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Someone put G or SOME shit in my drink yesterday.....

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All I know is that I was at a club. Dancing and having a good time. I can't remember being offered a drink or anything, I just remember chilling and having fun one minute, and then going outside after the place closed. I was in a Jeep with a few other girls I had met at the club, and these guys were in the front. For some reason, the girls got out and so did I. I jumped in a cab.

THE NEXT THING I KNOW is that I am waking up in a McDonald's in Times Square. I come out of the bathroom and walk down the stairs and the employees look at me like I'm nuts. They tell me the section upstairs was closed, and I became indignant! LOL I was confused as hell, no one could tell me how long I had been up there, I don't remember going into the McDonald's at all! I woke up on the toilet, that's it. I sat there for another good two hours trying to get it together, I felt really high and out of it.

What scared me the most is that I can't remember where I was or anyone giving me a drink. I think it had to have been those guys because they had at least 2 other girls in the back of the Jeep with me and I am so grateful that we had the sense to get out while we could. I was just passed the fuck out for hours! At least 3!

For those of you who have used G, does it make you forget like this? I didn't puke or anything, but had been drinking heavily that evening. I also don't feel like I was assaulted in any way, I believe me exiting that Jeep may have saved me.

Ladies, just be careful because that is some scary shit. Someone please explain, do you think that's what happened? Or was it something else?

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damn..that is some fucked up shit..and it does sound like someone slipped u some shit...u dont just black out like that and wake up in McDonalds...damn homie..take care of yaself

i doubt it was G though...ud remember tasting it...tastes like fuckin shit i hear...prolly a pill or somethin

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Wow....that's scary! Who even knows what was put in your drink? That's why I don't EVER put my drink down....you never know - all it takes is a second for some asshole to put some shit in your drink :mad: At least you had enough sense to get out of the jeep...Glad you're okay though :) It could of been worse....

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that is really fucked up. i have done g once and it wasnt all that strong where i actually passed out, i just felt like shit for a few hours, then i went home and passed out... i guess maybe you did more or stronger stuff because the g i did was weak and didnt effect me much. maybe it was roofies or something like that?

that really sucks, everyone is right that it is good you got outta the jeep but it still sux to wake up on a toilet in mcdonalds :worry: you better go disinfect yourself...

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Originally posted by trancedkitten

Wow....that's scary! Who even knows what was put in your drink? That's why I don't EVER put my drink down....you never know - all it takes is a second for some asshole to put some shit in your drink :mad: At least you had enough sense to get out of the jeep...Glad you're okay though :) It could of been worse....

I absolutly love your sigs, reminds me of my kitty! She is the best, the sun sets and rises in her eyes, it's amazing how much you can fall in love with an animal.:D

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Out of curiousity Sheendawg, which club was this?

Also do you happen to remember any details about the guys and/or the jeep?

Just curious...

Really smart girl for getting out when those others did, thank god you had that sense right before it hit you. I mean from what you've said it sounded like the effects must of taken place right after you got into the cab, which was only a few moments after you got out of the jeep.

I've heard a few horrible stories which I really won't share, but your lucky, ill just say that.

As far as G, roofies, and any of those drugs that fuck up a chica to allow a guy to take advantage of them.

Wickedly disturbs me, its just a more covert form of rape, and I consider it equal to such an act.

As far as those assholes who tried to do such a thing,

what goes around comes around, one day they will get whats coming to them..


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i doubt it was G though...ud remember tasting it...tastes like fuckin shit i hear...prolly a pill or somethin

thats not necessarily true. the dose of G it takes to fuck one person up is not the same for the next.

this does sound like G or roph. when you woke up in the bathroom, where the heck were your friends? i would hope your friends just didn't leave you there by yourself.

anyway, be grateful you are ok. :heart:

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Thanks guys, for all your concern, I am feeling a little better. Just taking it easy. The friends that I went there with got separated from me earlier on that night, so the chicks I was in the Jeep with I had just met! I'm thinking that the dude gave us all the same shit, and it must have started to hit her and that's why she got out. I'm just glad that I followed and ended up in a bathroom alone that was sectioned off as opposed to in a strange place with a sore booty!! :laugh:

The more that I think about it, the more I believe that it was a roofie because I couldn't remember anything at all, and am just now being able to piece it together. I didn't feel sick at all, just very high and out of it. It took me hours to be able to come down enough to get home, and when I got here I slept for 16 hours! Woke up at 2 this morning and I had gone to bed at 10 am on Friday!

How about I just pulled some matches out of my pocket to light a cigarette and see that I was at Vue on 50th Street? That's where it happened, on the East side at a party for DJ Enuff of Hot 97. I was talking, dancing and laughing, next thing you know I'm hopping in a cab and waking up hours later. I don't even remember going up the stairs to the bathroom and no one remembers seeing me. That's some bizarre shit! :laugh:

I know now to be careful, and I hope you ladies do the same. It's a shame that we can't just go out and enjoy ourselves without worrying about trifling-ass predators with no game who feel they have to trick women into some ass. :rolleyes:

Whatever it is, I'm still feeling it, very powerful stuff. Still a little wobbly and buzzed, and mad that I can't remember how I ingested it!! :mad:

LOL @ letsparty - Don't do that ever again!

LOL @ Iliana - Thanks, BITCH! Glad to see you're still riding my clit. Now get the fuck out of here with your venom and bullshit. I can only imagine what may happen to you one of these days, the most unfortunate part is that you'll DESERVE it. :cool:

*spraying the BitchBeGone Spray*

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Originally posted by eccentricmofo

Out of curiousity Sheendawg, which club was this?

Also do you happen to remember any details about the guys and/or the jeep?

Just curious...

Now that I think about it, it was a late model Grand Cherokee, probably a 2000, and it was beige. The two guys in it were black. The other girls I was with were British and I believe were just visiting NYC. I hope they're okay too.

AND someone just called me, someone I met at that party. I think he was the one that did it because when I told him what happened he was just like, "Oh shit." Not a "Are you okay?" or anything like that. Which is exactly why I told him, to gauge his reaction. Fucker. Then he gon' have the nerve to ask me what I was doing tonight! LMBAO! He's lucky I don't feel the need to invest the energy in getting him fucked up.

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Originally posted by sheendawg

Now that I think about it, it was a late model Grand Cherokee, probably a 2000, and it was beige. The two guys in it were black. The other girls I was with were British and I believe were just visiting NYC. I hope they're okay too.

AND someone just called me, someone I met at that party. I think he was the one that did it because when I told him what happened he was just like, "Oh shit." Not a "Are you okay?" or anything like that. Which is exactly why I told him, to gauge his reaction. Fucker. Then he gon' have the nerve to ask me what I was doing tonight! LMBAO! He's lucky I don't feel the need to invest the energy in getting him fucked up.

Ill be damned...

The guy that called you to see if you wanted to hang tonight..my god..

does he happen to drive a beige jeep?

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I didn't ask him, I was too heated to do anything other than get off the phone with his ass. It may have been his boy's Jeep though. Should he dare call me back, I'll pretend like I saw him driving somewhere and casually ask. Other than that, I will just accept the blessing that I'm okay and leave well enough alone. And stick to house music!!! :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by sheendawg

I didn't ask him, I was too heated to do anything other than get off the phone with his ass. It may have been his boy's Jeep though. Should he dare call me back, I'll pretend like I saw him driving somewhere and casually ask. Other than that, I will just accept the blessing that I'm okay and leave well enough alone. And stick to house music!!! :laugh: :laugh:

I hear you.. it will come around to whomever it was sooner or later..

til then..

Your right..rock the house, with the house music...and shake dat ass til the break of dawn...

or.. just make every night a blockbuster night...


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Aiiiiight?!?! :laugh:

But it's not even about what kind of club you're in all the time, it's being aware of your surroundings. I was at an afterhours once and saw my boy get G'd out when someone gave HIM some shit.

It's less likely to happen though because kids will willingly abuse it and aren't privy to give out free hits of it unless they have it in for ya. LOL

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Originally posted by sheendawg

several years back i was upstate at a club called slopes or powder or whatever i forgot the name (baez was playing that weekend) and i came in normally dressed, few friends few girls, blah etc... ordered one mix drink and then one of my lady friends goes to buy drinks comes back and hooks us up... and she was all proud that she didnt pay some dude bought them for her blah blah.. so we drink em not thinking anything of it.. .next thing i know.. i feel like i drank a fifth of vodka, and washed it down with tequila... i was wrecked, sweating, anxious, i had to leave, and next morning i woke up and couldnt remember shit...felt terribly ill... thank GOD one of my girlfriends bounced with me... i was so shook i didnt know wtf was going on or anything... one of the scariest nights of my life...

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That is a fucked up story. If I were you I would have seriously made the effort to track those fucks down and severely impair their ability to walk. People like that deserve to have their balls cut off.

Glad to hear you are ok. I am sure you have learned a valuable lesson from all of this.

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