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Originally posted by laurie619

Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

HOW ABOUT YOU JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY! You weren't there and your reliable sources don't know shit so ZIP IT!!

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Originally posted by laurie619

Just out of curiosity what are some of the tracks he played…My Love is Your Love…:laugh: I just dont see how that is a Classic when he plays it every couple of weeks...:confused: I heard other wise from some pretty reliable people that the music wasn’t that great, and some tracks skipped . . .is this true, or are they just messing with me :what:

SUMMER'S REVISITED cumdumpster.........a song doesn't have to be from 6 years ago to make it to an 'oh shit' night.......it has to have meaning to the crowd and get them going....

but seriously....will u ever just shut the fuck up.......

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This poor laurie girl....Clubplanet should just add the Bashing Laurie board because everytime she posts she gets bashed....Im saying if she does or deosnt deserve it, just thought it would make it easier for everyone...:D

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Originally posted by jp18

This poor laurie girl....Clubplanet should just add the Bashing Laurie board because everytime she posts she gets bashed....Im saying if she does or deosnt deserve it, just thought it would make it easier for everyone...:D

no ....because then there would be an entire forum of her DUMBASS comments!!! she doesn't get bashed for her opinion....she gets ripped because she lacks common sense and knowledge of the scene yet still feels the need to obstruct our view with her tasteless placement of her obviously uneducated responses

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Originally posted by misk

no ....because then there would be an entire forum of her DUMBASS comments!!! she doesn't get bashed for her opinion....she gets ripped because she lacks common sense and knowledge of the scene yet still feels the need to obstruct our view with her tasteless placement of her obviously uneducated responses

It was just a thought :confused:

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Originally posted by jp18

This poor laurie girl....Clubplanet should just add the Bashing Laurie board because everytime she posts she gets bashed....Im saying if she does or deosnt deserve it, just thought it would make it easier for everyone...:D

POOR LAURIE??? You've got to be kidding! The reason she gets bashed every time she posts is because everytime she posts she puts her foot in her mouth! Instead of posting so much negativity, she should sit back READ...SHE MIGHT ACTUALLY LEARN A THING OR TWO so that someday when she knows enough she can write messages that may actually MEAN SOMETHING! :idea:

One thing I can't stand is people talking like they know ..when the DON'T KNOW. If Laurie was actually in tempts and saw and heard the whole place go absolutely NUTS everytime Denny dropped a track INCLUDING, if not even moreso, MY LOVE IS YOUR LOVE she would never be making such comments. I would bet that anyone who was there would have no complaints about the music or the energy in that place this weekend. The only complaint I have heard (and could understand) was the fact that the place was PACKED and there was no room to move because every inch of space in tempts was taken up by people having a great time (many wearing white by the way!). Denny spun incredibly and it was obvious by the crowds reaction to each track he played, at times you could hear everyone OVER the music! The best was when Denny shut the sound off during My Love is Your Love and everyone sang the chorus!

Laurie, as far as "some tracks skipped"???? For your information (and if you knew anything you would know this), a DJ doesn't cause a track to skip and when the does happen at Tempts, it is usually some drunk asshole bumping into the turntables, trust me I have seen it done many times. NEWSFLASH... this can happen to ANY DJ, I have heard it happen to Junior, Danny, the best of them. So, you can remove that from your little list of "things to bash Denny about Monday on Clubplanet..." Nice try though.

It figures you weren't even AT Tempts, and you still continue to spew CRAP about Tempts and Denny not playing well. That just PROVES that you really don't know anything and just like to start drama.

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