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who here has gone to a club ALONE?

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I have seen it brought up in a few other threads so im kinda curious how many people have actually gone clubbing alone. And what your take on it was. good/bad?

I personally never have - i just dont have the nerve to. although sometimes i wish i would. cwm38.gif


*~*In 3 words I can sum up everything I have learned about life - IT GOES ON*~*

*~*Leave nothing but footprints, take nothing but memories*~*

*~*There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.*~*

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I came to New York last summer, and went out clubbing, then wanted to go to Twilo (a night Sascha was there)and my buddy didn't. So what can I do? I went by myself, but forgot my ID the first time. Went all the way back to my hotel to get it. On the way back two guys robbed my cabby, freaked me out-FUNNY SHIT-so I went back to the hotel smoked a dube and relaxed.

Long story, but the whole point is, wanted to, but didn't end up doing it.




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Bunch of times. Usually its pretty good. Going with people's better, but when you can't sleep or need to bounce around....

Sometimes, if I really wanna hear someone and everyone else is staying in - the music keeps you happy! Lot's of dancing and there really are a lot of good, cool people happy to hang with you. Great way to meet new friends!

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I've gone alone lots of time but usually i know there's going to be someone i know there. i love going with big groups though. having a big crew is awesome but face it, not everyone is a clubjunkie and wants to go clubbing three times a week.


* emily *

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A lot of my close friends either don't like the music, or aren't the "clubbing" type. So I went to clubs alone alot. But if the music's good, it doesn't really matter.


...it's quiet now...and as I think my thoughts alone...I try to keep my head straight... but i thnk i'm too far goneeeeeeee................

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Solo cluben is sometimes required.

Especially if your friends arent into it.

Or theyre into it too much..too drunk or stoned to have any fun.

Sometimes I just want to go and enjoy myself instead of worrying about everyone...getting lost, getting sick, getting in trouble...i dunno maybe im just a worry wort...oh the worst is when your ride is drunk ..gah

Anyways...Rock on.

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I've never had to go to a club alone. I wouldn't really want to party without my friends. But the situation has never come up, I guess because someone always wants to go out but if there was ever a time when I was solo then I'd go out by myself. Why not? Do what you want to do and don't do it for others is my motto.

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i have twice. My friends definitely arent into clubbing as much as i am, so a few times i really felt like dancing and none of my friends were down, so i went a lone, the first time i was totally straight, well i took a couple jello shots but thats it, and i danced most of the time, i didnt really like it that much.

the second time i drank in my car before the club like 10 shots in 10 min thinking i would be drunk and would have a better time, but i ended up throwing up in the bathroom and blacking out for a couple hours at the bar, then i got up went and slept in my car for a couple more hours felt like complete shit, woke up around 4-5AM and drove home, after that i'm never going clubbing aslone again.


"Emotions touched...with feelings running high....it seems right...no need to run and hide....we live fantasy...upon reality...to the other side of life...of life...of life...of life...of life.....as you take me away....one feels into my fantasy...I find with you I break free....as I drift on a dream...I pray to you with hands held high....I find with you....Ecstasy........"


I'm the one with the whistle at Sound Factory

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yup, a few times, most of my friends are Dave Mathews type people, no "repetitive electronic dance music" for them. its definitely better with friends, but if im solo i just make new friends at the club. i had the best time when i went for sasha n digs, and digweed dropped Way Out West "The Fall" with like a 7 minute build up, the whole place was on fire, you could see it in peoples eyes,but otherwise if the music sucks, that can be a real downer.


<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ny3/hydro22/bedrock.gif"">

sometimes you just have to say "what the fuck!"

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I did it once as a promoter in DC. I was working with one club and we'd just started the party. We were only a few weeks into it and I'd promoted it pretty hard, so I felt obligated to show. Well, I did, and my PM introduced me to his friend. This friend tried to lure me, then force me, into a tiny private party room at the back of the club thinking he was going to get some. I was saved by this guy who happened to be in the back at the moment and distracted this dude so I was able to run. My PM and my ex were at the door and I just kind of ran out to them in tears and they made sure I got home okay. Overall a really scary experience and I don't think I'll try it again. cwm28.gif


"Since we cannot hope for order, let us withdraw with style from the chaos." ~Arcadia


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Yeah, going to the clubs can be a great way to meet new people, I've been out to the clubs a couple of times and have found some really cool people to chill with. Although, I mostly meet up with people nowadays!!!! My friends are quite into the electronica that much.

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ive gone alone but i alwayse knew that i was gonna meet a few people out.....

i love taking train rides in with like 20 people though. thats always the best


"don't get attached to anything you're not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you spot the heat coming around the corner"

Robert Deniro



Email: msoprano13@yahoo.com

Ganster-01.gifim gonna make you an offer you cant refuse

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Originally posted by xpander:

A lot of my close friends either don't like the music, or aren't the "clubbing" type. So I went to clubs alone alot. But if the music's good, it doesn't really matter.

I'm much the same, so all the time...

I like clubbing solo better - I can stay as long as I want, cuz I don't think any of my non-clubbing can last as long as me.

I should try going out with clubbing friends though. I run into them at the clubs anyways.

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i've gone clubbing by myself more times than i can remember...and i love it...i never did, but started getting pissed when my friends would cancel and i would be stuck at the crib twiddling my thumbs...just decided to take control of my own destiny...clubbing alone is actually better than going with people to me because you dont have to deal with any whiny softcore bitches who dont wanna stay till 11am...heh heh...


"i was the real star...just because his mother died he got all the attention...they even named the movie after his no acting ass" - quote from an unidentified rabbit on the set of bambi

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the only time i ever went out alone is when i was a promoter. i would goto the club and pretty much know people. now it's alittle different. going out alone really sux. cwm44.gif


~~all those who dance may enter my life~~

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I have gone out alone before.Even though the times I have I always bump into people I know from being out any way.Also what happens when I go out with friends is I go for what are known as my famous walks were no one can find me for about a good three hours.So its kind of like being out alone.The most strangest thing that happens when im out alone I always hook-up with the hottest girls and have the craziest night I guess i just have to make sure I have company ...Two thumbs and toes up for going out alone

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I keep trying to go clubbing by myself but there are always hundreds of people out whenever I go.



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only two basic substances: Magic and bullshit.

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i went to soundfactory a couple of years ago by myself.....not a good idea. Lets just say if your GIRL best idea is NOT to go to a club ALONE. if you would to know more information on my experience or want to share clubbing experiences email me at mntnbluice@aol.com

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i usually go by myself because most of my friends get out of work at 4am and i dont wanna wait for them.

it can be pretty scary if youre a girl going out by yourself, especially at certain clubs like SF or exit. but i tend to see a few girls by themselves at vinyl...i guess its the friendly atmosphere thats less intimidating.

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yeah, we've been talking about this on the other boards. I've done it some times.

While it can be a liberating for a while, a lot of times its sux. But if none of your friends are into going, what can you do?


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Clubbing alone can be great or miserable, depending on the crowd. If the beats are jumpin and the place is packed, it doesn't matter who you're with - it's gonna rock anyway. But if there's no one there...well...that kinda sucks ass.


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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i haven't gone to a club alone on purpose, but a few times its ended up that way, ie my friends were too tired to stick around, supposed to meet someone that didn't show, etc.

usually when i go out 99% of the time i'm in the zone, dancing by myself, wandering around and stuff. but for that 1% when you're chilling out its nice to have your friends around.

When you're all alone there is sometimes too much pressure to meet people. i don't think i could _ever_ roll by myself tho :P


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