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What has made you really happy recently??


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my business presentation class is finally over!!! whooohoooo

I hate doing presentations, ugh and I had one or two a week...I'm slowly getting over my fear of public speaking, but im not there yet, public speaking in front of a group of people, job interviews etc im great, but standing in front of a class im all nervous

AND I finally got another ID, so i can go to clubs now since I haven't been to one since November:eek:

AND its gorgeous out

AND i'm planning my vacations for the next few months

I'm definately chipper today:D :tongue::D

btw...please no one ruin this happy thread with their bad CRAP...Thanks!;):tongue:

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it finally rained today, washing my dirty-ass car :D !

my brother's in town, and we're going to disneyland on wednesday, for free :spin2: !!! (yay for hookups!!!)

but the best is, as always, that i got to hang out with my favorite friend (my best, i guess) the week before this past weekend, and will this weekend. he makes me happier than anything :bounce: .

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Originally posted by gmccookny

hey man, you can always be thankful for your health, right what.gif

Exactly, I was watching the Health channel last night and I saw how this older women had her arm torn off in an accident and how she had a new bicep and arm attached... She can't really use her arm fully, but she said the most amazing thing that hit so close to home she said" I wake up everyday and look at this beautiful thing ( referring to her arm) and im glad that Im living life right now".

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Originally posted by elementx

Sorry Destiny I will try to be chipper... :D

You better be !:tongue:

Be happy for all that extra OT $$ you're going to get on payday

More chipperness for me::

Today was pay day, and i got more $$ then i thought i was going to get (crossing fingers that it wasn't a mistake;) )

My teacher let me redo a test I did horrible on (I was half asleep when I took it:rolleyes: ) and I got a 90 on it:D

My grandma made me pierogies for lunch today:idea: :tongue: Mssabina should know how amazing those are:)

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Originally posted by Destiny

You better be !:tongue:

Be happy for all that extra OT $$ you're going to get on payday

More chipperness for me::

Today was pay day, and i got more $$ then i thought i was going to get (crossing fingers that it wasn't a mistake;) )

My teacher let me redo a test I did horrible on (I was half asleep when I took it:rolleyes: ) and I got a 90 on it:D

My grandma made me pierogies for lunch today:idea: :tongue: Mssabina should know how amazing those are:)

LoL All that Overtime money... Ha... Funny thing is. I just got another wedding invitation in the mail when I got home from work last night... May 31st... SOOOOOOOOO...

Lets see...

I have a Communion May 3rd.

I have a wedding May 25th.

I have another wedding May 31st.


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Originally posted by Destiny

My grandma made me pierogies for lunch today:idea: :tongue: Mssabina should know how amazing those are:)

ohhh yes of course i do!! send some over, i could really use some grandma made ones right about now :(

what kind are they?

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Originally posted by mssabina

ohhh yes of course i do!! send some over, i could really use some grandma made ones right about now :(

what kind are they?


I'll send you some babka and Kielbasa(turkey) this weekend too:tongue: :D

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Originally posted by elementx

LoL All that Overtime money... Ha... Funny thing is. I just got another wedding invitation in the mail when I got home from work last night... May 31st... SOOOOOOOOO...

Lets see...

I have a Communion May 3rd.

I have a wedding May 25th.

I have another wedding May 31st.


Listen buddy, don't make me get fiesty!!

Don't ruin this chipper thread, theres too much negativity in the world already:mad:

BE HAPPY :tongue::D

Here say this with me:


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Originally posted by Destiny


I'll send you some babka and Kielbasa(turkey) this weekend too:tongue: :D

cheese and potato is my absolute faaaavorite, but plain potato is good too...

and as for that babka and kielbasa... i'll be waiting :tongue:

is there anyway i can get some golabki and goulash too?? i have two polish grandmothers who make deeeelicious food but one is in poland and the other is in florida, so no polish cooking for me :mad: i'm deprived

i think i need to take a field trip to greenpoint sometime soon

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Originally posted by Destiny

Listen buddy, don't make me get fiesty!!

Don't ruin this chipper thread, theres too much negativity in the world already:mad:

BE HAPPY :tongue::D

Here say this with me:


:tongue: The weekend is 3 + days away.... :laugh:

But I will smile for you cutie... ;)

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....realizing the wonderful outcome of a bad situation........

......ridding myself of all shitty people..........

.......actually taking a look and realizing what an enormous amount of fun me and my friends have been having lately......

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