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Guy/Girl best friends


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Does anyone find that if they have best friends of the opposite sex (No romantic feelings included), those friends tend to be more overprotective of you then your friends of the same sex? Somewhat ridiculously so. They seem to be more nosy too..idk maybe its just my friends :confused:

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Originally posted by Destiny

Does anyone find that if they have best friends of the opposite sex (No romantic feelings included), those friends tend to be more overprotective of you then your friends of the same sex? Somewhat ridiculously so. They seem to be more nosy too..idk maybe its just my friends :confused:

This is because opposite " Best friends " have just about the same relationship as a couple. The only difference is there is no intimate relations. So therefore I believe there will be the same jealousies, same protections, same feelings, Etc. Etc. Etc...

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somewhat. but not really....

two friends in particular, who are like my brothers, don't even ask me about private things..and we really don't talk too much about our personal lives...it's more about spending time together and debating politics and sports...

and smoking.... :smoke::bong::D

while another good friend of mine...who is gay, is constantly asking me about my love life, if the guy is treating me right, etc etc etc...but he's a girl in so many ways, i consider him my girlfriend :tongue:

it depends, i think.

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Originally posted by sassa

...while another good friend of mine...who is gay, is constantly asking me about my love life, if the guy is treating me right, etc etc etc...but he's a girl in so many ways, i consider him my girlfriend :tongue:

it depends, i think.

i was going to bring up sexual preference. i think that matters a great deal.
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Originally posted by sassa

somewhat. but not really....

two friends in particular, who are like my brothers, don't even ask me about private things..and we really don't talk too much about our personal lives...it's more about spending time together and debating politics and sports...

my 4 close guy friends are insane

they hint that they want to know, but don't come out and ask. if i dont tell them about something, (i.e. I ran into my ex the other day) they flip out and yell at me that I didnt say anything. Then they proceed to tell me that the guys are jerks and that they dont want to talk/hear about them....MORONS!!!

However my girl best friends, if i dont tell them right away that something happened, or if I just dont tell them at all, when they find out are just "ok what happened?" and thats that. No arguments, nothing.

I think I need new friends


Cody why do you have bad luck with guy friends??:confused:

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Originally posted by Codica3

Cause a decent amount have the problem of falling in love with me over a course of time.. :rolleyes:

one of my best friends in high school started treating me really disrespectfully suddenly at some point in senior year. he was really intrusive, possessive, and always wanted me to tell him all about my past, present, and future without any reciprocation on his part. i asked my very best friend (a girl) why he had started to treat me this way, and she said it was obvious --- that he had fallen for me. it turned out to be true, but his treating me so badly as a result of the feelings of "love" he had for me made it impossible for us to even speak after i confronted him with the problem :( .
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i probably have an equal guy/girl friend ratio.

I have two female friends that are actually VERY protective of the things I do and people I associate myself with. At times they can be a little overbearing, but I know in the end 90% of the time they're right...and they're just looking out for me.

As for guys...I can't really call out any particular guy friend of mine who is protective of me. I think they're all protective to a point, but they usually give me the freedom to make my own decisions and fuck things up. One of my guy friends tho....I dunno, sometimes he really tries to light a fire under my ass to get things going....lol...I appreciate the effort tho. :tongue:;)

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...i have my girls...who are in some sense protective.....if someone wrongs me ..that person is done in their eyes....etc...

....i HAD a guy best friend...and well that relationship/platonic line was very blurry....and that basically exploded in my face.......regardless.......it was for the better...

...but my real guy best friend is great.....i can tell him basically anything.....occasionally gets protective....but knows he cannot control me...it's almost cute....and even when we dont hang out for days ((...he is busy with gf etc...i am out doing my thing)).....it is always the same ......not to mentione we r neighbors!:D

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now its probbly more like 50/50,l but it used to be sku'd like 80/20 (guyfriends to girlfriends). and has been that way up until maybe a couple years ago. i grew up a tomboy and most of the kids in my neighborhood ewre boys..so when girls went and played with their dolls, i was climbing trees, palying GI Joe. LOL for years i have always been considered 'one of the guys" and i have basically heard it all!

when i was younger, i used to argue all the time that IT is possible to have guy friends or friends of the oppostei sex but as I got older, you learn it is harder to maintain or form those kind of freindships. ususally they only work and last if you have been friends for a long time.. but its usually outside sources - peers and usually other gf's and bf's that dissolve these opposite sex friendships. if you can weed through some of the bs and ignore what others say.. they will work and last. I think the key in forming oppsite sex relationships though is to immediately establish that it is going to be FRIENDSHIP, bc when you start blurring the lines is when you start running into trouble.

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i guess also looking at the current guy friends i have.. all but two have been strictly platonic. One we started dating, and we ended up hating ech other. :laugh: unfortunatley he made the mistake of telling his current gf that we used to date, so of course she hates me ! the other we met in cancun... we remained friends afterwards and keep in touch through im and occassional phone calls. we have talked each other through our past heartbreaks and struggles over the years, and been each other's biggest cheerleaders

but as far as the protectiveness factor, in comparison to girls though, guys are a lot more open minded and dont give a shit about a lot of the little things that girls do (thank god.. and thats why i am friends with them) i knwo if one of my guy friends is going to have a serious talk with me, ..then i really did something fucked up LOL

i have to admit that girls somewhat irrirtate me with things like...(disclaimer i am saying most, not all.. i am describing my friends and i love them but....)

* they cannot go anywhere by themselves

* its takes 4 hours for four girls to get ready to go out (this is from past experience on going to numerous vacations with them) Guys: give me 15 minutes

* they cannot be left alone for a second with out freaking out GUys; go ahead, do a lap!

* when going out.. they need to know where we are going, who is going to be there, what to wear, waht the color of the couches are gonna be, the name of the bathroom attendant... guys: what time, and can i wear jeans?

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Originally posted by weyes

one of my best friends in high school started treating me really disrespectfully suddenly at some point in senior year. he was really intrusive, possessive, and always wanted me to tell him all about my past, present, and future without any reciprocation on his part. i asked my very best friend (a girl) why he had started to treat me this way, and she said it was obvious --- that he had fallen for me. it turned out to be true, but his treating me so badly as a result of the feelings of "love" he had for me made it impossible for us to even speak after i confronted him with the problem :( .

Yup. I was in almost the exact situation about a month and a half ago with my best friend (male) except he was the one who flat out ended up telling me after much fighting that he's: "jealous and I can't help it" :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

i have to admit that girls somewhat irrirtate me with things like...(disclaimer i am saying most, not all.. i am describing my friends and i love them but....)

* they cannot go anywhere by themselves

* its takes 4 hours for four girls to get ready to go out (this is from past experience on going to numerous vacations with them) Guys: give me 15 minutes

* they cannot be left alone for a second with out freaking out GUys; go ahead, do a lap!

* when going out.. they need to know where we are going, who is going to be there, what to wear, waht the color of the couches are gonna be, the name of the bathroom attendant... guys: what time, and can i wear jeans?

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I couldn't agree with you more. I tend to have alot of guy friends too, but mostly because I think they are so laid back and not as clingy. They even protect you when you are out at clubs :aright:

Theres no competition and they aren't as umm.. b*itchy an moody as we can sometimes be.

Even though I have guy friends i do kind of miss that "closeness" with girls. sometimes i feel that since I chill so much with guys that i am almost turnin into one..lol.. my phone convos last like 5 minutes tops--just to convey the point... i start every sentence with "dude"... its actually getting pretty scary and the insanity won't stop :(

but lately though i am kind of feeling self consious about it all. i don't now why, but i am..

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One of my best friends is a girl, and we've been friends forever (i.e. since middle school). We're not really intrusive at all, but if one finds out that the other hooked-up with someone they know, we give each other alllll kinds of shit for it.

Case-in-point, I hung out with her and her friends this past weekend. I ended up hooking-up with one of her friends and thought no one knew about it, until I got a phone call the next day COMPLETELY tooling on me for it! It'll be months until I hear the end of this one!

If you keep things light and don't let emotions get involved, guys and girls can be really good friends. You just have to make sure you don't end up "accidently" getting it on ;)

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

One of my best friends is a girl, and we've been friends forever (i.e. since middle school). We're not really intrusive at all, but if one finds out that the other hooked-up with someone they know, we give each other alllll kinds of shit for it.

Case-in-point, I hung out with her and her friends this past weekend. I ended up hooking-up with one of her friends and thought no one knew about it, until I got a phone call the next day COMPLETELY tooling on me for it! It'll be months until I hear the end of this one!

If you keep things light and don't let emotions get involved, guys and girls can be really good friends. You just have to make sure you don't end up "accidently" getting it on ;)

Nice sig. :rolleyes:

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HI b NICE to see you in this neck of the woods.

lol your story actually reminds me of the first boy i referred to.. um i ran into this brother one night (whom i had never met before) and we ended hooking up. Needless to say that my friend called me frist thing in the morning... "sooooooooooooooooo did you meet anyone last night!?" :laugh: he never let me live that one down

and as far as in the club scenarios.. if you work it right the two of you can partner up and really help out eah other's game. lol one of my friends and I used to joke around and say it was divide and conquer strategy. hahahaha

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Originally posted by karisma

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Even though I have guy friends i do kind of miss that "closeness" with girls. sometimes i feel that since I chill so much with guys that i am almost turnin into one..lol.. my phone convos last like 5 minutes tops--just to convey the point... i start every sentence with "dude"... its actually getting pretty scary and the insanity won't stop :(

but lately though i am kind of feeling self consious about it all. i don't now why, but i am..

haha i can totally relate to all this. i was just saying that for so long i have assimilated myself that now i am rying to "untrain" myself somewhat...

this is def a W.I.P.


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Originally posted by nycchic24

guys: what time, and can i wear jeans?

omg...those are the first words out of my mouth...comfort is key!! :laugh:

Most of my friends are guys. I love it because they are all morons. Haha, I can sit back and just bug out with them. No catty shit, rushes to the bathroom ( well not really lol SERG )...no man hunts...

I can go out and have a good ass time with no hassle...but I have my close female friends and my bf who I confide in when i feel like being a girly sensitive mess...gotta love girl talk

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Originally posted by Destiny

Does anyone find that if they have best friends of the opposite sex (No romantic feelings included), those friends tend to be more overprotective of you then your friends of the same sex? Somewhat ridiculously so. They seem to be more nosy too..idk maybe its just my friends :confused:

OH MY GOD YES! but its ok it means they care:D

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it may sound silly, but since i've moved away from home and my 9-year-old half sister and no longer have female roommates, i miss braiding people's hair (besides my own) :( . one of my roommates in college had me french braid her hair every morning; i miss the sisterhood, both between my actual sister and me and my friends and me :( :( :( .

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i don't rank my friends or anything... but the people i have the closest relations with are of both sexes... some of them can be a bit over the line, some of them would probably crack some jokes if i died...(haha, and did when i almost did... then again, so did i...) and honestly...

it doesn't really mean anything either way... everyone just has their own way of dealing with people...

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