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Was anyone here ever a Cub Scout or Boy Scout?


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. . . Its been years, but yeah I was a boyscout . . I actually learned some useful stuff about the wilderness and how to survive in it . . . Actually Mike, it was a pretty fulfilling thing if you were willing to get into it . . Instilled a sense of discipline and duty to be fair to others moreso than anything else . . . ya know? . . . :aright: . .

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...i was a boyscout...never made it to Eagle scout...but got pretty far...have to say it was quite a learning experience....leadership, responsibility, teamwork...etc...i could go on...it's too bad the way the scouts have been marred by recent problems...no regrets though...more kids need to be involved in programs such as scouting...teaches you a lot about life...including respect...

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Originally posted by quoth


Hey Quoth.. STFUâ„¢ cause I was a girl scout for like 2 years..

BTW -- on a side note.. I hope everything worked out for you and your friend on Friday.. sorry I couldn't be more of help.. :(

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Bla...Im actually an Eagle Scout.

And worked for the boy scouts of america for two summers

as a camp councelor. I taught archery, althetics, persnoal fitness, and co-instructed rifle and shotgun shooting.

I dont care how gay anyone thinks scouting is...I got some major tail those summers and had the time of my life....scouting rules....but freezing your ass off in a tent does blow ill admit....but making a bonfire the sun envys... more then makes up for it :D

Id do it again in a heartbeat....I actually got an offer last year to co-run a year round camp upstate...still considering it.


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i was a boy scout for one summer

one weekend, they dropped us off individually with no food in different parts of this forest and we had to build our own shelters and spend a day and nite there by ourself. kinda fucked up now that i think about it since i was only 12, but i guess now i know that i'd be able to survive if i ever get lost coming home from one of my midnite satanic gatherings in the woods. ;)

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Originally posted by quoth


i remember i had a friend who was and he sort of convinced me to do it.

so i remember getting home and asking my dad:

me: "hey dad can i ask you something"

dad: "the fuck do you want??"

me: "can i be a boy scout?"

dad: "what the fuck!!!! boy scout's for fucking fags you fucking idiot! now shut the fuck up go back outside and play ball and lemme finish my beer in peace goddammit!"

i guess that was the end of me being a boy scout.

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The girlscout and faimly camp a half mile away...duh!

Friggen horses though would always cause a ruckus

the damn stables were next to the girls cabins

and the horses would go bonkers every time we went on a "pantie raid" ...damn that was good fun.

I dont kow how they spent a whole summer in the land of horseflies as big as grapes.

aahh dont listen to me...just blabering about good times.


Originally posted by unconnected


i got rejected for eagle scout because im an atheist.


and gothzane i wont ask where you get tail from in a summer camp full of teenage boys. ;)

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i was a brownie when i was little...the cookies were the best part! even then i was obsessive complusive about things...i had to sell the most cookies...i dont kno why, but i did. and then i remember complaining that i had to deliver all of them when they came in. wat the hell was wrong w/ me?!! haha :rolleyes:

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