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i dont think im ready for school tomorrow....

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after abusing my lungs and liver every night and waking up at 4:00 pm every day i dont know if me waking up at 7:30 am is gonna pan out....at least i only have class 2 days a week

and if youre gonna reply with something to the effect of "i wake up at 7:30 every day for work....welcome to the real world" dont waste your time......your medal is in the mail

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Originally posted by sexxyh

~~ummm then why are u bitching??? oh! and where is that big stuffed spider u promised to get me from seaside?


ok maybe i should clarify myself

1) i do enjoy the time i spend at school

2) i have had a rough summer

3) waking up for anything at 7:30 am is rough....

4) helen, i actually didnt go down to seaside since that time i saw you there....next summer ;)

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Originally posted by spragga25

Then don't bitch and moan about it then...no one cares!

Jeez...shut up already! Do you get shits and giggles out of mouthing off to a bunch of college students who are 10 yrs younger than you?

Why don't YOU grow up and let these youngins deal with shit their own way! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by marcid21

Jeez...shut up already! Do you get shits and giggles out of mouthing off to a bunch of college students who are 10 yrs younger than you?

Why don't YOU grow up and let these youngins deal with shit their own way! :rolleyes:

Calm yourself junior....they can deal with it by not bitching about it and GOING...simple as that!

About shutting it? Practice what you preach kid!

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Originally posted by spragga25

Calm yourself junior....they can deal with it by not bitching about it and GOING...simple as that!

About shutting it? Practice what you preach kid!

don't start that mundane "kid" and "junior" garbage with me. Someone has to open their mouth and point out how miserable and condescending you sound.

You're miserable and it shows...let everyone learn their lessons the way you did, by EXPERIENCING it. No one really gives a shit about the last time you got laid either...but we still deal with your repetitive, pathetic, desperate cries for any available piece of ass.

Newsflash: You're not CP's equivalent to the Pope....get off your high horse already. No one worships you...or your played Nipple game.

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Originally posted by marcid21

don't start that mundane "kid" and "junior" garbage with me. Someone has to open their mouth and point out how miserable and condescending you sound.

You're miserable and it shows...let everyone learn their lessons the way you did, by EXPERIENCING it.

Newsflash: You're not CP's equivalent to the Pope....get off your high horse already. No one worships you...or your played Nipple game.

I'm doing very well, thank you very much! :)

BTW - Are you a prof? How in the holy fuck do you know me? My psyche? You've met me...what 4 fucking times! You don't know shit! If you're stupid enough to judge me about what I post here - whatever tickles your pickle I guess...Once again...It's JUST a messageboard and I can say whatever I damn well please...you got a problem with it JUNIOR tell Dave.

Go back to posting lame-ass poems on the sex board and being dg's little biker bitch you HAIRY little monkey!

I'm done here...have a nice night! :cool:

Two can play the edit game ;)

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i didnt reply to spraggas replies cuz i figured he was fucking around cuz i know we're cool in real life.....marci thanks for the support its cool to hear older people on cp understanding where im coming from....some people who are a whole 2 or 3 years older than me (putting them at 21 or 22) like to feel like theyre on top of shit, and it does get annoying but whatever

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I start my first day of college ever on Thursday. Not really looking forward to it, i guess because I am stuck commuting a half hour because I couldn't get a room. O well, it will def. be a change for me I guess, and hopefully I will meet some cool people. The good thing is my earliest class all week is 11:20 but the drive if like 30-40 min, so I still gota get up sorta early. :(

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