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Your end of the year top DJ list....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

After doing some reevaluating and after i've seen a million djs (thanks miami) here is the offcial Saleen351 INC. DJ list:

*warning, i reserve the right to speak my mind and be honest, if you don't like it, then go fuck yourself.

1. Picotto- Saw him twice, and I have all his sets. He is simply the best DJ in the world hands down. No one can touch him. Though I'd like space to step up and book him on a saturday and give the masses a taste of the lizard... We have a saying around here at Saleen351 INC; if MP is not in your top 5, then you don't know shit about music.

2. I had to suddenly rush back to NJ for my grandma dieing. And when i was up there I got back to my roots. DJ Denny TSettos! WOW! I've seen DT at so many clubs, and there is a age old argument that DT is only at his best in Temps. Well thats wrong, in any club he is the man, but Temps has the crowd and the atmosphere that only a club space could only dream of. Bar far not one dj in south florida can run with him with mixing, and acapellas, layering except stryke.

3. Deep Dish- I don't get to see them that often, but when I do, they are insane. I can't get enough of their style. They were made for space. And we need to have them back here once a month! Plus they are the duo that no one knows what they are playing. People take months to id their sets, whereas most djs sets are ided in 1 day.

4. Stryke- Simply the best technical dj in south florida. No one comes close to his skills. Even the 15 mins i heard of his set while i was on the street in front of space sounded great. This guy needs a home, and i'm not talking about space throwing him a bone every now and then. God knows their aint' room for og roland and greg, so bring him to maze and let the two clubs battle it out. Greg will be "The Miami" dj some day.

5. OG+Roland tie for last place.

When i got here in march, roland was a nice kid spining records. And i've seen him progress into a real dj. Hes just found his zone and he goes with it. No one opens up for DJs better then him, and i'd say a few times, people didn't want the dj to come on. It sucks he has to give cheeselini the decks at 6am. Too bad, we'd stay longer if they let him spin longer.

oscar- he was higher on my list, but i had to drop him down a few notches. His flat our refusal to play vocals is killing me. And classics. Hes not as fresh as he use to be. I'm not saying he is complacent, or lazy, jut he needs to change it up a bit. With lawler and stephan playing very simular sets, it gets tired sum.. I know I know I know, here comes all the, at 6am he plays different, well give us patio whores and early crowd a change to hear something special.... I've only seen the guy 50 times and never once heard any of these so called, rock, and freestyle sets that so many speak of.

Though I have a feeling on tuesday i'll get to hear a different og since he is playing outside space.

Best raw talent, ive seen this year, was the two guys at BAR in lauderdale... They need a patio shot, and will rock that place...

Overrated of the year:

any trance dj

and Danny T< shut the fuck up and push play, i don't want a speech or a lecture, my college days are over, you fucking tool box... waste of money if you ask me. Though you can tell the boy has got skills, but after his Hunka Bunka comment, I say FUCK EM!

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Good post Saleen

I think your right on.

Except for your #2, but I have never heard him.

I can't understand how you and every one else on the NJ and lots on the NY board loves this guy soooooooooooooo much but SPACE will not give him a shot on the Patio :confused::blown:

so this is my list

1. MP

2. Deep Dish

3. Anthony PaPPA

4. Stryke

5. OG & Roland

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by thehog

Good post Saleen

I think your right on.

Except for your #2, but I have never heard him.

I can't understand how you and every one else on the NJ and lots on the NY board loves this guy soooooooooooooo much but SPACE will not give him a shot on the Patio :confused::blown:

spaces former booking agent went to HS with denny. So LP (who really calls the shots) got some bad advice. Quote from Lps mouth" i heard all they play on the nj shore is cheese"

Temps is top 3 club in America. And for the summer its number 1.

The two states with the most discretionary income (ny & nj) they just don't cater to that crowd. I've never figured it out. I'm not one of these trance faggots say book so and so for 85k a night. Every dj i poposed to play down here is under 5k, most around 2k and only one in the bunch is JP which is probaly under 7k...

Space books names not djs..

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-Sasha and Digweed (just for their party during WMC '02)

-Deep Dish (like Saleen said, very unpredictable and great sets)

-DHM (always rockin' the house)

-Oscar G (owns Space) and Roly (impressive as of late)

-Dave Seaman (great sets, during WMC 02 at Billboard and at Crobar)


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by laliux

-Sasha and Digweed (just for their party during WMC '02)

-Deep Dish (like Saleen said, very unpredictable and great sets)

-DHM (always rockin' the house)

-Oscar G (owns Space) and Roly (impressive as of late)

-Dave Seaman (great sets, during WMC 02 at Billboard and at Crobar)


i heard a rumor that seaman might get the nyc crobar job, but with sasha moving there who knows....

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Since I'm not out every single weekend, I guess I will rate my best DJ's sets (or nights) of the past year:

1.) Oscar G/Roland - just about everytime I've heard them

2.) Tiesto - not this last time, but the time before - it was insane

3.) Deep Dish

4.) Able @ Crobar a few months ago

5.) Timo Maas @ Crobar WMC

That's the top 5 in my book. Unless I think of another set later..


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1. Lee Burridge His sets are always great amd full of new and obscure tracks.

2. Danny Howells, What can i say howells is and underrated DJ for his Talent. All the times that i've heard him he has been great, and listenning to some of his older sets. i'm amazed why he isn't a lot more popular.

3. James Zabiela, the 23 year old Boy wonder, "the boy like" his recorded sets are great, full of energy, his own funky sound, but last time @ crobar was lacking a lot of that.

4. Layo & Bushwacka, I still haven't heard them live, but all their sets that i've heard are Amazing, great programming and great mixing.

5. Jody Wisternoff, After last night @ lola, i'm amazed. Wicked set, Breaks, Prog, some old school stuff. I wish i could get to hear him more often.

6. Chris AKA Calix, well those of you who have heard him spin might know what i'm talking about. Chris needs that little push to break out. His Mixes have been Amazing and the people that have heard his stuff, have asked me if he mixes it, electronically.

Come on Chris i know you're busy and all, i'm still waiting for the September, October, November Promos, or just a really really good set.

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In no order

Danny Howells - from full on tribal assaults, to 80s remixes, this guy does it all.

James Zabelia - Good technical guy, love the looping and scratch effects.

Oscar G - Finally, our local gets some well-deserved recognition!

Greg "Stryke" - Stanton should have him as their ad-man, he can mix the old and the new, and goes quite beyond the term "DJ".

Edgar - still going strong, one of the few trance DJs I like...even though he can do way more than trance...give him a chance :)

Roland - Watch him in 2003. I've had the opportunity to work closely with him in the past few months as his photographer, and have been privileged to watch his style develop. Can hold down any room in Space.

Sander Kleinenberg - Non-stop energetic style kept me awake all night @ crobar

Lee Burridge - woah, has a good variety, but keeps it slick.

Steve Lawler - drums and more...kicks ass outdoors.

Pete Tong - shut up, he's really fucking good.

Ariel Baund - His day is coming...2003 is his banner year.

Luis Diaz - I wish he'd move back to Miami.

Jimmy T. - watch out for this one!

Utah Saints - old school during WMC :) I had a cool WMC moment with them it was funny.

Craig Demo - hehe he can read my mind for tracklistings.

DJFX - the one reason I can tolerate breaks nowadays

Sean - RITM's new touring partner (let's hope!)

Honorable mentions to Louis (Spacious), Digital 7, Chris, Ronny at Spin, and all the other upcoming DJs I've heard this year :)

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Guys, how can you forget about all the "good" DJs on Miami's pirate radio stations? Seriously, this city is notorious for the amount of pirates that its flooded with...Anyone ever listened to the way they constantly talk over the entire songs (its usually the same 5 Hip Hop or Reggae songs)?

So...the top 5 sets from pirate DJs are

1) I'm such a playa b/c I got 15 messages on my answering machine last night

2) I better not catch you guys with my woman again you heard me? Go run a train on some other chicken head

3) We got a white girl on the line, whats up white girl?

4) Dont forget about the party we throwin down tonight, make sure the Five-O aint on yo back aight? hoody hoo!

5) Yo yo yo this station is tha bomb, phat phat phat phat record right here...Damn this stuff I'm smokin is good...

Funny thing is, NWA used to have these hillarious parodies of what a pirate station would sound like and boy were they right...

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What did you want us to say? If we were to follow your train of thought.

Jonathan Peters

Junior Vasquez

Denny Tsettos

would make up our lists. Even though I'm in New York as I type this, I haven't been exposed to the 3 above except for an hour or so of JV, which doesn't stand out enough in my head to comment on...even though I've heard mainly bad things about all three (JP merely takes the anthems from the other NY DJs like Tenaglia, Junior's supposed to be a bitch, and Denny is NJ cheese..), I'm willing to give them a shot...

Unoriginal, I doubt it though...most people on here were quite original, are you just pissed we didn't include your favorites? This thread was for people's favorites, not 'let's all agree with andrewthomas'...

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

What did you want us to say? If we were to follow your train of thought.

Jonathan Peters

Junior Vasquez

Denny Tsettos

would make up our lists. Even though I'm in New York as I type this, I haven't been exposed to the 3 above except for an hour or so of JV, which doesn't stand out enough in my head to comment on...even though I've heard mainly bad things about all three (JP merely takes the anthems from the other NY DJs like Tenaglia, Junior's supposed to be a bitch, and Denny is NJ cheese..), I'm willing to give them a shot...

Unoriginal, I doubt it though...most people on here were quite original, are you just pissed we didn't include your favorites? This thread was for people's favorites, not 'let's all agree with andrewthomas'...




Just speaking from a technical perspective, JP, D tsettos, Jr, would run circles around the miami folk.... except greg.....

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Well, what I was getting at was AT just seemed to be pissed that no one mentioned his favorites or something. I can't honestly pass judgment on JP, Denny or JV because I haven't had enough exposure to them...


Though I give you credit for at least being honest.

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Here's mine, in terms of live performances...

Roland - There's no one that listens to his stuff more than I do, yet he some how manages to pull off the most amazing sets whether it be on cd or live week in & week out- always impressing me. Incredible at programming, his sets flow like running water. Versatility like no other local. My musical soul mate I guess, & I believe in him more than anyone. He's gonna be a star one day.

Oscar G - This guy can make people on wheel chairs get up dance & jump around. Watching him work in the booth humbles me. I don't think anyone does it better (except maybe cox). When he's on, I just sit back in awe & smile like a kid in a candy store, while my girl hops around the room like a rabbit. She just can't get enough...

Carl Cox - only get to see him during WMC, 2 words- Fucking Amazing!! His basslines find their way to my heart & pump the rhythm to my feet...

Danny Howells - incredible @ any venue!! Mixes up genres soo smooth, you don't feel it coming till it hits you smac in the face with a smile...

Deep Dish - together they are unstoppable. They work soo well & compliment each other like no other duo. They set the tone & keep you into it all night.

Mauro Picotto- Energy.. There's just something about his techno WOW!!

Steve Lawler - Deserves highest honors for his Sunrise Set on the Patio. His best set to date in my opinion. Sounded soo Good out there- that set truly blew me away. Always sounds great on CD... his music makes for great sex.;)

Thats all folks...

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Originally posted by pod

Well, what I was getting at was AT just seemed to be pissed that no one mentioned his favorites or something. I can't honestly pass judgment on JP, Denny or JV because I haven't had enough exposure to them...


Though I give you credit for at least being honest.

ok i named 1 new york dj all the others are world wide

so first of u dont know mt train of thought 95% of you here havent even heard the type of music im into its too good for the softies down here

but comeonn

howells? <<old news

deep dish?<<gone with the wind

James Zabelia?<<same style as everyone else

Lee Burridge?<<blaa

wheres my bed these guys make me sleepy

as you would be called in sports"FRONTRUNNERS"

find someone unique already


JP doesnt have residency at the biggest club in the united states for no reason.. well respected by EVERY dj. ask ur very own locals like OG and Edgar and see what they have to say.

junior? well i dont know i only heard him a hand full of times hes to bitchy for me tsettos well maybe from jersey but good as they come

i think u should take all the money u make takin pictures and go on a vacation in ny and go see these djs in thier HOME lands and you tell me the vibe u get..

ill buy u that camara you want if u dont wanna stay there and never come back

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