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You think this guy is serious?


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If I looked like that, I'd probably want to enforce those things too...

For real though, it cracks me up when people are like "I support the death penalty especially as punishment for abortion".

Uhmmmm okay so it's not okay to kill babies but it *is* okay to kill adults cause my law says so. Mmmmmkayyyyy....

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:eek: These folks are very real and quite serious about their fanatical beliefs - And you thought we had problems in the Middle East!

These good ol boys would have women right where women are in many countries: SLAVES. Minorities would be a close 2nd on their lists and let's just throw the Bill of Rights and the whole US Constitution out the window! :rolleyes::mad:

And of course, COLOR=red]DO IT ALL IN THE NAME OF GOD!!!! <good grief>:bigfinge:

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Originally posted by dialectics

dear god i hope this guy is not serious. the only other possible explanation for this atrocity is that his mom damaged his developing brain during a botched coat-hanger abortion.

And besides, do you guys know what project eschelon actually IS??????

Surprise me.

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eschelon is the fed's comprehensive program for monitoring phone calls. The details of the system are pretty much a gray haze, it is at least a combination of three things:

1) a satellite orbiting synchronously with geostationary communications satellites to intercept international calls being forwarded through the system.

2) integrating intercepted satellite communications with communications intercepted from a variety of methods on ground/overseas communication lines

3) software which attempts to transcribe your conversations, look for keywords and "flag" communications which contain the keyword. If you think i'm paranoid, just look at the numbers: DARPA (defense department advanced research projects) has funneled over 100 million dollars into research into speech recognition on users for which the system has not been explicitly trained and under heavy noise. STATE OF THE ART speech recognition under those conditions is at 70% WER (word error rate), which is not enough to accurately transcribe conversations, but enough to spot keywords and highlight suspicious conversations for further investigation.

in the so-called war against terrorism, privacy is one of the casualties.

more information:

ACLU's Echelon Watch: http://www.echelonwatch.org

European Union investigation into Echelon (warning - very long but explains a whole lot of everything): http://cryptome.org/echelon-ep-fin.htm

Lets play a little game - try and spoof Echelon into obsolescence: http://www.agitprop.org.au/echelon.htm

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