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What Celebrities have you met before or bumped into?

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Yo bitch, Ive met plenty of celebrities. I'm a usual at all the major hip hop parties. Ive not only met but wrote a few spits for DMX, Eminem, and my latest accomplishment has been that new 50 cent song (Wankster), just to name a few. The donkeys are fucking down with everyone. Biootch.

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I have actually met a good amount of celebs....two nights ago myself and dknybabydoll met Kiefer Sutherland outside of MSG ...she'll confirm and also tell you how over-excited she got....never understood why girls get so excited when they meet a celebrity....anyway...in addition to that I met half of the NY Rangers.

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i have actually been lucky enough to not only bump into, but work with new jersey's own......................DJ JOE GIORGIO.................it's like working w/ god let me tell you guys.............hey joe, i'm back from vegas baby, sorry i haven't got back to you, i've been recovering, also caught the flew from some hooker in vegas (joke) oh back to the question.....i've bumped into a few celebs in my time, off the top of my head, i could remember.......puffy, and j. lo, opeing night at exit, also jose canseco was there.............met mostly athletes, can';t forget meeting my idol MICHAEL JORDAN........................and for all that ever bumped into me, i'm a rock star myself!!!!!

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i've met christina rici, mickey mantle, tony siragusa, shannon tweed, barbara bush (the daughter), and i cant think of any more right now, oh and tara reed but i didnt know it was her until after i met her. Funny story, i was in cancun and i see this hot blond girl so i just started talking to her and dancing and i didnt recognize her, so we chatted and danced for a while and i said goodbye and my friend told me it was her. haha, i was like "oh shit!! hahaha" i also met roddigga once and got his autograph and everything. it was sweet.

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Tommy Lee - at a friend's music studio in the city. Very cool, lets have a beer kinda meeting.

Norm from Cheers - at a Rangers game a couple years ago. I seen where he was sitting, bought 2 beers and took one over to him. I introduced myself and said, can I buy you a beer Norm? Handed him a beer, cheers and off I went. The crowd started chanting Norm after that.

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Tommy Lee - at a friend's music studio in the city. Very cool, lets have a beer kinda meeting.

Norm from Cheers - at a Rangers game a couple years ago. I seen where he was sitting, bought 2 beers and took one over to him. I introduced myself and said, can I buy you a beer Norm? Handed him a beer, cheers and off I went. The crowd started chanting Norm after that.

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My BF and I were at Dave and Busters in Philly and met Speedy Claxton (sixers) his rookie year. He bought us a drink and left us all his tickets when he and his entourage left. That was pretty cool.

Oh, and I met John the Stutter (not stuttering John....the guy with the long hair and glasses that stutters bad) at Egypt (of all places....corny) a couple years ago.

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I am old friends with Jay Biggs (from before he F**ked a Pie). He dated one of my good friends in HS for a long time. Funny guy, he actually rode up in the front of the Limo next to our driver on the way to the Prom.

I saw Jessica Biel from 7th Heaven and Commercials shopping in the City

I had dinner with a Few of the NJ Devils at a Charity Event a few years back.

Robin Williams, Lori Petty, & Tim Robins on the set of Caddilac Man (I was an extra)

Coolio when he performed at my college

Adam Sandler at my college

Ruthie & Cyrus from the Real World

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I have met Billy Cosby, Jackie Joyner-Kersy, Flo Jo, John Elway, Phil Simms, Jason Seehorn(sp), Ice T, Staind, Jay from Puddle of Mudd, Deadsy, the bassist from Disturbed, Fred Durhst, Korn, O-Town(Iknow, I know), Nine Days, James G????????i(Tony Soprano), Big Pussy, Jaime Lynn Seigler, Jackie Jr. from Sopranos, John Digweed, and Bad Boy Bill at WMC....I think that's it:D

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Vinny Testervrde, Wayne Chrebet , Keyshawn Johnson, Curtis MAtin and whoel shclew of Jets...

Joe Namath at a charity event i was a DJ at..

My wife taught John Franco's son last year and I met him millions of times, DJed for him and his chairyy events and he hooked us with seats with teh paleyrs family at a game this year.

Adam Graves (Rangers)- Rich Kotite, Kordell Stewart, Bobby Bonilla, Al Lieter, Mayor Giuliani, Joe Causi (KTU), Rosee Odonnell - Mark Whalberg when he was MARKY MARK and the FUNKY BUNCH - New Kids On the Block (Don;t ask)

DOminic Chianese (Uncle Jr) - lived aroudn teh corner from Paulie Walnuts (Sopranos)

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

met percy ellsworth ( when he was on the giants) in a go go bar.

LT and phil simms

bobby valentine

timothy hutton

steve phillips


john franco

mookie wilson

turk wendell

mike piazza

denny tsettos

mark amatucci

mike bugout


and the legendary DJ Marshall Fairbanks

your too funny:hat:

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