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What are the Simple things that YOU enjoy in LIFE??

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Enjoying a nice glass of iced coffee with a fine three-layered bavarian chocolate mousse cake and a soft warm chocolate walnut brownie topped with a heap of vanilla and coffee ice cream at an open air cafe in the east village at 2 AM on a Sunday morning.

Watching a beautiful sunrise on a breezy Sunday morning on the deserted construction walkway on the Manhattan bridge after a night of wanton partying at the Lunaterium.

Walking up midtown Broadway at 5 in the morning, surrounded by nothing but a deserted city, chilled air, darkness, and the arriving sunrise.

Losing myself in a deep kiss with my girl in a downpour, wet from the rain and sheltered by nothing but the clothes we wear, embracing each other afterwards and watching the frantic passerby dodging for cover (fucking wusses).

Wandering around my neighboorhood at night, gazing at the moon and stars, accompanied by lush trance and the cool night air.

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Music just driving around in my car....

Sunny daze....




Being in love....

Spending quality time with someone you enjoy being with....


Walks on the beach at nighttime....

Picnics & swinging on the swings....

A nice home-cooked meal....

Beautiful pictures and photography....


Getting lost in my DANCING....

I could go on forever.... and I think honestly if people spent more time thinking about all the things that make them happy and that they love, they wouldn't be as miserable and whiny and complainy....

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Man soo many:

cool breeze on a hot day

smile from a beautiful woman as I walk ard each day

letting ur guard down when hanging w/friends & acting silly

knowing that today can be better than yesterday!

knowing that this board is relatively anonymous and i can be cheesy

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*Sitting outside at night when theres a breeze

*Watching the sun rise

*Walks in a park

*Browsing through a bookstore with a friend

*caramel frappuccinos

*lavender or purple roses


*when my dog comes barreling at me when I walk through the door

*Dancing and feeling the music

*cooking for fam/friends

*to kiss in the rain

*Talking with a friend about nothing in particular

*A picnic in a park, in front of a waterfall

*A smile from someone i love seeing

*a kiss on the forehead

*Drives with friends on a gorgeous night

ETC ETC :tongue:

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-sleepin underneath the window with the sun hittin u an a cool breeze hits u

-good music (of course)

-being round friends

-sleepin in the backseat of a (roomy) car while ur travelin

-sky gazin


-walkin late at night in the city

-leavin a club rememberin how much fun i had on the way home

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Guest tilly

--threads like this

--taking a nice hot shower after coming in from the rain with the candles lit and some chilled music

--painting by my windows with them open and a nice cool breeze sweeping through my apt with some journeyrific music

--sitting in Washington Square Park people watching

--Walking on the boardwalk in Coney Island with Mike or Sai

--A car ride with Mike listening to some cheesy old skool florida breaks

--Driving a manual car

--Helping out a complete stranger

--Making someone laugh/ having someone make me laugh


--Having a crush

--A first kiss

--Listening to a dj that i've never heard before and having them make me FALL IN LOVE with them on the spot!

--An excellent song that goes through my entire body

--Getting my haircut; pedicures

--A conversation with my mom

--Dinner with friends

--The smells of new products (ie: first time you use a new shampoo, soap, lotion, etc)


--a nice bottle of red wine

--the Picasso Museum in Paris

--looking through my records and getting new ones

--seeing less fortunate and realizing how lucky i really am

--getting packages and fun mail

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~ Warm sunny days just lying in the sun

~ Slushies

~ Going shopping and finding the perfect lil' treasure

~ Flip flops

~ Walking around NYC...breathing in the smog and people watching, feeling full of life and energy

~ Working hard, and having it pay off

~ Driving my pretty kitty, legally....

~ Spending time with my nephew

~ Friends who are always there, and don't ask questions...

~ A crush ( stolen from Deb )

~ A Kiss (...stolen from Deb )

~ Bubblebaths

~ Wine...any kind, I'm not fussy

~ Hottubs

~ Knowing my family always loves me...no matter what

~ Giggles, mine and loved ones

~ Good books

~ Nice mushy movies

~ Sushi

~ a man's arms

~ Sitting on the beach, late at night..just you the stars and no worries....

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Originally posted by hoke

Holding a beatmatch for 2 minutes.


I still remember the first successful attempt at beatmatching. Such a small thing in the grand scheme of life, but it was a good moment for me.

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Listening to 101.1 oldies station

Reading a good book

Coming home to an animal...dog or cat

Spending time with someone you love

Going to the movies when it's empty

Driving around deserted towns

Laying out on the beach

There are so many more things! You're right codica3, if we all started focusing on the little things that make us happy, we wouldn't be able to put into perspective our negativities.

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by marcid21

~ Flip flops

almost put that too but i thought i made that point perfectly clear in another post not long ago...LOL...love the flops!!!

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Slaming my alarm clock at 7am for 15 more minutes of Z time.

Taking a snooze on the ferry.

Playing with the kids at work during lunchbreak.

Taking off my shoes and booting up my computer after work.

Playing pool with my kindred.

Falling asleep on my couch watching old bugs bunny cartoons.

That refreshing cup of OJ at 330 in the morning when you just cant sleep.


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*anything to do with water... showers, bubble baths, swimming

*good books

*dancing in my room

*hanging out on the beach


*walking around in the city

*playing with my little cousins

*going out to eat

*tazo green tea

*watching the food network





*getting a manicure

*being outside

*visiting friends who have dogs, cause i dont have one

*playing with makeup in sephora (im such a girl :rolleyes:)


*Breakfast at Tiffany's, Sabrina, Roman Holiday, any Audrey movie

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