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Is that smoking ban for real??????

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I thought it was effective March 1st.........

I was out all weekend and everywhere I went people were smoking all over the place. Am I just wrong as to the date when this ban becomes effective?

Anyways, even if it is effective, this stupid ass law wont last long.

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i don't smoke... but in all honesty... i hope it goes worse than prohibition did...

you start letting laws dictate where and when you can do things, and by the year 2036 we'll be living in pussy-whipped, brady bunch, disneyland with the government telling us when to breath, and using seashells to wipe our ass because toilet paper isn't "enviro-friendly"...

if laws are to be passed... they should be passed to make venues have proper ventilation systems... that would benefit smokers and nonsmokers alike... and wouldn't compromise anyones freedom...

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Originally posted by joeg

i don't smoke... but in all honesty... i hope it goes worse than prohibition did...

you start letting laws dictate where and when you can do things, and by the year 2036 we'll be living in pussy-whipped, brady bunch, disneyland with the government telling us when to breath, and using seashells to wipe our ass because toilet paper isn't "enviro-friendly"...

if laws are to be passed... they should be passed to make venues have proper ventilation systems... that would benefit smokers and nonsmokers alike... and wouldn't compromise anyones freedom...


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Originally posted by joeg

i don't smoke... but in all honesty... i hope it goes worse than prohibition did...

you start letting laws dictate where and when you can do things, and by the year 2036 we'll be living in pussy-whipped, brady bunch, disneyland with the government telling us when to breath, and using seashells to wipe our ass because toilet paper isn't "enviro-friendly"...

if laws are to be passed... they should be passed to make venues have proper ventilation systems... that would benefit smokers and nonsmokers alike... and wouldn't compromise anyones freedom...

im afraid of the same thing u are but in all fairness this is a law that a LOT of people wanted to see passed smoking is not fair to those that dont smoke its like getting the harmfell by products without getting the benefits. I dont mind the law but ur wrong about the pussy-whipped thing America are a war-like people... we dont do petroleum, we dont do electronics and we dont do cars (well at least) what we do well is bomb the shit out of other countries and if we have to go to war with out own government believe me itll happen...

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I do not smoke anymore, so I can't say that I really care that this thing is passing, but .. I do think its kinda sore that all the smokers out there have to take it on the chin because its de rigueur to pass anti-smoking laws nowadays...Boo ... Hoo ... Hoo...

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The ban in Nassau county did take effect midnight on Friday night.

I went to TJI Fridays on Sunday and sure enough all the smokers were outside smoking.

I really don't know how the business owners in the city are going to enforce this one, especially the clubs???? But I did hear that the owners have the right to refuse service and throw people out if they light up inside.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

im afraid of the same thing u are but in all fairness this is a law that a LOT of people wanted to see passed smoking is not fair to those that dont smoke its like getting the harmfell by products without getting the benefits. I dont mind the law but ur wrong about the pussy-whipped thing America are a war-like people... we dont do petroleum, we dont do electronics and we dont do cars (well at least) what we do well is bomb the shit out of other countries and if we have to go to war with out own government believe me itll happen...

well i don't think you should drive your car anymore, because it pollutes my air, and it hurts your neighbor's ears... so find another way to get to work.... (see what i'm saying??? where does the line get drawn??)

i mean, thats a gross exaduration... but i just woke up... so cut me some slack...

point being... if we give 'big government' too much power now, it may come back to bite us in the ass later... i mean... look at cabaret laws??? you need a permit to dance??? wtf??? 5 years from now, clubs in ny will be getting shutdown left and right because of "smoke-house laws" ;)

theres 2 real solutions to this...

1) if you can't stand the smoke, get out of the kitchen... (club/bar/whatever... you get the idea...) (but i think thats the wrong way to go about things)


2) provide laws for ventilation, much like there are "fire code" laws... and "Sanitation" laws... make a law that says any establishment must not have X parts of carbon in the air... this way, everyone benefits...

we can't compromise civil liberties just because its easier than making business owners provide safe conditions for its patrons...

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Originally posted by joeg

well i don't think you should drive your car anymore, because it pollutes my air, and it hurts your neighbor's ears... so find another way to get to work.... (see what i'm saying??? where does the line get drawn??)

my car burns tons of high octane fuel per year, is noisy, pollutes the air richy since it has NO cats (even though it's supposed to) and spits flames occasionally that scare minivan drivers, riced out Hondas and occasionally set small children ablaze.

;) there's always a way to get around laws. (namely a 70/30 mix of Sunoco 94 and Methanol during the NYC emissions test ;))

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i think the law is great....i dont smoke....socially once in a while but i HATE walking out of a bar or club and reaking of cigarettes. i hate when people are smoking around me and smoke being blown in my face. not only is it not good for you its bad for your skin to and causes premature wrinkles. as a woman i do enough bad things like tanning and so forth i dont need smoke around me to top it off. and i dont see it effecting the bar business that much people still are going to want to go out and drink. maybe more people will either quit or cut down on smoking. This can only benefit everybody!!:D

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Originally posted by joeg

2) provide laws for ventilation, much like there are "fire code" laws... and "Sanitation" laws... make a law that says any establishment must not have X parts of carbon in the air... this way, everyone benefits...

That's what they do in Japan....you can smoke pretty much anywhere, and noplace gets so smoky that you get the smell on your clothes if you're not with a smoker...

The thing that pisses me off about it is that it's supposedly being done to protect the health of people who get second-hand smoke. That's a really poor excuse....the effects of second-hand smoke are only present when you're living with a smoker, breathing in the air from that person for 20+ years. While there may be a few workers in NYC who have been in the bars for 20 years, I'm sure there really aren't that many...

Anyway, a few places will capitalize on a loophole. For instance, Arc could make the Arcade a smoking room (since it has a six foot hallway built-in) as long as nobody works back there. That would mean only one bar, and no DJ in the arcade, so that might be too much to sacrifice. However, I know there are other places trying to take advantage of that one...

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