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Micheal Jackson Documentery on at 8pm on ABC

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Originally posted by sutogame

dude the media exagerrates bullshit stories

check him out he's not that bad

hes actually a good person that people take advantage of and people that believe all the crap the media writes are just ignorant

I agree with you!

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This poor guy can't get a break! What a judgmental society we live in... Imagine growing up in the childhood that Michael Jackson grew up in... he lost his entire youth in the name of fame. Of course he's gonna have some serious psyochanalytic issues to deal with as an adult... I'm not even talking about how his father beat him, verbally abused him, etc. The guy can't leave his house without being continually bombarded by a plethora of vultures...from the press to his diehard fans. All he's doing now is trying to make up for his lost youth... So yeah, he's got an amusement park in his house. His icon is Peter Pan - an eternal youth. Big deal.

What he preaches is a lesson that our viscious and ignorant society can use to its benefit. He LOVES children. That does not, at least in my eyes, mean that he has SEX with them! It's a media image that has been perpetuated terribly. He makes a cancer kid's dream come true by letting him stay at his house. He cured his cancer. He hugged him. He held him. Why do these images stir such negativity in people's minds? He's making up for his own lost youth by attempting to eliminate all the pain and suffering that he sees other children going through. Call me a freak if you like, but I think we can and should all take Michael Jackson as an artistic and social genius. He is making the most of his fame... he's using it in a humanitarianistic method. He makes kids dreams come true, and in doing so his own dreams are fulfilled... The void in his life is filled. Why does one automatically assume that the guy is a child molester because he LOVES THEM? What a terrible and miserable social ignorance.

Agree or disagree, but that's how I feel.

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posted by :kenishere

cant wait watching right now..feel really bad for his kids.. a pyscho for a dad

dude your an idiot

the only reason his kids wear masks is that theyre not exposed and all over the tabloids

another reason they wear masks is so they dont get kidnapped and shit...........

yo by the way isnt it shady the way this british dude used mike to portray him as crap which isnt true

mad shady

and its known that british peeps love to put americans down


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Nothing Michael Jackson said makes me feel as if he's some kind of deviant pedophile. I can't believe that the greatest entertainer in the world is now reduced to fending accusations of adult-child sexuality.

The stigma of the '93 sexual abuse accusation will never be erased from Jackson's life, and this recent interview, along with the video of him holding his child over a balcony, has revived in many people a feeling of animosity towards Jackson. The whole thing is sickening.

Individuals may talk out of their asses and label Jackson as some type of pedophile, but I will never consider him to anything more than a caring, selfless individual who continuously has his words and actions misconstrued. Nothing as of yet has changed my opinion of Michael Jackson, and I believe absolutely nothing that has been said about him thus far.

Jackson is one of the greatest human beings of all time.

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I see why he should be defended, but I personally feel bad for his kids... Yeah, they wear masks so their faces aren't all over the news and tabloids, but what kind of message does that give them about themselves? Every time they're in public, and have to cover their faces - must have some kind of negative affect on them....

I saw a few clips from the interview on the news and wonder what he feels the need to cover up that's he had cosmetic surgery??? It's rather obvious :blank:

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YO - when MJ was only 12 he was makin 200K a month !

He never got to be around kids his age throughout his childhood + adolescence - he only wants what he missed out on !


Being that famous for that long must be a bitch - look at the most famous people - alot of them have drug + mental problems and some die so young !

I think Micheal is one cool mofo and a gentleman.

But I agree with what the reporter said about Mike- that he is mentally underdeveloped for a 44 yr. old man.

That's because he never got to socially interact like a NORMAL person with everyone . I think he looks REALLY SAD + lonely.


I would like to be his friend, goto Neverland and get a job working for Micheal ..he he he :)

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Originally posted by angelicious

there are alot of younger singers that didnt have a childhood and they didnt turn out like that.

There are a lot of younger singers, but how many are as successful as Michael Jackson is/was? He was forced into the fame and the lifestyle that comes with it under terms that weren't his own (his forceful father). There is no one blanket reason that Michael Jackson 'turned out the way he did.' It's a combination of a lot of things... I think it's more important to analyze him as he is now and understand his message(s) rather than to try and judge him based on media-hyped incidents that we really have no true comprehension of. Talk about a hateful society... The guy's trying to spread love in the purest way he knows how and everyone assumes that 'something is up' or that 'he's a freak'...

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