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Does anyone actually like promoters?

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Does anyone really like promoters? I mean, I understand that they have a job to do and bring people to a night club. But common, enough is enough. All i keep reading + hearing is this party and that party. And has anyone ever met a promoter, they are the kids that in hight school + now in college you used to smack them in the back of the head and trip them in the hall ways for fun. Basically these kids were the biggest loosers, who now think they are cool cause they promote. RETARDS YOU DON'T OWN THE CLUB! you just make some guy alot of money. And he's smart enough to exploit you and let you say the golden promoter term "this is my party" - who gives a shit if this is your party. What are you some type of celeberty that I must meet? Your a looser who didn't graduate high school let alone have a college education to amount to anything in life. And has anyone heard the terminology used by these people, "sell the show",etc. Its a fuckin club. Most dj's don't play anything, they spin records. Records made by other producers which they buy for $7.99 @ a record store.

Conclusion, stop fuckin posting this party and that party. if we want to go, we'll go.

This doesn't go out to ALL promoters, this just goes to the ones who really over do it!!!!!

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I understand your point......but, I promo a party here once a week...I don't get paid to do it, I don't say it's my party....I do it because my best friend is a dj...He spun in his room for 3 yrs. for hours on end.....he's addicted to house...certain songs will bring tears to eyes.....But he had stage-fright....He finally decided to face his fear and spin out at a club.....I just want him to be sucessful.....Also he has great sound that I know people would love(not just saying that because I'm his friend)(I know shameless promo) I don't want to create any drama...Just thought I would let you know we're not all that bad....

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Originally posted by fuallnow

Does anyone really like promoters?

not for the most part... although theres a few exceptions...

they're like salesmen that jump all over you as soon as you step in the store... a little tact would go a long way... but what can you do...

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i agree, not all, but certainly most. and not all are just kids, a lot of the assholes are 20-30-40 etc. usually a bunch of losers, always stiffing people that worked for them. waitresses, dancers, door people, whatever. lots of them act like hot shit, but don't have a freaking penny to their names. they're always scamming, and losing. its an old old story, nothing new

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As we speak......The thread above this is a promo....For Westchester's hottest dance clubs......I lived in West-Chester Oakland Beach to Cromptom....Baby..The two clubs are a KTU parties......Requiring trendy dress.....as stated in the promo...I never thought of promoting as anything other supporting djs and way to assure my friends could get into the club and not have to pay.....I just can't believe they would even have promoters for these two clubs....I just liked the perks....(free drugs,drinks) not the status

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funny stuff to me, promoter =status, agaain, not to generalize, but a high % of promoters dont have 2 cents to rub together, and always burn people they own money to. staus, not really, bullshit is more like it , again, not for all, but a lot for sure, basically small time losers, i dont care what club they promote for and what talent they bring in, from centro fly to westcher, they are the same to me

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I don't think promoting has anything to do with status.......It's about getting people together for the sole purposes of creating a positive vibe and I pay for everything out of my own pocket and don't make a dime.....I do it because I love the music and the scene.......

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i agree with woodpecker. i don't have much money..but i don't make money promoting either. i just do it because i like to go out and i like to bring people to the club. it sucks that a lot of promoters ARE assholes..... like the ones that post for a party 80 times in a week ( trust me.. it annoys the shit out of me when i post up a party and someone else posts the same party right above me). but... whatever... anyway ... my point is ..... we're not all bad. 0=)

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But seriously, there is a difference between good and bad promoters. Just because you you had bad experiences with the latter, doesn't mean you have to generalize.

Case in point, Centro Thursdays. I haven't frequented it much...but guess what, they manage to draw in the big names, they bring in the crowd, and week after week you see patrons, NOT PROMOTERS, post beaming reviews. When there's a problem, it always comes with a public apology. It's not complicated, it's called maturity, professionalism...in short, doing proper business. The old Hidden parties at Discotheque was good in these aspects too. It's the difference between a professional sales representative and a fucking street side rolex salesman.

So give some other parties a try. A good party/promoter is worth wading through the shit for.

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Originally posted by Xpander

But seriously, there is a difference between good and bad promoters. Just because you you had bad experiences with the latter, doesn't mean you have to generalize.

Case in point, Centro Thursdays. I haven't frequented it much...but guess what, they manage to draw in the big names, they bring in the crowd, and week after week you see patrons, NOT PROMOTERS, post beaming reviews. When there's a problem, it always comes with a public apology. It's not complicated, it's called maturity, professionalism...in short, doing proper business. The old Hidden parties at Discotheque was good in these aspects too. It's the difference between a professional sales representative and a fucking street side rolex salesman.

So give some other parties a try. A good party/promoter is worth wading through the shit for.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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like with everything, there are the good..and the bad

Legendary promoters like Michael Alig and such are obviously not on the level of used car salesmen....they MAKE the party happen, from choosing which talent to book to setting a theme for the party...

then there are the low-lifes that annoy the shit out of everyone with their flyers, countless posts, phone calls, etc. Case in point...i dont know him, but....myke....this kid's stuck his flyers into EVERY thread on this board...here's a hint (!) that's OVERDOING it

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