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Family Question-for those who dont live with the rents

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For those of you who no longer live with your parents:

How often do you talk to them?

How often do you visit?

How much do you tell them about your life?

How often do you ask their advice and for what?

How much financial support do they give you?

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house?

I'm just curious to see what the 'norm' is since I have absolutely no idea.


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How often do you talk to them? never

How often do you visit? never

How much do you tell them about your life? nothing

How often do you ask their advice and for what? never

How much financial support do they give you? none

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 25, 7 years

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How often do u talk to them? considering there back in Ireland my mum mayby 2 times a week my dad 2 times a month he was out to visit 3 weeks ago and my mum was out last summer and i was home for a month last christmas

How often do i visit? Like not very often

How much do u tell them about youre life? Most things

How often do u ask for there advice? Never

How much financial support do they give u? None

How old are u and how long have u been out of the house? Just after turning 26 and i went to a boarding school in Ireland so i've been out of the house since i've been 12

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How often do you talk to them? About twice a week

How often do you visit? I try for one day every other weekend

How much do you tell them about your life? A lot

How often do you ask their advice and for what? Only work related

How much financial support do they give you? My dad always asks if I need $, but I usually don't ask him.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 21/4 yrs

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How often do you talk to them? - Once or twice a day

How often do you visit? - Depending on if they need help, maybe 4 times a week or so ( trust me, its comedy, I'm making good salary and I'm on my way, but I can't seem to escape them . . Its a Jewish thing ;) . . . )

How much do you tell them about your life? - Not much, if anything. Work related stuff I shoot the shit with my dad about everyday.

How often do you ask their advice and for what? - Sometimes, mostly on financial matters (from my dad) and ettiquite (!) (from my Mom)

How much financial support do they give you? - None, I pay them off to stay away from me ;)

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? - 24/ 6 years.

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Originally posted by jimk29

How often do you talk to them? never

How often do you visit? never

How much do you tell them about your life? nothing

How often do you ask their advice and for what? never

How much financial support do they give you? none

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 25, 7 years

same here... except i'm 26 and i've been out of the house for 10 years... sort of why i'm curious about it.

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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

For those of you who no longer live with your parents:

How often do you talk to them?

How often do you visit?

How much do you tell them about your life?

How often do you ask their advice and for what?

How much financial support do they give you?

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house?

I'm just curious to see what the 'norm' is since I have absolutely no idea.


How often do you talk to them?

My mother I try to talk like 2 times a week just to make sure all is well with her...

My father I probably talk to at most about 2 times a month.

How often do you visit?

I visit my mother about once every week. Although they are not always long visits... Sometimes short... But she lives only 5 minutes from my sister so when ever I go to see my God son and my 2 other nephews... I go visit mom... Or she will be at my sisters...

As for my father... He lives a little further than my mother so my visits are alot less frequent...

How much do you tell them about your life?

Not very much... Sometimes I talk about things that are going on. But never about my love life... If I am confused about anything or need advise about certain things in my life it is usually with my sister.

How often do you ask their advice and for what?

On occasion... Again that is for my sister or my friends...

How much financial support do they give you?

Used to help out... But I never ask anymore... Even if I have to struggle I try my best to do it on my own... There will be a slight occasion if an emergency comes up that is bigger than my means... Then I will swallow my pride... Or what ever you may want to call it.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house?

24 Years old... Been on my own for 6 years...


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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

For those of you who no longer live with your parents:

How often do you talk to them?Once every one-two weeks.

How often do you visit? Once or twice a year (they live on East Coast, I live on the West Coast)

How much do you tell them about your life? Not a lot.

How often do you ask their advice and for what?Not often, usually to vent.

How much financial support do they give you?None.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 22, living alone since I was 17.

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For those of you who no longer live with your parents:

How often do you talk to them? hm maybe once a week, or every ohter week

How often do you visit? once every couple months. and when i lived in the same state... every other week

How much do you tell them about your life? hm not that much but just enough ;)

How often do you ask their advice and for what? not really only bc we never see eye to eye

How much financial support do they give you? for the most part, none but "in case of an emergency"

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 25/ 5 years

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How often do you talk to them? maybe once a week

How often do you visit? once every other week, sometimes more if i'm not too busy

How much do you tell them about your life? not a whole lot

How often do you ask their advice and for what? not often, about various things... usually NOT my love life

How much financial support do they give you? dad takes me grocery shoppin sometimes ;)

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 27, been out for 9years BUT they paid my way until i was done w/ undergrad when i was 22

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How often do you talk to them? maybe three times a week

How often do you visit? once or twice a week (they're pretty old so I have to go there to 'carry this' or 'move that'.

How much do you tell them about your life? only what they should hear

How often do you ask their advice and for what? never

How much financial support do they give you? none

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 31 and have been out since college

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How often do you talk to them?

Once or twice a week

How often do you visit? 1-2 times a year...mom lives down south.

How much do you tell them about your life?

Most of it...but nothing that would overly upset them

How often do you ask their advice and for what?

Not too often

How much financial support do they give you?


and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house?


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How often do you talk to them?- I talk to my Mom once every few weeks, my Dad maybe once every other month.

How often do you visit?- rarely; when my Mom was living on LI I was out there basically only for holidays and big family events. Now that she lives upstate, who knows, but it won't be very often. I see my Dad every few months.

How much do you tell them about your life?- Nothing too "personal." My Mom and I get along really well but she still is, after all, my Mom...

How often do you ask their advice and for what?- never

How much financial support do they give you?- well I had to live w/my Mom for 6 months this past year, but other than that, none, although I know that there's always that safety net if I need it.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house?- 27/ it's been 5 yrs (except for that 6 month period mentioned above, and not including college).

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Guest tilly

This pertains to my MOM and not my DAD:

How often do you talk to them? every day at least once if not 5x's

How often do you visit? as often as we both can...we take turns..i go down to Florida, she comes here

How much do you tell them about your life? almost everything!

How often do you ask their advice and for what? all the damn time...for everything!!!

How much financial support do they give you? I get cartons of cigs sent in the mail, some aveda shampoo/conditioner care packages, a hair cut when i go home, a nail salon visit but that's about it..i'm ON MY OWN!

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 29, left for college at 18,moved in with my mom for about a year when i was around 24-25 and been gone since 25 or 26.

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How often do you talk to them? once a week

How often do you visit? once a month

How much do you tell them about your life? everything

How often do you ask their advice and for what? i don't have to ask, they just give it which can sometimes be a bit annoying.

How much financial support do they give you? They haven't supported me since I was 18.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? I'm 23 but I've been out of the house since 18-- went to college, came back and then live with them for a month and then my dad formally kicked me out (on good terms). I was glad to go because it can be too close for comfort. I feel as though I've grown closer to them because I don't see them everyday-- There's just a limit to how much you can depend on your parents...you eventually have to pick yourself up and be an independent person.

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Pertaining to MOM and STEPDAD...

How often do you talk to them? usually about twice a week

How often do you visit? about once a month

How much do you tell them about your life? almost everything

How often do you ask their advice and for what? very rarely for relationship advice but other than that I'm the one in the family who is known to "do things my own way"

How much financial support do they give you? none, aside from all the leftovers I can get my hands on when I visit.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? 27, been solo almost 6 years

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For those of you who no longer live with your parents:

How often do you talk to them? Once a week

How often do you visit? 2 - 3 times a month

How much do you tell them about your life? About 85% of it, my parents are pretty liberal.

How often do you ask their advice and for what? Not much advice, but confirmation on some of my decisions about work and life.

How much financial support do they give you? ZERO. Put myself through college. My father did give me a 6 pack of Pepsi last week, but I don't drink Pepsi.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house? On and off for the last 4 years, due to business travel around the US

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For those of you who no longer live with your parents:

How often do you talk to them? Almost every day. . they worry and shit

How often do you visit? Every Sunday . . .we eat dinner and watch sopranos

How much do you tell them about your life? almost everything. . . have to leave out some stuff

How often do you ask their advice and for what? Whene ever i make a big decision. . i am currently deciding if i should move to vegas or santa barbara, and i like thier input (mommy don't want me to go)

How much financial support do they give you? Some. when needed.

and how old are you/ how long have you been out of the house?just turned 23. I have been on my own since 22 days after i turned 18. I joined the Army stayed for 2 yrs then it's been Apt. hopping.


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