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whats the deal with trimpspa?? (magillicuti?)


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Originally posted by joeg

Is trimspa just a glorified version of xenadrine? or what?

xenadrine is like a 3% up in your metabolism... whats trimspa?

(lol, magillicuti, you're the official cp health expert!! i want answers! :tongue: )

. . .thats a damn good question . . . but its just like any other supplement, It requires the coupling of exercize and diet to be effective . . I'm willing to bet that Trimspa is just another Ephidrine knockoff, but who knows . . I'm interested to hear what Magil says . . .

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Originally posted by joeg

yeah, and whats the deal on DTM anyway??? jacking your metabolism 50% sounds really dangerous... like... chris farley style....

is there anyway you can do like 25%???

i would definatley do that.

. . . are you talking about DNP? . . I wsa going to try that, but the side effects were too much to deal with . . I wouldn't have been able to juggle life and that . . cuz it has some serious effects . . You gotta ask others about that though . .theres one person I know who went through a cycle of it . . .

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Originally posted by smokesum

why dont u guys just eat lil less and exercise a lil more?????

if you want lose weight, you need to lose it lil by lil to keep it off.

if we were that strong-willed, don't you think we never would have put on the weight? ;)

no, i agree... you defiantely need to do the whole eatright-excercise thing... but if it can be sped up a little with some drugs... then i'm all for it....

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Originally posted by joeg

if we were that strong-willed, don't you think we never would have put on the weight? ;)

no, i agree... you defiantely need to do the whole eatright-excercise thing... but if it can be sped up a little with some drugs... then i'm all for it....

all those drugs are bad for your heart

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honestly i don't know much about trimspa but all of those products do the same thing. the all contain the ingredient ephidrine (except for some new ephidrine free xenadrine and such which are basically crap).

i honestly don't know much about sort of products. basically they are all the same and all contain the same ingredients. you just have have read the label and see which has more per capsule. like yellow jackets are probably one of the more powerful if not thee most powerful weight loss/energy capsules out there. While hydroxcut and xenadrine are on the weaker side. All of them are most effective when first used and will start to lose their effect after about 3 months. 3 months on/3 months off is what i've heard is best.

so I guess just read the contents. i doubt its just different or better then stacker 2 or whatever that you could pick up at GNC.


for more info on sports supplements :blank:

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I would have to say that all the over the counter, ephedra/ma huang type drugs will have an effect on how much weight you will lose in a shorter period of time than just working out and eating right. You have to start off slowly with them because everyone reacts differently to their effects. I've used hydroxys, xenadrines, yellow jackets, stackers and they all pretty much work the same. They are definitely bad for you but if you have the willpower to go through one cycle with them, take off what you want to take off in conjunction with exercise and diet, then you should be able to keep the weight off, provided that you still execise and eat right to an extent. One of the best ways to take off pounds is to never drink anything but water (save a few cocktails now and then). OK, I'm rambling.


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i had checked out some threads on elitefitness (nice board, btw..) and what i gathered was that trimspa has glucosamine (i hope i didn't fuck that up) which stores extra food as energy instead of fat... its also a fiber that expands to 17 times its original size making you feel full and therefore curbing your appetite...

mag: what do you know about dnp? (btw, sorry to make you the official spokesperson of fitness, but i figured you'd be knowledgable or be able to point me in the right direction)

thanks for all the 411.

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In Sept of 2001 I was between 305 and 310 Lbs... I decieded to go on a " Meal Plan " and Take Hydroxycut... But I was popping 4 Pills 3 times a day... Which is alot... But it did the job... Along with going to the gym... I am now down to 235 Lbs... My lowest weight before my heavy lifting at the gym was 220. But it leaves the question... Was it all the pills or was it all the excersize and dieting... Or a combination of both... Well it has been 2 Months since I had taken the Hydroxycut and I am maintaing my weight of 235. I plan on taking more fat burners starting November and a more strict diet and a different Weight lifting plan to completely throw my body ito shock... Hopefully I can reach my goal of 210- 215 by the summer time...

But I guess what I am trying to say is that the pills seem to work... I lost a total of about 85-90 Lbs in about 9 total months...

I dont know if I am patting myself on the back or giving you any kind of help... Maybe both... But use it any which way you can... Peace...


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Originally posted by joeg

yeah, dnp... lol.... its still morning for me... i'm tired...

what are the side effects... i'm pretty flexible when it comes to that... lol...

do you have to get a prescription for that? or can you just get it?

You cannot get DNP from a doctor. It's on the black market and formerly on the chemical supply market. You can't get it legally because it's been banned. It is literally an explosive if it's in dry form and can explode merely by the impact from a strong shock.

It is EXTREMELY effective, raising metabolism anywhere from 50%-100% and you can potentially melt off a pound a day or every two days.

The primary side effect is an increase in body temperature leading to profuse sweating. In high enough doses 1000mg per day (maybe even lower for some) it can kill you. Not only that, but it's one of the most vile tasting substances you can imagine.

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Originally posted by £ddie

You cannot get DNP from a doctor. It's on the black market and formerly on the chemical supply market. You can't get it legally because it's been banned. It is literally an explosive if it's in dry form and can explode merely by the impact from a strong shock.

It is EXTREMELY effective, raising metabolism anywhere from 50%-100% and you can potentially melt off a pound a day or every two days.

The primary side effect is an increase in body temperature leading to profuse sweating. In high enough doses 1000mg per day (maybe even lower for some) it can kill you. Not only that, but it's one of the most vile tasting substances you can imagine.

wow, if it wasn't such a pain in the ass to get a hold of, i'd probably do it...

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damn...u guys r gona kill yourselves...u dont need pills...

...its all about will. i dropped 30 lbs @ one point in a span of 4 mths..what did i do?....i ate less..and i worked out....it was all about will...i guess i looked like i was on crack so i gained back some of it.......

here's the deal with cutting back on food.....ur first day is a killer...u wana eat something so bad...2nd day is almost the same...by ur 4th to 5th day ur indifferent about eating...i remember that at one point i would eat , not because i was hungry , but because i knew i HAD to eat or id die.

the biggest problem with obesity is that people eat not only when theyre hungry...but whenever the opportunity comes around.

here's some things i noticed...

tea kills hunger...i duno y..but after i drink some tea..im not hungry

have u ever seen a fat lion? of course not..and keep in mind these arent the most active animals in the world...their secret is that they dont mix protein and carbs...they eat straight up protein. so what im saying is ..if ur gona eat a meal..try to make it an all protein meal..or even an all carb meal(even though all carbs is worse) ...

Atkins Diet- it works...and it works fast...

Pills- they help u lose weight..but fuck u up at the same time..they make u nervous as fuck...and fidgetty...

seltzer water - if u wana lose weight..rock some of this shit when u feel hunger...it makes u feel bloated....therefore tricking ur body into believing its full

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