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( For Gym Goers ) What are your gym Pet Peeves?

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I hate when someone is sitting on a work station, bench, or what have you just to talk to someone else who is working out in the area. I know it is easy to ask them to move. But then it puts me in the situation of interupting there conversation. I know I should'nt give a shit. But eh...

Come on people name some things that piss you off...

Or on another note... What actions do people do that make you laugh...

Or what was your most embaresing (SP) moment in the gym...

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I frequently work out at the gym and my biggest pet peeve is.....

when girls go in groups fully equipped with water, discmans, and magazines... as if all this entertainment isn't enough, they talk to each otehr amidst the workout. :rolleyes: i usually just go with my discman and water but i kind of think its funny when i see these "groups" going with all these accessories-- and they half ass work out-- i don't even know why they bother. its amusing most of the time, but when they are taking up a whole line of machines, i get a lil :frust:

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Originally posted by karisma

I frequently work out at the gym and my biggest pet peeve is.....

when girls go in groups fully equipped with water, discmans, and magazines... as if all this entertainment isn't enough, they talk to each otehr amidst the workout. :rolleyes: i usually just go with my discman and water but i kind of think its funny when i see these "groups" going with all these accessories-- and they half ass work out-- i don't even know why they bother. its amusing most of the time, but when they are taking up a whole line of machines, i get a lil :frust:

Ha... There is this one lady in my gym that has one of them voices that litterally go right through you... And she feels it is necesary to scream across the gym to talk to people. A person with a voice like that and one who abuses that voice should be shot... :mad:

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I hate when the cable machine is broken. By cable machine I mean the cables used for chest/tricep exercises. For chest you'd stand in between two cables and pull them foward. I love that exercise and hate when one of the cables are broken which is usually the case where ever i go.

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Originally posted by magilicuti

Not being able to find a dumbell the weight i want pisses me off too.

Yeah I can't stand when people feel as though they should leave the dumbells all over the floor. Put this shit back.

Secondly about the cables... I hear ya... I hate doing Cable Cross overs and one side having more tension than the other.

I also hate when people sweat all over a bench or machine and dont at least whipe it off. :mad:

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Ugh first of all, I can't stand when people don't clean the machines after they use them, especially if they're like dripping sweat that is just gross :puke: I always clean the machine if the person before me didn't

Also, wtf is up with girls getting like completely dolled up for the gym!? They parade around in their cutest little outfits, fully done make-up, hair down :confused: I'm sorry, but I go to work out, not to look "cute" - and how can you possibly work out w/your hair all over the place?! :rolleyes:

Another thing that bothers me are some of the guys at my gym, when they are soooo blatantly checking themselves out - I mean, not as they're lifting to make sure they have proper form, but I mean constantly :rolleyes: They're like doing different poses, looking from different angles, etc....

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i was thinking about this the other day... i'm usually oblivious to everything and everyone, but my gym is kind of small and it's almost always packed when i go... i hate when people decide to spend half an hour at the weight machines i want to use, or never get off the cardio equipment when i need to use it.

also, mostly guys go to my gym (it's a school gym) and they stare down the few girls that go there... and they try to make it less obvious by doing it throught the mirrors, but it's so easy to tell when someones staring at you. let us work out in peace, jesus :blank:

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...oh man...sooooo many....

- not wiping equipment after done...if i wanted to lay on your sweat, i'd ask you out....

- fucking up the track rules - walkers inside, runners outside - sounds simple but we have the people that feel the need to switch lanes randomly while walking - we have the three friends that take up the whole width of the track -etc etc

- as mentioned per elementx - sitting on a machine but not using it for exercise but as a podium to converse with other members

- the singers - i had one guy a couple weeks back randomly sing out one or two words of the songs he had playing in his headphones - it was otrocious - lipsynching is fine, but yalping like a dog is just painful

- the shouters - members that feel the need to yell across the gym to fellow members as if they were in a nightclub - "...hey joey, did that rash clear up...hehehe...":blown:

- the stalkers - people that keep passing you by and eyeball you because they want to use the machine but never actually say anything or try to work in

- the clockers - people that show up at your machine exactly when your time is up or a little before and have this pissed off look on their face as if you were on private property

- the naked guy that always wants to seem to have conversations only when he's naked in the locker room...dude, put that thing away and then we can talk...

...i got more i think but i'll stop there for now...:tongue:

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Also, wtf is up with girls getting like completely dolled up for the gym!? They parade around in their cutest little outfits, fully done make-up, hair down :confused: I'm sorry, but I go to work out, not to look "cute" - and how can you possibly work out w/your hair all over the place?! :rolleyes:

haha those dolled up girls go to my gym... one girl wears white shorts, with the waist rolled down... she has a really great body and all but how the hell she can stand all the guys blatently checking out her ass i don't know. i don't give a shit how i look when i work out... oh yea and a note to girls with big breasts... WEAR A SPORTS BRA IF YOU USE THE TREADMILL... one day those things are gonna pop outta your lil tank top and knock you in the face.

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Originally posted by phatman

- the naked guy that always wants to seem to have conversations only when he's naked in the locker room...dude, put that thing away and then we can talk...

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: I think every gym has a few of these...

I hate when people THROW weights... Dropping is one thing. But trowing is another. And the only exersize that I drop is Flat dumbell press. I am tired of broken dumbells.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Another thing that bothers me are some of the guys at my gym, when they are soooo blatantly checking themselves out - I mean, not as they're lifting to make sure they have proper form, but I mean constantly :rolleyes: They're like doing different poses, looking from different angles, etc....

Don't lie you know you are guilty of this... ;)

As far as people gettin dolled up. I laugh at that. They look more stupid than good. I mean I go to the gym to sweat not to contest in a fasion show...

How bout them people that make loud loud noises... :laugh: again some noise is ok. But if you breath correctly you dont have to make these noises. And some people just over do it.

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Originally posted by mssabina

oh yea and a note to girls with big breasts... WEAR A SPORTS BRA IF YOU USE THE TREADMILL... one day those things are gonna pop outta your lil tank top and knock you in the face.

Exactly!!!! Girls wear these tank tops with regular bras and/or halter tops - I mean seriously is there a need?! :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by elementx

Don't lie you know you are guilty of this... ;)

As far as people gettin dolled up. I laugh at that. They look more stupid than good. I mean I go to the gym to sweat not to contest in a fasion show...

lol yeah right, I try my best to avoid the mirror at all costs, I'd rather not see my shirt drenched in sweat, my face beet red, etc. :laugh:

Oh and I agree, the more dolled up, the more ridiculous they look :blank:

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The one thing I hate about my gym. Is when you are actually trying to see improvement in the mirror. Every mirror in my fucking gym makes you look different.

One mirror makes you look more shreaded.

One mirror makes you look bigger.

And the other mirror makes you look like a fat fuck.

:rolleyes: I go by the one that makes me look like a fat fuck. Cause when I look good in that mirror. I know I have accomplished something. :)

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Originally posted by elementx

How bout them people that make loud loud noises... :laugh: again some noise is ok. But if you breath correctly you dont have to make these noises. And some people just over do it.

hahaha i think that's hilarious... i mean i know it's not easy when you're lifting like 3918745 lbs but it's just so funny when guys grunt and yell and turn all red... ok buddy, that might be a sign you're lifting too much, take it down a notch so you don't pop a blood vessel in your neck or something...

my friend argues me on this, he says that if you're not grunting/yelling then you're not working hard enough...

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...i hate the grunters...and the dolls....worse than the make-up is the perfume/cologne these fokkers spray on...if you run like i do, there is nothing worse than catching a whiff of perfume/cologne...i've almost passed out...

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I have this older gentleman at my gym who constantly tells me what to do. I know there is always something you don't know, but when you look like shit dont tell me shit.

I also have a trainer who likes to work out with me which I dont mind at all cause I can always use a spot. However, everytime he is with a client he tries to tell me to lift more and says, "that's all you can lift, c'mon go heavier." I wanna turn around and be like, "yo stfu and go teach your client, I know how much I can lift."

Then there is always one guy who smells like shit. I understand that a lot of people don't shower before they go to the gym due to the fact that they are gunna sweat anyway, but if you have a foul stench then shower. I'll be doing shoulder press and this smelly ass guy will walk by and I will seriously have to hold my breath while doing that set. I don't understand how you cannot smell yourself, or even see everyone's face turn sour as if they were eating crybaby's. :blank:

I also hate the most when everyone at my gym tells me how big I would be if juiced. I don't want your pins and needles nor your pimple infested bodies. I just want to tell them you look like kirby with your puffy self. (Dont get me wrong I know a lot of people who look great that juice, but it's not for me so respect that)

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Also, wtf is up with girls getting like completely dolled up for the gym!? They parade around in their cutest little outfits, fully done make-up, hair down :confused: I'm sorry, but I go to work out, not to look "cute" - and how can you possibly work out w/your hair all over the place?! :rolleyes:

Another thing that bothers me are some of the guys at my gym, when they are soooo blatantly checking themselves out - I mean, not as they're lifting to make sure they have proper form, but I mean constantly :rolleyes: They're like doing different poses, looking from different angles, etc....

OMG, do i agree with you...there's this one girl in particular, wears hair down, wit the bandana, matchin outfit (always wears a thong as if the guys won't comment)...

i hate the guys that do that also, cuz to me it just makes them look stupid..

i also hate the weights all over the place...

i don't really like going to the gym & gettin hit on cuz the gym is my place to get away from everything, look crappy & just get sweaty & burn off the calories & lift....

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Originally posted by origskeemr

I don't understand how you cannot smell yourself, or even see everyone's face turn sour as if they were eating crybaby's. :blank:

:laugh: :laugh:

there's this one old, sweaty, rank man at my gym that makes me want to vomit whenever Im there. For one, he's sweating before he even gets out on the floor. He gets on a machine (ANY machine, no shame and could care less about the sign up sheets) and he mumbles constantly as he works out....If a chick walks by, "maybe i can get lucky, he he he"....or if its a really toned up guy, "hey look at this asshole!!"... "gotta work out if you wanna get laid"....my workout is always cut short if i see him coming.

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wit the eliptical (?) machine, it's always busy wit girls...i hate it when girls are there wit their friends & just let them jump on it, even though they can tell that u were waiting for it..

totally don't like people that wear perfume or anything of that sort...i was actually on the tredmill on wed & was runnin & sum chick got on one next to me & it was soo powerful that i started coughin & had to get off so i could catch my breath :mad:

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...omg...i forgot about one of my biggest peeves...


...wtf are you doing on a treadmill trying to have a conversation that the rest of the gym can hear...rude all around...hey, if you cant set that shit aside for a work out, fine...but step outside or in the locker room...RUDE!!!...

..plus i dont know about you but i'm usually sweating and breathing too hard to be having a conversation...plus i need to concentrate as much as possible on what i'm doing...

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Originally posted by phatman

...omg...i forgot about one of my biggest peeves...


...wtf are you doing on a treadmill trying to have a conversation that the rest of the gym can hear...rude all around...hey, if you cant set that shit aside for a work out, fine...but step outside or in the locker room...RUDE!!!...

..plus i dont know about you but i'm usually sweating and breathing too hard to be having a conversation...plus i need to concentrate as much as possible on what i'm doing...

agreed;) esp. those nextel 2way's. All my friends have one but why would I wanna hear what your friend has to say esp. when I am tryin to get my workout done and over with:blank: the nerve of these people

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