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What would you like to experience???


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Whitewater rafting

have a family

Establish a career and be financially stable

See a broadway show (still havent seen one!)

Go to london and Australia

Take a road trip across the U.S.

get my license

get a tattoo

buy my own home

move out of this town

ehh theres a few more...can't think of them right now:tongue: ;)

Hey elementx, you didnt answer your own question:mad: :tongue:

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Originally posted by Destiny


Whitewater rafting

have a family

Establish a career and be financially stable

See a broadway show (still havent seen one!)

Go to london and Australia

Take a road trip across the U.S.

get my license

get a tattoo

buy my own home

move out of this town

ehh theres a few more...can't think of them right now:tongue: ;)

Hey elementx, you didnt answer your own question:mad: :tongue:

Give me some time... Geeez. I am at work. And I just thought of the subject so I figured post it before I forget about it...

The questions should also be What would you like to witness in your life time. ;):tongue:

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seeing the light shine in the eyes of starving, penniless people...

the pain and confused look of my enemies as they die a painful and excruciating death... (j/k)


being in love

beating very highly placed corporate fatcats at their own game... (and i will...)

that's all i can think of right now...

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Originally posted by mssabina

there are so many things i want to experience... so i'll just say a happy, satisfying and fulfilling life :)

:mad: :mad: :mad:

Thats not what I am looking for young lady...

I mean specifics...

One for me is I would like to witness a Space Shuttle launch and landing.

I don't have time to list. I will list in a little while... But I want to know Specific things that are not really easy to witness or experience. Or out of the ordinary... No postwhoring here... Take time to answer please people...

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haha ok ok, i thought i could get away with cheating... hmm..

travel all over the world

get my license ::waves to destiny:: ;)

fall in love a marry the person i'll be with for the rest of my life

become a mother

be sucessfull in my career

experience great works of art and architecture first hand (too many to name them all)

learn to ride horseback

own my own dog... i've never had one :(

go to a real concert b/c i've never been (!!)

go white water rafting and mayyyybe sky dive

learn photography

i'll think of some others later

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Originally posted by mssabina

go to a real concert b/c i've never been (!!)

i'll think of some others later

Metallica and a few other bands will be at Giants Stadium on July 8th... :eek: I can't wait I have been dying for Metallica to come back to this area!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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Ok things I either want to witness or experience in my lifetime.

As stated before... A Space Shuttle Launch and Landing.

A Miracle ( Like A Child Birth )

Would love to go Sky Diving as someone else stated...

Travel to Italy

Achieve financial stability.

Wow... My mind is blank. I am exhausted. I am sure I will think of more eventually.

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"fuck all the glamour and glitz...i just wana be rich"

"i wana have me a phat yacht..and enough land to grow

cess crops"

"i wana villa in Costa Rica...so i can smoke my reefa' "

"wana b livin the fast life..with fast cars..everywhere we go people know who we are...a team from outta queens with the american dream..plotting up a scheme to get this seven figure cream"

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get accepted to and graduate from grad school

travel all over the world

marry the man i love :) :and sport a phatty lil rock would be nice too lol:

hear the pitter patter of lil feet while being called "mommy"


go parasailing

fffiiiinnnaallly get a boxer named T**** ;)

never have to worry a day in my life about money

help people with mental disorders

design my own home

own a condo on the beach

spend a day shopping with britney

ever since they came out ive been dreaming of hanging out on the tour bus with nsync... but ill take solo-justin :grin:

watch my best friend get married... :D

swim with dolphins

walk down the red carpet

..... live happily ever after.....

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spin @ a big festival

produce tracks and listen to my favorite DJs spin them out

have children...but not ANYTIME soon

Own a club

I would LOVE to erxperience a rave that ALL Promoting/Production companies in NY unite and throw all together....a Massive Festival...Like a NYC Love Parade :D

I would like to turn on the radio and actually LIKE music that is being aired...

...A flying automoble in circulation

I would like to see & travel through a tunnel built under the sea to go from New York to Europe... :D

I want to visit London

there's more...Ill think & tell you later ;)

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Own a club

DEFINITELY! besides the almost expected such as having healthy children, getting & staying married, going to grad school, etc.. My dream is to own a club

My other is that my nanny would still be around and healthy 2 see me get married ( God-willing)

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- Defenitely would never happen but I have always wanted to see Biggie and 2Pac in concert...If there was one thing I wanted before they died it was defenitely to see them in concert...

- Would love to own a club, skydive, bungee jump(goin this summer), go to ibiza, buy my mom the benz roadster she's always wanted :D , design my won crib, own a team, play for the Yankees, marry a Playboy model, and just be happy for the rest of my life...

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