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Do you regret losing it to the person you lost it to??? how many of you lost it with the person they were in love with or actually what i mean in love as in mutually? how many ppl are still with that person? lol do you bad mouth them till this day???

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losing my virginity was odd. . .

i mean it was great but it wasnt your typical "oh the pain. . .oh the agony" situation. . .

u know. . .

the kind thats rumored to be true - where the guy pops it in and u moan "ow" and he digs in a bit deeper, asks you if it hurts and u say "yeah but dont stop" in fear that he'll reject u afterwards. . .haha i watch too many movies.

He went down on me (1st time being gone down on) and i remember my legs shaking like crazy :shake::laugh:. . .i dont know if i was nervous or if the pleasure was just too much to handle! :eek:

anyway, i was with the cat for about 9 months afterwards. . .dont regret losing it to him cuz i was one of the lucky ones on my 1st time. . .yumyumyum

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I wasn't in love with the person I lost it too, I was way too young to know what love was or even to know what the heck I was doing.... However, I am not going to sit here and say I regret it, bc it happened and I can't change that, but I do kinda wish I would have waited longer and been more mature when it happened....

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Originally posted by clubkat

He went down on me (1st time being gone down on) and i remember my legs shaking like crazy :shake::laugh:. . .i dont know if i was nervous or if the pleasure was just too much to handle! :eek:

Similar situation except mine hurt a little. I did love the person and don't regret any of it. We were young when we dated which probably wasn't a good thing because we still both needed to mature. However, til this day whether it be good or bad we have had an on going off and on relationship for the past 7 years. In the end, we probably will not get back together because we are two different people with different goals, etc and well it wouldn't work but at the same time ya never no. So yea I have no regrets and I did love him, still love him but not in love.

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I wasn't in love with the person I lost it too, he was my first real boyfriend but I was not in love with him. For a while I regret it but thats only because I was young. I never bad mouth him. I had no reason after all I was the one that dumped him so he was probably bad mouthing me but ohhh well.. I just couldn't be with someone I didnt truly love/like....

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My first time was fun... No! I didn't love her, we were going out for a couple of months, it was more of an experimental thing.. And I guess she bad mouthed me, cause I broke up with her... I wasn't ready to continue to have a sexual relationship. My body was ready but my mind was somewhere in between. Anyway the mother catching us the 2nd day was the needle in the coffin.

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Definatly not in love.

I was 16, I was with a guy who was a professional skateboarder for only about 6 months before we did it.

As he was a professional skateboarder there were always girls after him.

I guess me being young and stupid I let him talk me into it. He used that to his advantage because I knew if I didn't do it then he would be doing it with some other girl.

I don't regret it though. It was a learning experience in more ways than one.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I wasn't in love with the person I lost it too, I was way too young to know what love was or even to know what the heck I was doing.... However, I am not going to sit here and say I regret it, bc it happened and I can't change that, but I do kinda wish I would have waited longer and been more mature when it happened....

My situation was basically the same as this. I was 17 and I it was w/ my 1st real b/f...Maybe at the time I thought I was in love, but looking back, I know it wasnt

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I wasn't in love with the person I lost it too, I was way too young to know what love was or even to know what the heck I was doing.... However, I am not going to sit here and say I regret it, bc it happened and I can't change that, but I do kinda wish I would have waited longer and been more mature when it happened....

Described my situation to a T... Was way to young and immature to realize.

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well i dont regret it but i also didnt like it i mean i lost my virginity when i was 18 with a guy who i barrely knew ....

so basicly it was kind of afful at that time i didnt want to think about it like it was my first time after one month or so i meet this guy i fall in love with him and we had sex several times so i felt like that was my REAL first time it was more nice , slowly , gentle ....

in less words i dont regret it but if if somebodie would give me the choice to live that again i would say no thank u i prefer to lose my virginity with my exboyfriend at that time rather than that fucking brazilian guy

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i lost mine my freshman year of college after hooking up with this kid for 8 months i figured why not get it over with....all i remember was how bad it was and how unsatsified i was...i kept saying umm if this is what sex is why the hell is everyone doing it...then of course i just realized i did it with the wrong guy and caring about someone and having sex is a 6537547847842 times different then just going through the motions...i dont regret it though, i was ready...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

Do you regret losing it to the person you lost it to??? how many of you lost it with the person they were in love with or actually what i mean in love as in mutually? how many ppl are still with that person? lol do you bad mouth them till this day???

well i was 16, i thought i was in love, but what do we know about love at age 16

he was 18, actually it was very romantic and he made it everything i thought it should be like

it was valentine's day, he did the whole candles, rose petals everywhere, light music, dim lighting, etc etc

i dont regret it

only thing i wonder why do most people hold out or have this picture in their mind of how the first time should be perfect or what not

and then all the times after well...

do u know what im getting at??

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Originally posted by snarfgirl22

i lost mine my freshman year of college after hooking up with this kid for 8 months i figured why not get it over with....all i remember was how bad it was and how unsatsified i was...i kept saying umm if this is what sex is why the hell is everyone doing it...then of course i just realized i did it with the wrong guy and caring about someone and having sex is a 6537547847842 times different then just going through the motions...i dont regret it though, i was ready...

Thats exactly what my experience was. It sucked so bad that I was wondering why the hell everyone was doing it. Needless to say it was 1 1/2 years later before I ever did it again.

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I am still in love with the person I lost it to. I don't regret it even though my intention was to wait until we were married. We did pretty good-we waited 3 1/2 years. It was my freshman year in college. I am glad we finally did it though because I know we couldn't have waited 4 more years!! I was old enough and we have a really great relarionship.

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