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OK!!! Who else wants to get there BOOBS done!!


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whats so bad about small boobs?? i think small boobs can be just as attractive and sexy as big boobs. why does everyone feel like they need big boobs to be self confident? be who you are. who cares what people think. why worry about people wanting you for your boobs? in reality, big boobs arent gonna make you feel good about yourself.. that has to come from inside your mind. idk. i guess if you hate something about youself change it, that is what technology is for but if you are comfortable with yourself and small, dont feel like you need big boobs to be hotter... i know so many guys who say small & real is better than big and fake. i also know a lot of guys who think big boobs are sloppy and gross. to each his own.

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Originally posted by somebitch

whats so bad about small boobs?? i think small boobs can be just as attractive and sexy as big boobs. why does everyone feel like they need big boobs to be self confident? be who you are. who cares what people think. why worry about people wanting you for your boobs? in reality, big boobs arent gonna make you feel good about yourself.. that has to come from inside your mind. idk. i guess if you hate something about youself change it, that is what technology is for but if you are comfortable with yourself and small, dont feel like you need big boobs to be hotter... i know so many guys who say small & real is better than big and fake. i also know a lot of guys who think big boobs are sloppy and gross. to each his own.

mmmmm i love a nice B cup maybe even a C but they have to be natural. stay natural hun ur perfect

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Originally posted by somebitch

whats so bad about small boobs?? i think small boobs can be just as attractive and sexy as big boobs. why does everyone feel like they need big boobs to be self confident? be who you are. who cares what people think. why worry about people wanting you for your boobs? in reality, big boobs arent gonna make you feel good about yourself.. that has to come from inside your mind. idk. i guess if you hate something about youself change it, that is what technology is for but if you are comfortable with yourself and small, dont feel like you need big boobs to be hotter... i know so many guys who say small & real is better than big and fake. i also know a lot of guys who think big boobs are sloppy and gross. to each his own.


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Originally posted by nifer

if you think you need to undergo major cosmetic surgery just so you can feel good about yourself, you need to be seeing a different kind of doctor (read: shrink).

amen to that!!!!!

2 of my ex's had implants....i even went with one when she had them done...needless to say the operation was kinda disturbing...and the pain and misery she felt for days afterwards was mind boggling. ive become an expert on implants since then.

personally, i could care less about boobie sizes (im a booty guy), if anything i prefer them on the smaller side.

if any girl is seriously considering it i recommend to a.) wait 6 motnhs to a year and see if u still want them then, and b.) do your research about them, know the possible side-effects (there are quite a few)

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Originally posted by somebitch

whats so bad about small boobs?? i think small boobs can be just as attractive and sexy as big boobs. why does everyone feel like they need big boobs to be self confident? be who you are. who cares what people think. why worry about people wanting you for your boobs? in reality, big boobs arent gonna make you feel good about yourself.. that has to come from inside your mind. idk. i guess if you hate something about youself change it, that is what technology is for but if you are comfortable with yourself and small, dont feel like you need big boobs to be hotter... i know so many guys who say small & real is better than big and fake. i also know a lot of guys who think big boobs are sloppy and gross. to each his own.

A-FUCING-MEN!! I HAVE SMALL BOOBS & IM DAMN PROUD!! :tongue: ....Of course I've always said "I would look better with bigger boobs" But I would never get them done...TOO MANY things go wrong during that surgery (a friends mother lost an implant in her armpit & the doctors still dont know where it is :confused: )....& second of all....Getting implants doesn't boost confidence...It's a false sense of confidence b/c your only getting attention b/c of your huge jugs...which is negative attention & for those who like that GO KILL YOURSELF!!...If you can be happy & confident with the way you are....your sexier than any implant infested attention whore!! :tongue:

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Amen to Somebitch and Sweetie... confidence in who you are is way sexier than a set of huge plastic tits. How old are you Angelicious? When I was younger I wanted them too. Do research, decide for yourself if your idea of "perfection" is worth the risk, because there are a lot of risks involved. And not just with surgery-related complications, but you have no idea how the breasts will look until they've healed. They could settle into a weird position, get hard (fairly common), and even when they heal fine they don't feel anything like a regular breast. On top of that, most guys don't even like breast implants (and nearly all of them definitely prefer natural breasts, even if they're small), and don't exactly look at women with huge, obviously fake breasts, in the best of lights.

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I dont have the biggest boobs either and of course have thought about getting them but would never. And the funny thing is I will talk about getting them and my boyfriend tells me I am fine just the way I am (although if he told me to get them or I needed them, he would get a kick in the ass)- hee, hee. It's funny cause my friend has huge boobs (that are real) and will always make comments about small boobs and it gets annoying, like she is special cause she has big boobs. I definitely agree that you should be happy with what you have. There are worse things in the world!

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Originally posted by lollib

I dont have the biggest boobs either and of course have thought about getting them but would never. And the funny thing is I will talk about getting them and my boyfriend tells me I am fine just the way I am (although if he told me to get them or I needed them, he would get a kick in the ass)- hee, hee. It's funny cause my friend has huge boobs (that are real) and will always make comments about small boobs and it gets annoying, like she is special cause she has big boobs. I definitely agree that you should be happy with what you have. There are worse things in the world!

Took the words right out of my mouth.

I'm a full b and always wanted to be bigger. So I told my boyfriend that I wanted to get them done and he tells me to wait on the idea for at least 1 year to see how I feel after that. In that time, 2 of my friends had theirs done and on the one they look so good. The other did not settle as well. They sit really high up and look really fake, too fake. No to mention all the pain after the operation they were in. I would think long and hard about it before you get it done.

Just my 2 cents :)

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angelicious you have nice boobies:) just be happy you have as much as you have.. but hey if you want them.. i am of course all for it:) small boobies or big ones.. everyone should do whatever they feel is going to make them happy.. i got so much flack for getting them.. but i don't see those people complaining now! i love mine.. worth every penny and pain:) if you get them you should go to christinas doc!!

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Dani, your boobs look really nice.

Alot of my friends have them done and they look great!!! and its not like they just got it, its been like 5 or 6 yrs and they still look good. I seen all those ugly photos and stuff and I still want them done. I researched and researched, I know one of the doctors personally, and the doctors I look at are known and expensive. You pay for what you get.

I will let you all know what happens when I get them done, it will be in like 2 mths or less. Cant wait. My boyfriend says he loves me the way I am and is kinda pissed, but this is something I REALLY want.

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The thing about getting boobs for confindence is that it's everywhere! it's too bad thats the way it is. my boyfriend gets all kinds of mags with naked women baring there chests. He always looks at them and then at me, I who have small breast, then feel NOT sexy. I hate that. Mags make guys think all women should look like that. You sometimes feel you need some sort of fake device for someone to find oyu hot. I'm not saying I feel that way all the time, but I can symapathize with the girls that do.

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Originally posted by detroitdancer

Mags make guys think all women should look like that.

See now, that's not true... the media makes WOMEN feel like all women need to look that way. It's our self-esteem that they poke holes in. Most guys, however, know the difference between mags and reality, and prefer the variety provided by real life. There are guys who are complete assholes and will compare you to some airbrushed, augmented two-dimensional image (I lived with someone like that), but *BOYS* like that are immature losers who aren't worth the time of day.

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Originally posted by tastyt

See now, that's not true... the media makes WOMEN feel like all women need to look that way. It's our self-esteem that they poke holes in. Most guys, however, know the difference between mags and reality, and prefer the variety provided by real life. There are guys who are complete assholes and will compare you to some airbrushed, augmented two-dimensional image (I lived with someone like that), but *BOYS* like that are immature losers who aren't worth the time of day.

A girl I know posed for stuff. When I saw her pictures I could not even recognize her. I'm dying to see what a good photographer, lots of makeup and some airbrushing could do for me!

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