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Christina Aguilera

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Hmm.. ok.. I'm a little slow when it comes to MTV and shit like that.. people were posting when the video for "Dirrty" first came out, they were posting pictures of what she was wearing and shit.. and I was like: whatever.

But I was flipping thru the channels sometime in the beginning of last week, and I happened to see the whole video for her song..

OMFG! :drool: Her dancing is absolutely *drool* crazy! :eek: I'm suddenly like obsessed.. anyone who talks to me online knows how I'm like sweatin' her moves.. I have GOT to figure out how to dance like Christina.. :D

I always thought she was so much better than Britney Spears and Mandy Moore and all them other girls as far as voice goes because she has a beautiful voice.. but now she tears them all apart.. Britney has some moves but she CANNOT dance like Christina does.. Britney Spears just doesn't have the attitude that Christina has to dance the way she does.

So basically to sum it all up.. Christina Aguilera - 1, all them other pop girls - 0.. :eek:

I know, I'm weird.. but I had to post about it.. :laugh:

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Originally posted by codica3

Hmm.. ok.. I'm a little slow when it comes to MTV and shit like that.. people were posting when the video for "Dirrty" first came out, they were posting pictures of what she was wearing and shit.. and I was like: whatever.

But I was flipping thru the channels sometime in the beginning of last week, and I happened to see the whole video for her song..

OMFG! :drool: Her dancing is absolutely *drool* crazy! :eek: I'm suddenly like obsessed.. anyone who talks to me online knows how I'm like sweatin' her moves.. I have GOT to figure out how to dance like Christina.. :D

I always thought she was so much better than Britney Spears and Mandy Moore and all them other girls as far as voice goes because she has a beautiful voice.. but now she tears them all apart.. Britney has some moves but she CANNOT dance like Christina does.. Britney Spears just doesn't have the attitude that Christina has to dance the way she does.

So basically to sum it all up.. Christina Aguilera - 1, all them other pop girls - 0.. :eek:

I know, I'm weird.. but I had to post about it.. :laugh:

you are so fuckin right!!

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Originally posted by codica3

Wow.. look at this sexy piece.. :drool:


ok i hate to admit it, but she looks hot there... i like her makeup... her face is kinda busted... maybe if she took that shit out of her chin and put a smaller stud in her nose... idk, whatever, she looks hot in that pic... :D

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i hate to go against the majority here but cmon now we all know who rules....and that would ms bugout herself...britany

Do u remember like a year and half ago when britany was 'fed up with all the pop bs and wanted to be the real her"? Umm...yeah we've seen this same blueprint before only minus the disgusting stud in her chin and nose...

Dont get me wrong, Christina is hot, much hotter than before and she has some snazzy moves and no way would i kick her outta bed BUT

Britany's got it by far....

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

i hate to go against the majority here but cmon now we all know who rules....and that would ms bugout herself...britany

Do u remember like a year and half ago when britany was 'fed up with all the pop bs and wanted to be the real her"? Umm...yeah we've seen this same blueprint before only minus the disgusting stud in her chin and nose...

Dont get me wrong, Christina is hot, much hotter than before and she has some snazzy moves and no way would i kick her outta bed BUT

Britany's got it by far....

the man knows what he's tlaking about...:stupid: i thought the same thing when christina came out with the "real" her... we all know sex sells and apparently so do britney and now "xtina" as she calls herself... but no matter what she does, britney will always have her beat :aright:

and zeeker, yeah, madonna is hot and still has a strong career... let's see if present day teen pop icons will still be around in 20 years...

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

i hate to go against the majority here but cmon now we all know who rules....and that would ms bugout herself...britany

Do u remember like a year and half ago when britany was 'fed up with all the pop bs and wanted to be the real her"? Umm...yeah we've seen this same blueprint before only minus the disgusting stud in her chin and nose...

Dont get me wrong, Christina is hot, much hotter than before and she has some snazzy moves and no way would i kick her outta bed BUT

Britany's got it by far....

I'm going to have to disagree my dear because Christina beats out Ms. Spears for at least 3 reasons.. #1 --> I know you're an advocate of good music and good voices.. Christina's voice is 10x better than Britney's.. it's so much more powerful and her octaves and voice range are soo much more expansive.. #2 --> Britney is definitely a cutie.. but she's missing something that makes her like sexy ass hot.. I dunno how to describe it exactly but I feel like she's missing something.. something that Christina found that brings her away from her little, cute soda pop girl image.. and last but not least #3 --> I'm a huge fan of how a person can move on the dance floor.. and Britney has impressed me with a couple of her videos.. but NONE of them compare to the moves Christina busts out in Dirrty.. ;)


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some good points u make cody butttttt

last i checked the better voice doesnt necessarily make u sexier, u didnt see me tryin to jump the widelife singer friday and her voice was amazing (i had to hold back :D )

If u wanna see sex appeal maybe u should rewind to the Im a slave video...before Christina decided to get 'dirty' Britany was all sweaty, sexy and sensual dancing in front of mirrors and getting off to her own image...:drool:

Also....Ms Britany is the trendsetter....lets not forget who made it sexy to wear your catholic schoolgirl uni out in public once again (a trend that is still going 3 yrs later may i add)...Personally as much as i'd like to see girls rollin out in panties and chaps to clubs and bars, i dont see it happening.

The only bad thing now is that Britany is taking some time off so Christina is gonna shine for the next few months and anyone attempting to enter this debate late is obviously gonna forget about Britany since the public's short term memory seems to last about 2 weeks at best....

Again dont get it twisted, Like dee said 3x I'd pounce on Christina in a second, but leave me with a choice btw the 2 and its britany...

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

If u wanna see sex appeal maybe u should rewind to the Im a slave video...before Christina decided to get 'dirty' Britany was all sweaty, sexy and sensual dancing in front of mirrors and getting off to her own image...:drool:

I agree with you completely..... :aright:

One thing that really annoys me about this whole topic is... Britney and Christina are two completely different artists. But yet they are constantly thrown into the same category (along with Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson)......

Yeah so they came out around the same time, are young, and have blonde hair.... :blank:

I like both of them for different reasons because, they are, in fact DIFFERENT artists.... Comparisons between the two of them is pointless to me.

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

some good points u make cody butttttt

last i checked the better voice doesnt necessarily make u sexier, u didnt see me tryin to jump the widelife singer friday and her voice was amazing (i had to hold back :D )

If u wanna see sex appeal maybe u should rewind to the Im a slave video...before Christina decided to get 'dirty' Britany was all sweaty, sexy and sensual dancing in front of mirrors and getting off to her own image...:drool:

Also....Ms Britany is the trendsetter....lets not forget who made it sexy to wear your catholic schoolgirl uni out in public once again (a trend that is still going 3 yrs later may i add)...Personally as much as i'd like to see girls rollin out in panties and chaps to clubs and bars, i dont see it happening.

The only bad thing now is that Britany is taking some time off so Christina is gonna shine for the next few months and anyone attempting to enter this debate late is obviously gonna forget about Britany since the public's short term memory seems to last about 2 weeks at best....

Again dont get it twisted, Like dee said 3x I'd pounce on Christina in a second, but leave me with a choice btw the 2 and its britany...

Hehe.. I never said a beautiful, powerful voice made someone sexier.. I just pointed out that Christina has a much better voice than Britney does in my 3 part list of reasons why I think Christina is better.. I personally think Christina is sexier because she looks sexier and Britney still has that semi-little girl look to her.. but no one can win on an argument based on who looks better because that all comes down to personal preference at the end..

Britney looks damn good in her "Slave 4 You" video --> I LOVE her outfits in that video and her dancing is superb.. however.. she still isn't moving the way Christina is. :drool: Even if Britney IS a trendsetter, a lot of it comes down to other things like management and that stuff.. there are artists who are extremely popular because of the way they are promoted and put out there, but that doesn't necessarily mean they are the most talented. Some of the most talented people aren't anywheres near as big as Britney Spears and 'N Sync and all them just because they are promoted differently in the market and all have different business and management going on.. so being the first to do something doesn't necessarily make you more talented. So with the whole "shining in the public's eyes" aspect --> I think that has to do more with marketing than with talent. Pop artists are so successful because of their management and the market for teeny bopper music.. meanwhile there are thousands of other non-famous people who can sing and dance just as well but didn't get lucky.

I think you're just more swayed by Britney's looks versus Christina's looks in this battle of who is better. :tongue: Because I'm sure you're not more interested in pouncing Britney because she's more talented. ;)

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Originally posted by mystify82281

One thing that really annoys me about this whole topic is... Britney and Christina are two completely different artists. But yet they are constantly thrown into the same category (along with Mandy Moore and Jessica Simpson)......

Yeah so they came out around the same time, are young, and have blonde hair.... :blank:

I like both of them for different reasons because, they are, in fact DIFFERENT artists.... Comparisons between the two of them is pointless to me.

they're the same. They have pretty faces and decent voices and have been taught a thing or two about how to dance. I wouldn't go as far as to say they are 'artists'. I think performer is a better word.

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