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Biggest Fears


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do what i do when i get on the plane i either take 2 sleeping pills and drink 2 vodka/cokes

child birth is painful(speaking from experience)so deal with it:tongue:

with all the technology you might have to grow old;)

i fear not having someone to love me and wind up being one of those old ladies with alot of cats:shake:

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Originally posted by incredulous

but then you die :(

:laugh: ...that made me laugh! ....i am picturing u saying it!....

....but yea....that's why all these kids do this huffing crap....supposedly it's the good part of drowning...but then ..u can die!

......anyways........my fears seem kinda shallow compared to all this crap u guys are slingin.....but whatever.....

......CLOWNS....MIDGETS......CROWS....i didnt know i was scared of crows till i encountered about 300 on my lawn and driveway the other week.....and another 300 scattered through the neighborhood..........they are scaaaarrry birds......

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The onlything that really truly scares the living hell out of me are wild mice and rats...... Pet ones are fine... But something about the wild ones freak the shit out of me!!!!!!! I'd rather be in a pit full of snakes, spiders...than a pit with one wild rodent!!!!

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Originally posted by misk

:laugh: ...that made me laugh! ....i am picturing u saying it!....

....but yea....that's why all these kids do this huffing crap....supposedly it's the good part of drowning...but then ..u can die!

......anyways........my fears seem kinda shallow compared to all this crap u guys are slingin.....but whatever.....

......CLOWNS....MIDGETS......CROWS....i didnt know i was scared of crows till i encountered about 300 on my lawn and driveway the other week.....and another 300 scattered through the neighborhood..........they are scaaaarrry birds......

i'll make sure i dont invite you to my daughter b-day parties:laugh: thats the one phobia i never undrestood clowns:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

My biggest fears are rodents..- YUCK!!!! I can't even see them, of course dying alone without anyone by my side and having my love ones die.

Only the icky wild one from me...But I know exactly where you are coming from....lol

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Walking alone & having someone jump out of somewhere & attack me

Being shot..even if it was my foot

Being in a plane crash

Things that make me hyperventalate (sp)


"Little People".....I saw a dwarf walking down 5th avenue I literally had to stop walking cause I couldn't breathe...They freak me out...

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Originally posted by Ronin

im affraid of all bugs. mostly spiders.:shake::worry:

LoL I am definately with you on the spiders...

Crazy Arachnaphobia over here. When I watched that fuckin movie I felt like I always had those fuckers crawling on me. :worry:

Go figure. A 245Lb is affraid of something that weighs a meazly .000001 oz. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by incredulous

actually drowning is suppose to be a good way to die (supposidly, your body extracts some kind of chemical that makes you feel amazing) but then you die :(

Yeah that is when you inhale the water. But think about holding your breath... The pain you first go through before you finally take that breath of WATER in and pass out. :shake:

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Originally posted by misk

......CROWS....i didnt know i was scared of crows till i encountered about 300 on my lawn and driveway the other week.....and another 300 scattered through the neighborhood..........they are scaaaarrry birds......

i think crows are nothing short of gorgeous. there's just something so perfect in their being solid black - not showy, just simple - yet making a great impact. but i like birds in general; i've just gotten into them over the past year or 2 - don't know why.
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Originally posted by SPYGIRL

The onlything that really truly scares the living hell out of me are wild mice and rats...... Pet ones are fine... But something about the wild ones freak the shit out of me!!!!!!! I'd rather be in a pit full of snakes, spiders...than a pit with one wild rodent!!!!

I'm afraid of squirrels. I hate them and they scare me

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Originally posted by weyes

i think crows are nothing short of gorgeous. there's just something so perfect in their being solid black - not showy, just simple - yet making a great impact. but i like birds in general; i've just gotten into them over the past year or 2 - don't know why.

...o yea.....wait till there are hundreds on your front lawn...and u KNOW they are devising a plan to peck you limb from limb as soon as u walk outside......u'll change your tune!!!!!!!!!!!!

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