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Do you own a pet?

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I have a small dog, and let me tell you that it is damn near impossible to get a place in manhattan if you have a dog. Most buildings grandfathered the people that have dogs but won't let any new tenants bring dogs. Its tough. But I love my dog and there wa no way I was getting rid of her.

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Originally posted by tastyt

Are you thinking of entering the fulfilling world of pet ownership Hoke?

I have a kitty... we are apt dwellers; it's only an issue when he gets the night crazies and starts running in circles all over the place...

Yeah, I dunno yet... but it would definitely be a kitten, not a dog... It seems to me that dogs a) are more work and B) would be fairly miserable pent up in a city apartment...

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I have a 16lb Maine Coon monster kitty...but he's only in my apartment when my dad is away...otherwise he's at play at the shore house both inside and outside...when he's with me he's less active but the counter to that is he gets spoiled rotten and eats like a king...

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Kitties are awesome... they can still be work tho, depending on the cat's personality... my cat is an attention whore, and makes me feel super-guilty every time I leave and then when I come back again... but he really is so sweet and I wuv him so much! :heart::love:

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as much as i lvoe dogs....cats are MUCH easier than dogs...especially for apartment dwellers....house training a dog is going to be a royal pain in the ass, especialy if u live on a high floor

cats are also less destructive (after u get them declawed...of course) and make for better pest control (my last cat had a knack for killing ants)

good luck!

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i have a fish...that's right 1 fish........it does not even have a name...i simply call it 'that fish'......i spends it's days in a plastic bowl next to my microwave.......i have my own theories about this....the fish is HUGE and simply refuses to die.....it has been fed everything and anything u can imagine....spent days swimming on it's side and ...well....keeps coming back! i really don't like this fish......i won him at a carnival like 9 years ago......i always thought those things bought the farm like 3 days later....NoOOo not my fish......

i want a dog though...a small one....maybe a mini pinscher named killer.....of course rockin a spiked collar.....

.....or a chihuahua ........hMmMmMmMmm...............cheech....

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Originally posted by hoke

Yeah, I dunno yet... but it would definitely be a kitten, not a dog... It seems to me that dogs a) are more work and B) would be fairly miserable pent up in a city apartment...

my dog is neurotic... she would actually rather be in the apartment than outside. Whenever I take her out she freaks out and wants to go back in.

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i like cats and dogs but i don't spend enough time at home to give a pet the attention and love they deserve.

..u can have my fish.......he's not much to look at .......but i am pretty sure he does some cool shit when no one is looking...i always hear the water splash when no one is in the kitchen.......

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dogs are more work, period. I love them more than cats any day of the week, but it takes more to maintain a dog than a cat.

especially the freedom/space issue. you can't leave a dog locked up in a house. It's the worst thing for it.

Cats on the other hand are fine for apartments...

and great for chinese food as well.

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It's funny. My landlord has a dog, yet no pets are allowed. This is the case more than not today. They are all hippocrites! I have a cat and if he finds out I'll have to move. Ooops hope he's not a ClubPlanet Member! Any way it is almost impossible to find an apartment in NY/NJ that allows pets. I hear it's much more relaxed in the Southern States. Maybe need to move down there!

Meow Meow

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Originally posted by misk

..u can have my fish.......he's not much to look at .......but i am pretty sure he does some cool shit when no one is looking...i always hear the water splash when no one is in the kitchen.......

. . . I'd bet money that you'll cry your eyes out when that thing finally goes to the great fishbowl in the sky .. . . 9 years is alot of time . . .

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Originally posted by frisco

It's funny. My landlord has a dog, yet no pets are allowed. This is the case more than not today. They are all hippocrites! I have a cat and if he finds out I'll have to move. Ooops hope he's not a ClubPlanet Member! Any way it is almost impossible to find an apartment in NY/NJ that allows pets. I hear it's much more relaxed in the Southern States. Maybe need to move down there!

Meow Meow

. . . Yeah, down south you can keep livestock in the house . . . Trust me on this one . . ;) . .

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Originally posted by hoke

Yeah, I dunno yet... but it would definitely be a kitten, not a dog... It seems to me that dogs a) are more work and B) would be fairly miserable pent up in a city apartment...

Dogs are work..

But it's work done out of "love"

(So it never bothers me)

*They know you work for them'

and the companionship they give you

back in return is worth it!

*Dogs sleep all day..

as long as you walk them a couple times

a day (In an ideal world THREE times a

day) They stay healthy and quite happy..

(No matter how small your pad may be)

Having had both cats and dogs I'd rather

take the later...But that's just me.

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