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Let's see how much u all...


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pay attention to each other on this board :)

lets see how much we know about one another based on posts alone. if u know them personally, then it doesnt count. yea u might have met some of us in person but try to see how much uve attained about who they are as a person from what they write..

ill start by taking a couple people i think i know best just from reading their posts. posts can be from any date on any topic... and i guess from any board. but as long as theyre tru sexboarders so we know exactly who ur talking about. preferably do this strictly from memory of what theyve written.. i guess this can be like sort of writing a biography.. but comon people.. be nice :)


She is most definitely bisexual. she loves the female body but cant deal with women. Shes got long hair :ive seen her in person but ive also seen pics here: and often comtemplates what color to dye it :) She dated an ex-member of the sexboard. :something with a "p" i cant remember: she likes to be in control when sexually intimate. Nympho69 was formerly known as "glowdancer" and has once admitted that she wanted to have a 3some with me :tongue:


She is a rutgers student... she is very into fashion and loves Seven Jeans :) shes polish... she also loves antonio sabato jr and various beautiful women. i believe she is heterosexual yet can appreciate a goodlooking female. She isn't very high-maintenance and thinks that ur inner attitude is what makes u beautiful on the outside. she doesnt smoke and doesnt do drugs. Shes got long brown hair and likes to wear her black hat :) mssabina also prefers to be on top.


This young man... and i use the term loosely lol, is older than some of us here yet around the same age as others. he likes to ride around in his "wheelchair" while bitching that he cant get ass! he ADORES the nipple game and offers to play with any female who comes along. Spragga is definitely a breast man... He goes thru his phases of posting and leaving.. posting and leaving again... he also likes to pick on gabo.

which brings me to my next member:


This guy loooooves porn. he is a tru ASS-MAN and will take them in any shape/size... he loves all kinds of women and takes pride in making threads about "Brazilian Ass" a sticky. he has used a beer bottle on one of his sexual partners and gets off even more when his girl looks like she truly enjoys giving blowjobs. he would love to fuck sugarnspice in the ass :tongue:

Gabo is not a fan of valentines day and would love to wallow in his sorrows with other cp singles in his/her favorite alcohol :)

see guys... this is funnnn :grin:

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Guest gabo

Linabina- is a virgin has kissed more thasn one person at a time , isnt bi but has kissed women. she loves to do whatever it takes to please her man and has dated someone she met on cp:) . she loves nice people and being pampered. she has big boobs and a nice ass.

idk I am drawing a blank... Ill come back to this one

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by linabina

LOL :aright: more!!! more!!!

but one think i must critique u on gabo... how would u know that ive kissed multiple people if u didnt know me in person??


I just have a feeling that you have

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by atomicapples


short quiet man. always wants to get laid. always thinking about sex.

I am short?? I am 5'11''

this is such a great thread i dont know why people arent posting on it

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hasn't been around in a long time :( . his posts were very down-to-earth, and he only posted when he actually had something interesting/important/intelligent to add to a thread. his angry side did come out every once in a while :worry: , but he mostly kept that to another screenname ;) . come back, phuturephunk :( !!!


another down-to-earther on the board who's m.i.a. she was controversial in that she didn't conform to most of the norms on the sex board (though sometimes those characteristics were more common in the rest of the world). she shrugged off being called moronic nicknames (i.e. "wombat"), and used a lot of vocabulary and literary references that went over people's heads :laugh2: .


is proudly strongly opinionated. whether in the majority or the minority (usually the latter ;) ), she'll talk tough about any subject. and if she doesn't like someone, that person'll know it. once again, down-to-earth, and her posts are based on facts, not conjecture (sassa doesn't talk out of her ass).

(more later, maybe)

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Cintron, Atomicapples, Gabo, Spragga...These MoFos dont give a fuck !! They live one day at a time...:D

Misk, Dknybabe..."This is what I like...what??...you got a question...Ok..I'll explain".... you gotta love these two.. :D

Incredulous..This dude has his loyalty in place, cant shake it....:D

Joeg... Tries so hard to be good to all regardless... :D

Weyes.... A comedienne in the making :D

Mistify.... She's a lover, not a fighter..she tries so hard... :D

Dgmodel...When you thought you got his ass all figured out...WHAMO !!... He goes to prove you wrong...plays rough and fair at the same time.... :D

Somebitch..She doesnt back down, a strong persona....

Georgecasta..."The Clown Originale"...funny as hell...

Marcid...She is who she is.....mostly lets her heart speak for itself..

Stiffler.... More like Mistify...(but a He !)

Latinaz.... Cant throw a party without her...Par Tay Galore..!!

Teklord...Perfectionist....(gotta be right all the fucken time !!)

Likmylipz..... A lover and heartbreaker you cant break away from...

Darthvader... Who needs the porn channel with this dude in your crib???

.........More to come....

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These four are in a class of their own.... unpredictable as the rain..

gmccookny, ou812, ghhhhhost and sassa... If you can predict their next response, then my friend, you can win the friggin lottery when you want to....talk about surprise responses......but fun all the same, I anticipate and second guess their next posts... :D

just my $0.02... dont quote me please !!!!:D

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alright ill do word association for my responses








ghost=down to earth

clubkat=mr. vibes



alright cant think of any more right now......

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Mystify--the biggest britney fan that I have ever encountered --not a bad thing shes just not my cup of tea, britney that is :-P

LikmyLipz--appreciates women and is an altogether very sexual person

Darthvader-- PORN KING!!!

Gabo--also into porn but sorry Darth has u beat for king!

Spragga-- lets just say always after the ladies ;)

Linabina-- also a fan of britney....always there to offer advice to those with problems...seems to be a genuienly sp? nice honest down to earth girl

ok ..thats enough for me

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wow :eek: , magellanmax, you've got a long list for someone who's only been posting since november :D ! i'm impressed :aright: .

and i'll say that


says his peace and is usually very detailed and specific (as opposed to just saying, "lol" or being wishy-washy on anything), but is humble enough to admit that his opinion isn't fact (i.e. "just ma opinion; don't make it rite :D ."); we could use more of that around these parts :rolleyes: . can i say, "down-to-earth" one more time :D ?

and nobody's mentioned


foot fetish!

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Originally posted by misk

...wow....guess i don't leave any impression!:mad::tongue:;)

Misk aka Missy aka Misky

Has a way with words....always starts/ends every post with "....." A wise ass - Not afraid to admit she's spoiled rotten ;) , loves Angelina Jolie and Alyssa Milano, likes to bust balls whenever possible, STYLE-ist, lush...

She's very strong, demands attention, and isn't willing to give her heart away so easily...

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Misk aka Missy aka Misky

Has a way with words....always starts/ends every post with "....." A wise ass - Not afraid to admit she's spoiled rotten ;) , loves Angelina Jolie and Alyssa Milano, likes to bust balls whenever possible, STYLE-ist, lush...

She's very strong, demands attention, and isn't willing to give her heart away so easily...

:heart: i wuv u!......cant wait till next weekend.........i feel like i am missing an arm!

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Atomicapples. sometimes funny but always sarcastic in his post maybe rude for some people

Gabo... probably is one of my best friend , i have a great relationship with him , very nice person when it comes to serious issues , nice heart , very sexual ,VERY gorgeous , completely my type of man in all aspects...

suthrnbell.very beautiful girl , have a gold heart , always sincere ,good friend and would love to have a 3 some with u and gabo one day ...

Spragga.. nipple game ( can u get a new game please) always fighting with gabo jajaja

phatman...sweet guy always have nice things to say

aboyfrombrooklyn... lots of love problems in the past , very good heart , he go to psychologist and he is more happy now a days with his new girl

Misk and sassa : two girls that i admire a lot

Weyes....u sound very innocent in ur post but very nice :)

nympho69... very sexy girl,the first girl i meet (non porno star) who really made me want to have sex with

Mistify and Linabina not bisexual but admire women beauty BRITNEY lovers

Somebitch..very nice girl , always saying nice thing about me

Likmylipz.....love girls , pierce tong ....

tasty,tastes...i have to say i love the way u two answer every post , i find it very intelligent and so interesting ....

marci21.. i don't know her that good but i like her posts

Darthvader... the must porno guy i ever meet sometimes gross for my taste

mmm maybe i will post more let me think ....

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thx max :D

hmm.... this is tough because i know most of you in person... but lemme think....

atomic snapple iced tea: does whatever he can to amuse himself, usually amuses others in the process... a sweet romantic at heart, but covers it up most of the time with goofy antics... likes to buy things compulsively, but doesn't just buy "the hottest", he buys "the hottest" from japan that no one else has... and that is a lot classier than whats around...

Cintron: a purist in many respects... music, cars, and life... music is for enjoying, not improving your image. cars are for racing, not improving your image. life is for living. ohh... and the man is a genius when it comes to designing and working on mechanical shit...

dgmodel: a comic by nature... my initial impression of him was shattered after reading a lot of his 13k posts... has a vast FIRST HAND knowledge of the hiphop culture, and has good taste.... he knows how to impress people, but he only does it when he wants... he likes finer things and likes to treat his women to them. his clever wit and inconspicuous comedic inserts have probably gone over the heads of many on this board... but for those of us who catch all of it, theres no doubt hes a great writer, aswell as quick witted, and capable of making anyone with a brain laugh...

djjonstephen: can chill with ANY crowd... hes not pidgeonholed into 1 clique... has endured his fair share of crap dealing with CP but has stuck with it and still holds a good attitude...

weyes: a ny transplant... definately has a head on her shoulders... says a lot of things that make you stop and say "wow... i thought i was the only one who thought that..." definately a keeper :)

misk: a scientific experiment in which you take a self-comfident chick with attitude (but not too much) and stick her in the jersey scene 'to find out what happens, when people stop acting, and start getting REAL...' :tongue: personally, i doubt she'd talk to me if we ran into one another without introduction, but thats probably because she gets 3590329085903259 losers hitting on her every time she goes to a club...

linabina: grew up very close to where i did... kinda doubts her appearence, probably due to the rediculous impressions imposed by pop culture, though shes constantly swarmed with compliments from male and female alike... she'll probably grow from a hot girl to a beautiful woman in the next couple of years... has more attitude than she lets on (in a good way)... also has a lot more on her mind than she lets on (also good)...

ou812: definately has a lot more substance and personality than my first impression percieved (definately a fault on my part, not his)... likes sportbikes, and anyone who likes speed is cool in my book...

teklord: has various diseases... cured a few of them with advil and chicken soup.

tastyt: very well spoken and her ass will forever remain in my memory wearing those bright silver tight pants from NYE 2001... i could go on and on and on... but i'm sure everyone else will :D

gabo/spragga/phatman: gets a lot more ass than he wants people to know... i think he somehow mastered the "i don't get ass" routine to actually get ass.... not sure who started it,or if it was a joint calaboration... oh, and gabo is the president of the cry baby waa waa club.... ( :tongue: )

somebitch: currently being fought over by aboyfrombkln and johnholmes... i'll probably kill them both and buy her an island in the south pacific when i make my first billion... the only female computer geek i know... nice ass.

mystify: go pose for playboy, you have nothing to lose... you know everyone on here will buy the issue... :)

ghhost: mixes the euro style with urban flavor...

brwneydtrouble: cars + chicks = the HOTness...

darthvader: is not permitted to leave this forum because we all need his pics...

likmylipz: :drool: has a lot of attitude (again, in a good way)... definately has her own look (refer to the drool smiley)... i'd probably freeze up and studder like a jackass if i met her... (not really... but you get the point) the cp veteran i'm most happy to see back in the dungeons...

timetraveler: one of the only other o&a fans on here... "the mayor of boston is dead..."

joeg: hes a legend in his own mind.

uhhh... i'm done... maybe more later....

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