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Can You Help Me Become A Guido?

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There seems to be quite a few

of these creatures on this here

board as of late..

And yes it True that there are many

types of life forms that inhabit

clubland of NY but of all the creatures

that I've studies THE GUIDO

(or "Gumba-clubis-no Tshirtus" as it

is also known) has begun to fascinate me

the most.

So Perhaps TECHY-electro-break

Robots aren't

the way to go...

Rethinking my wishes

of becoming a battery

powered sex toy or

trading in my flesh for A.I

I have come up with a better




Can you help me?


Here's what I'm looking for:

*Big spiky hair (bleached

if possible with a complimentary

mustache and sunglasses)

*Muscles that make

me look like I have no neck

so that I can walk around

with no T-shirt on and display

my sexy shaved back stubble..

(as well as take pictures

of myself in front of

a mirror to show the

world how hot I am)

*A primitive dialect

which may consist of:

"Ughhh" or

"Dats da shit ugggh"

as well as:

"Dyyyyammm dat bitchis hot yo!"

*I wanna care more about

How I look and who I'm with

than the music in a club.


am I forgetting anything else?

Can you help me CP?


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Originally posted by teklord310


Too much... When can we expect the Guidified Mugz??

well as soon as someone

tells me what the quickest way to

become one is (and who I should

talk to) I'll be on my way...

Hey SexxybabyDee I think this

guy fits your description..

Know him?

(I'm stealing this entire topic from

naughtybooth btw...)




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well you're italian so that's a good first step :tongue:

now you need some dbol, creatine and a gym membership. let's see what else....oh yeah, a hooked up mustang, camaro or trans am. you'll also need some hair wax, then go buy some tight D&G or AX sleeveless shirts and don't forget those big gucci sunglasses all the cool kids have, make sure to wear that everywhere you go, specially at night.

other than that, get a good hook up for K and GHB and you're pretty much all set.

to be a uberguido though, i don't know about that....you gotta be really really big, so make sure you eat a lot and live at the gym....might take you some time.

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It's funny, go to Italy and the "Guidos" you see there are the suave players dressed in expensive designer clothes driving their porsches and rolling out all the $, the "Guidos" here are maybe actually of Italian heritage, but all have the crazy spikes, FCUK, A/X, or DIESEL threads and rocking the same moves.

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IF YA WANNA BE A GUIDO...here is the best way to achieve your goal.....

A) tape 8 hours of ktu and listen to it over and over again. then go buy some cd's with the same songs and listen to them over again. that should do the trick.

B) now when you go to the club you have got to walk around with your arms slightly exstended from your body with glowsticks in hand.

B1) while using glow sticks make sure to have no flow and whip them around like your beating somebody's ass while hopping in place.

C) make sure your wife beater is clean and tight as all hell.

D) pick on the smaller club kids that can actually dance and actually have rhythm. you know the kids im talkin about...the ones that go for the music and not to take up space with thier coolness.

this should get you well on the way to being a guido. if you still have problems go beat up a couple rave kids and you should be set.

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Originally posted by klohe

It's funny, go to Italy and the "Guidos" you see there are the suave players dressed in expensive designer clothes

I recently just came back from genoa and gia touro (sp?)

It's histericle everyone wears sergio techini (*sp?), I'M TALKING ABOUT EVERYONE! what nike is to america is what sergio techini is to Italy

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Originally posted by mugwump

There seems to be quite a few

of these creatures on this here

board as of late..

And yes it True that there are many

types of life forms that inhabit

clubland of NY but of all the creatures

that I've studies THE GUIDO

(or "Gumba-clubis-no Tshirtus" as it

is also known) has begun to fascinate me

the most.

So Perhaps TECHY-electro-break

Robots aren't

the way to go...

Rethinking my wishes

of becoming a battery

powered sex toy or

trading in my flesh for A.I

I have come up with a better




Can you help me?


Here's what I'm looking for:

*Big spiky hair (bleached

if possible with a complimentary

mustache and sunglasses)

*Muscles that make

me look like I have no neck

so that I can walk around

with no T-shirt on and display

my sexy shaved back stubble..

(as well as take pictures

of myself in front of

a mirror to show the

world how hot I am)

*A primitive dialect

which may consist of:

"Ughhh" or

"Dats da shit ugggh"

as well as:

"Dyyyyammm dat bitchis hot yo!"

*I wanna care more about

How I look and who I'm with

than the music in a club.


am I forgetting anything else?

Can you help me CP?


this was a rhetorical question i suppose....i eman so many threads about guidos i've seen before on here...however it's always a nice and funny topic to re-visit.

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This is one funny thread.

All the Wanna be Guodi's go to SF on Saturday/Sunday morning and walk around like they are the big shit. But the big shit are thier shitty moves on the dance floor/

At Exit one time one of them was trying to dance with me. He has no idea how too so he decided to pick me up like that was dancing/

And they travel in packs.

Although I can't complain a few have been very kind to me.

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