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My dog is dead

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I couldn't even see him one last time. I wish I could have said goodbye. Rest in peace Johnny, you really were my best friend.

I'm thinking you're serious...if you are, I'm REALLLLLLLLY

sorry for you!! I totally feel you! My pitbull died less than a year ago and I loved her so much! I was living out of state when she got really sick and my parents had to put her away. I found out that they put her to sleep over the phone after I was seriously considering flying home to visit her.

It really broke my heart...I cried everyday for 2 weeks. It was weird b/c soon after she died my boyfriend at the time had next-door neighbors who had a pitbull at their house occasionally. My x-boy at first didn't make me aware of this b/c he thought it would upset me. I think when I first saw the dog I held back my emotions but I broke down later on. He looked so much like mine......oh man it's hard!!!

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i didnt wanna post it but,

my dog died last week, and it was the worst.

I try not to think about it, but when i do, i get all emotional

I am getting a tattto in honor of my dog, i grew up with him, he was literally the best dog ever, not an ounce of meaness in him, just laid back, super chill,

ill miss him

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

i didnt wanna post it but,

my dog died last week, and it was the worst.

I try not to think about it, but when i do, i get all emotional

I am getting a tattto in honor of my dog, i grew up with him, he was literally the best dog ever, not an ounce of meaness in him, just laid back, super chill,

ill miss him

Um, you forgot to add, your dog was probably the most infamous Dog in G-town....again, i'm so sorry :(

My bf's dog is being put to sleep as well next week...as hard as it is for families and people to part with their dogs, in some cases it is definitly for the better when the animal is constantly in pain every day and can barely function anymore...at least everyone's pets are no longer in pain anymore.

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Of course I'm serious. He was 13 yrs old and I got him when I was like 7. I haven't had a good relationship with anyone in my family and haven't spoken to them really for two years, but I'd visit to see the dog. I had a better relationship with him than I did with them, he was like my brother. He would protect me whenever my mom was beating on me when I was young. I've been crying all night and look like shit, I don't think Im going to school today. The worst part of all is that I know that dogs that are euthanized are just dumped in a barrel with other animals like garbage and just thrown away. Everytime I think of him like that I can't help but cry.

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He would protect me whenever my mom was beating on me when I was young. I've been crying all night and look like shit, I don't think Im going to school today. The worst part of all is that I know that dogs that are euthanized are just dumped in a barrel with other animals like garbage and just thrown away. Everytime I think of him like that I can't help but cry.

don't think of it in that way. Got to be thankful that you had such a beautiful soul in your life. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) we all have to die....we just don't believe it.

I lost 2 amazing dogs that I had for a loooooong time (a mastiff before the pitbull). Don't worry...

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Originally posted by quoth

funny..but yer other one was better.

u could tell it was a rush job..but i think the "taking a yarin" lingo did it for me hahahah

ugh..watch him come on this thread now and bitch at me how im a douche.

the other one was not me. i know how none of you respect the origins of anything, but for what it's worth it wasnt me.

I don't really need you criticisizing poor Maxx, his fecal matter or what I post. If you want yuks, then def. don't read a joeq/phonk/this board.


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But let's not lose focus about what this thread is about.

It's about the loss you feel when a pet goes. Here is a pic of my old dog, that will MAxx, will NEVER replace, but still brings a smile to face when I think of how he lapped up his piss and humped every inanimate object in the house.


Isn't he just to die for?

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Originally posted by quoth

funny..but yer other one was better.

u could tell it was a rush job..but i think the "taking a yarin" lingo did it for me hahahah

ugh..watch him come on this thread now and bitch at me how im a douche.

sorry, i thought when you said 'other one', you meant stone's classique gmcook puppy.

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