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What is your most RECENT embarassing moment?....


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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I started posting on CP again . . .

yea definitely

i think i may go back into seclusion myself cause im sure u notice this fuckin place has gone to shit...man no one posts anything worth reading anymore...they are too caught up in the drama...i figured i would give it one more chance but god damn i see now why so many people left..and u know what? i do not blame them for leaving.

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. . I know, I can't seem to get a good back and forth going at all. I click on threads that before I should have been able to write something meaningful on, and it just doesn't work . . And yet, its so easy to just make fun of others (which I tried, but even that didn't come out right) . . <sigh> . . such is life . .

. . Standard . . fucking . . issue . . .

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Originally posted by snarfgirl22

i didnt get enough sleep before work on sunday and walked right into a mannequins elbow and it practically knocked me out...i fell on the floor and just sorta crawled out of sight until i had enough courage to show my dumb face again...

:laugh: no way. that is pretty bad...
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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I know, I can't seem to get a good back and forth going at all. I click on threads that before I should have been able to write something meaningful on, and it just doesn't work . . And yet, its so easy to just make fun of others (which I tried, but even that didn't come out right) . . <sigh> . . such is life . .

. . Standard . . fucking . . issue . . .

i totally feel u on that mike.

Thats why i start my own threads..im like why fuckin bother answering all of them? they are either bout exit closing or some other shit that is not of interest.

The board is better of without us anyhow...they have guys with intellect such as danwilson to keep them going.

::sound of a bomb crashing::

Anyhow...fuck this shit...lets get a beer mike and make our own fuckin messageboard...i mean u got like 10 computers there lol.

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Over the weekend I was getting out of a cab (lol it was a van cab - gotta love college) and there was so much ice/snow in front of my house, I flat out, busted my ass and everyone in the whole cab saw :(

It hurt a lot, but I tried to play it off and just laugh :(

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Originally posted by quoth

i totally feel u on that mike.

Thats why i start my own threads..im like why fuckin bother answering all of them? they are either bout exit closing or some other shit that is not of interest.

The board is better of without us anyhow...they have guys with intellect such as danwilson to keep them going.

::sound of a bomb crashing::

Anyhow...fuck this shit...lets get a beer mike and make our own fuckin messageboard...i mean u got like 10 computers there lol.

if it helps..im still here :D

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . I know, I can't seem to get a good back and forth going at all. I click on threads that before I should have been able to write something meaningful on, and it just doesn't work . . And yet, its so easy to just make fun of others (which I tried, but even that didn't come out right) . . <sigh> . . such is life . .

. . Standard . . fucking . . issue . . .


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Fell face first drunk out of my mind into a huge pile of snow getting into a cab - on all fours, ass up in the air. I was laughing so hard that I could not get up and a cop was standing right there patiently waiting for me to get the hell up and out of there before he arrested me for public drunkeness.

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I was in class went to the bathroom and they had no seat thingies so i put toliet paper on the seat before i sat down to take a piss then i went into the class room and everyone started laughing at me so im like what the heck? i had that strip of tiolet paper that i put on the seat haning out of my pants :tongue:

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my most embarrasing moment recently was walking in to a wall. whenever i turn corners i turn to close and my shoulders hit the wall, this happens quite ofthen...damn who put that wall there.

on another note: quoth i turn 21 in april so u better buy me a pint o' guinness, and bring your green metalic friend.

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Guest gabo
Originally posted by totallytrance

I was in class went to the bathroom and they had no seat thingies so i put toliet paper on the seat before i sat down to take a piss then i went into the class room and everyone started laughing at me so im like what the heck? i had that strip of tiolet paper that i put on the seat haning out of my pants :tongue:

oh man that made my night!

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