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The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Life is a test many quest the universe

And through my research, I felt the joy and the hurt

The first shall be last and the last shall be first

The basic instructions before leaving earth

Knowledge this wisdom, this goes back when I was twelve

I loved doing right but I was trapped in hell

Had mad ideas, sad eyes and tears

Years of fears, but yo my foes couldn't bear

I searched for the truth since my youth

And went to church since birth, but it wasn't worth the loot

that I was paying, plus the praying

I didn't like staying cuz of busy-bodies and dizzy hotties

That the preacher had souped up with lies

Had me cooped up lookin at loot, butt, and thighs

Durin the service, he swallowed up the poor

And after they heard this, they wallowed on the floor

But I ignored, and explored my history that was untold

And watched mysteries unfold

And dropped a jewel like Solomon, but never followed men

cause if you do your brain is more hollow than

Space oblivia, or the abyss

With no trace of trivia, left with the hiss

Does it pay to be deaf, dumb and blind?

From a slave we was kept from the mind

And from the caves he crept from behind

And what he gave, was the sect of the swine

When the bible, it condemned the pig

I don't mean to pull your hems or flip your wigs

But we used to wear a turban, but now we're in the urban

No more wearing beanies and dress like a genie

No hocus pocus cause I focus on the facts

And put it on the tracks and brought it through the wax

I speak on Jacob, it might take up some time

And too much knowledge, it might break up the ryhme

I did it anyway just to wake up the mind

of those who kiss stones or prays on the carpet

Those who sit home, or sell books by the market

Need to chill and get their mind revived

For years religion did nothing but divide

The basic instructions before leaving earth

I strolled through the books of Job to unfold

And open bibles, instead of hoping on revivals

Calling on His name and screaming hallelujah

when he hardly knew ya, that's how the devil's fooled ya

See look into my eyes brethren, that's the lies of a Reverend

Why should you die to go to heaven?

The Earth is already in space, the bible I embrace

A difficult task I had to take

I studied till my eyes was swollen, and only arose when

I found out that we were the chosen

I deal with the truth, and build with the youth

And teach my son as he kneels on the stoop

Son, life is a pool of sin, corrupted wth foolish men

and women with wicked minds, who build picket signs

to legalize abortion, the evil eye distortion

I quiz Son with my wisdom

Before I converted, I was perverted, and knowledge was asserted

The study of wisdom, I perferred it

The understanding, it gave me mental freedom

I even learnt Caucasians were really the Tribe of Edam

The white image, of Christ, is really Cesare Borgia

and uhh, the second son of Pope Alexander

The Sixth of Rome, and once the picture was shown

That's how the devils tricked my dome

I prophesized to save a man, but no one gave a damn

for my nation - the seed of Abraham

Blessed with the tongue of Hebrew

Now we're strung on needles, and some are plungin evils

So study and be wise in these days of darkness

Peace to my nephew Marcus

The basic instructions before leaving earth

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

The Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth

Life is a test many quest the universe

And through my research, I felt the joy and the hurt

The first shall be last and the last shall be first

The basic instructions before leaving earth

Knowledge this wisdom, this goes back when I was twelve

I loved doing right but I was trapped in hell

Had mad ideas, sad eyes and tears

Years of fears, but yo my foes couldn't bear

I searched for the truth since my youth

And went to church since birth, but it wasn't worth the loot

that I was paying, plus the praying

I didn't like staying cuz of busy-bodies and dizzy hotties

That the preacher had souped up with lies

Had me cooped up lookin at loot, butt, and thighs

Durin the service, he swallowed up the poor

And after they heard this, they wallowed on the floor

But I ignored, and explored my history that was untold

And watched mysteries unfold

And dropped a jewel like Solomon, but never followed men

cause if you do your brain is more hollow than

Space oblivia, or the abyss

With no trace of trivia, left with the hiss

Does it pay to be deaf, dumb and blind?

From a slave we was kept from the mind

And from the caves he crept from behind

And what he gave, was the sect of the swine

When the bible, it condemned the pig

I don't mean to pull your hems or flip your wigs

But we used to wear a turban, but now we're in the urban

No more wearing beanies and dress like a genie

No hocus pocus cause I focus on the facts

And put it on the tracks and brought it through the wax

I speak on Jacob, it might take up some time

And too much knowledge, it might break up the ryhme

I did it anyway just to wake up the mind

of those who kiss stones or prays on the carpet

Those who sit home, or sell books by the market

Need to chill and get their mind revived

For years religion did nothing but divide

The basic instructions before leaving earth

I strolled through the books of Job to unfold

And open bibles, instead of hoping on revivals

Calling on His name and screaming hallelujah

when he hardly knew ya, that's how the devil's fooled ya

See look into my eyes brethren, that's the lies of a Reverend

Why should you die to go to heaven?

The Earth is already in space, the bible I embrace

A difficult task I had to take

I studied till my eyes was swollen, and only arose when

I found out that we were the chosen

I deal with the truth, and build with the youth

And teach my son as he kneels on the stoop

Son, life is a pool of sin, corrupted wth foolish men

and women with wicked minds, who build picket signs

to legalize abortion, the evil eye distortion

I quiz Son with my wisdom

Before I converted, I was perverted, and knowledge was asserted

The study of wisdom, I perferred it

The understanding, it gave me mental freedom

I even learnt Caucasians were really the Tribe of Edam

The white image, of Christ, is really Cesare Borgia

and uhh, the second son of Pope Alexander

The Sixth of Rome, and once the picture was shown

That's how the devils tricked my dome

I prophesized to save a man, but no one gave a damn

for my nation - the seed of Abraham

Blessed with the tongue of Hebrew

Now we're strung on needles, and some are plungin evils

So study and be wise in these days of darkness

Peace to my nephew Marcus

The basic instructions before leaving earth

sorry couldn t read it maaad long b :laugh:
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whether or not we believe in religion, god, etc. it does keep this world in order and brings people together to keep many of us from killing each other.

And yeah, I know some people use religion as an excuse to hate, but their beliefs are distorted; and they are in the minority.

Some people need somethin positive to believe in which give a sense of hope:cool:

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whether or not we believe in religion, god, etc. it does keep this world in order and brings people together to keep many of us from killing each other.
I've heard that cocaine makes people feel damn good about themselves, but so what? There are better, more permanent ways of improving self-esteem than drugs. Religion does offer some positive benefits but you can get all the same positive benefits WITHOUT having to worship a supernatural ghost. And you're wrong about religion bringing people together - that is absolutely incorrect. Religion is THE most divisive concept known to man. Skin color, ethnicity, politics, and nationality have nothing on religion in this regard. What makes religion unique is that REASON just doesn't apply to it, unlike with skin color, ethnicity, politics, and nationality. Religion is based solely on faith, nothing more. There's no reasoning with faith. You're allowed to hate, love, kill, or think based solely on arbitrary interpretations of your religious text of choice. When you're kissing up to the omnipotent overlord of the whole fucking universe then what do you care what mere humans think?

Religion started out as a sincere way of explaining the world in a pre-science world, but it's something we really don't need any more. I have nothing against people that practice religion but I'm sort of offended and confused by why they need to worship sky pixies in order to give their lives meaning. Find meaning someplace else, someplace real. I used to believe in Santa Claus but it's okay to STOP believing in Santa Claus, just live with the fact that your parents bought you those gifts - your world doesn't have to collapse because of one little dispelled myth. Religion is a "crutch for the weakminded" and people need to stop acting like it's a valid worldview. We should all respect and admire religious people that do good in the world, or are at least respectful of other, non-believing people, but at the same time we should work together towards a world where people do good because they WANT to do good, not because they're afraid of Hell.

And yeah, I know some people use religion as an excuse to hate, but their beliefs are distorted; and they are in the minority.
Not true. The people who use it as an excuse to hate would say that they're way of practicing contatins way LESS distortions. Religion has been watered down by political and social changes. If you read the Koran or the Old Testament you'll see that violence is not only tolerated but encouraged.
Some people need somethin positive to believe in which give a sense of hope
I agree with this but there are healthier, more realistic ways of finding hope. Real life is tough and unpredictable, that's just the way it is - accept it then get over it. Using religion to find peace in the world is like giving yourself a lobotomy because your girlfriend is talking too much.
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Originally posted by hitokiri24


i totally understand i hate religion its another name for this werd called politics y do u think we have so much strife in the world today:confused:

i can understand the religion/politics agrument... those are the two worst topics to discuss with someone because conflicting beliefs can cause lots of drama... i have good examples of bad things that have resulted from religious/political disputes, but i'll keep my mouth shut...

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