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What made Twilo so Special??

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Twilo was my favorite club in NYC. I would choose it over any other venue on Friday nights. But back then I would compare it to Tunnel and Soundfactory and I just felt like Twilo provided a larger range of DJ's and more eclectic crowd. The diversity you would see on fridays and Saturdays was amazing. It was the only time i remeber haning out with straight, gay, white, black spanish, punks and ravers. To me it epitomized what a club vibe should be like. There was a Twilo family there. Drugs were there, but music always took precedence. It was the one link that bonded all Twilo Patrons. That's more than what I can say for other clubs for the exeption of arc (from what I hear, i've never been).

But to be real honest, today if I go to Soundfactory, I will have as much fun. There's no comparison for me but I do appreciate Factory's vibe and the people you meet there. After all, it's YOU who make the party. I know that for some people way older than us, Studio 54 will always be NYC's most legendary club. Sorry I missed that one. But I'm not as sorry as other people who missed Twilo.




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Originally posted by iliana

The diversity you would see on fridays and Saturdays was amazing. It was the only time i remeber haning out with straight, gay, white, black spanish, punks and ravers. To me it epitomized what a club vibe should be like.

That's exactly it... it was such a great mix of friendly people. Back then I was equally vested in various scenes... raves, clubs, gay, straight... Twilo was one of the few places where you could get all of that wrapped up in one.

It's really hard to explain it to someone who wasn't there... part of it had to do with the fact that I started going there only a few yrs into my clubbing career... part of it was the point in time and the atmosphere of the city back then... but something about the atmosphere was seriously magical.

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Originally posted by Crackorn

PLUS, you always knew you were getting in that night (provided you were old enough and had ID) no matter what you wore or how many guys you showed up with.

Not for Junior's party.

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what made Twil ocool to me was, that i didint care for pvd, or diggers, it was just not my thing, But they would pull such a wide variety of dj's Boy george, Farina, howells,danny,Dimitry,

on those nights i experinced Magic, and its not like it was 199.....

it was like 2000, it was recent, and it proved that NY can do good past 98, lol and i hope we do it Again, lol



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i appreciate new comers into clubland that are willing to hear what the old geezers have to say about their past clubbing experiences. ;)

i was talking to a British guy and he's telling me how he flew in from London for the sole purpose of going to Twilo. i asked him why and he simply answers, "Twilo is the Mecca for all electronica followers." i couldn't agree more.

there was nothing fancy about Twilo. a HUGE empty warehouse. the best sound/lights in the city. it was always a circus of people as everyone still talks about.

you walked in and all you heard were the pounding beats. almost everyone on line knew who was spinning. you came there to hear the DJ. the main room is a sea of people screaming, cheering, dancing, whistles being blown, a mob of people breaking/playing with stixx. you walk into the crowd and everyone is smiling and asking you if you are having a good time.

as the night progresses, the music just seems to get better, louder, darker. you can't stop dancing b/c.. well, everyone else around you can't stop dancing either! you find yourself meeting people from around the world who have all come to pay homage to Twilo.

the houselights would come on at around 6,7,8 am but everyone is still chanting the DJ's name.. PvD, Sasha, Digweed, Carl Cox, Sander K, Lawler, Basement Jaxx, Danny Tenaglia, Judge Jules, Nick Warren, Dave Seaman, Layo and Bushwacka, Tilt, Cass and Slide, Howells, Junior, Timo Maas.. just to name a few of the DJ names I remember screaming...

the DJ then throws down another encore after encore and the cheering starts to fill your ears and you have to squeeze in that last dance. the DJ then comes out of the booth to more cheering, gives people pounds, waves into the crowd, hugs a few girls..

and you knew you could do this EVERY FRIDAY.

RIP twilo. the little details of the place still gives me chills. waiting on line for water and meeting TONS of heads, the power bar, the VIP room, the pyramid seating area, the great wall of asians, the unisex bathrooms, the huge disco ball...

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Originally posted by kitty19


the DJ then throws down another encore after encore and the cheering starts to fill your ears and you have to squeeze in that last dance. the DJ then comes out of the booth to more cheering, gives people pounds, waves into the crowd, hugs a few girls..

and you knew you could do this EVERY FRIDAY.

I wish I could of been there....sounds so unreal!!!

Maybe one day it will open back up?

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Originally posted by kitty19

you walked in and all you heard were the pounding beats.

Oh hells yeah... that's one thing I will never forget... the feel of the bass coursing through your body as soon as you walked in the door...

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Originally posted by kitty19

word has it it's opening up as Spirit... :rolleyes:

if it does open, it will be TOTALLY different from twilo. not even in the same league..

Supposedly, it will be opening on June 21... it will never be Twilo, but I think that people need to look past that and give it a chance... this city really needs something new to rescucitate (sp?) its nightlife.

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Originally posted by kitty19

i appreciate new comers into clubland that are willing to hear what the old geezers have to say about their past clubbing experiences. ;)

i was talking to a British guy and he's telling me how he flew in from London for the sole purpose of going to Twilo. i asked him why and he simply answers, "Twilo is the Mecca for all electronica followers." i couldn't agree more.

there was nothing fancy about Twilo. a HUGE empty warehouse. the best sound/lights in the city. it was always a circus of people as everyone still talks about.

you walked in and all you heard were the pounding beats. almost everyone on line knew who was spinning. you came there to hear the DJ. the main room is a sea of people screaming, cheering, dancing, whistles being blown, a mob of people breaking/playing with stixx. you walk into the crowd and everyone is smiling and asking you if you are having a good time.

as the night progresses, the music just seems to get better, louder, darker. you can't stop dancing b/c.. well, everyone else around you can't stop dancing either! you find yourself meeting people from around the world who have all come to pay homage to Twilo.

the houselights would come on at around 6,7,8 am but everyone is still chanting the DJ's name.. PvD, Sasha, Digweed, Carl Cox, Sander K, Lawler, Basement Jaxx, Danny Tenaglia, Judge Jules, Nick Warren, Dave Seaman, Layo and Bushwacka, Tilt, Cass and Slide, Howells, Junior, Timo Maas.. just to name a few of the DJ names I remember screaming...

the DJ then throws down another encore after encore and the cheering starts to fill your ears and you have to squeeze in that last dance. the DJ then comes out of the booth to more cheering, gives people pounds, waves into the crowd, hugs a few girls..

and you knew you could do this EVERY FRIDAY.

RIP twilo. the little details of the place still gives me chills. waiting on line for water and meeting TONS of heads, the power bar, the VIP room, the pyramid seating area, the great wall of asians, the unisex bathrooms, the huge disco ball...

:clap2: :clap2: couldnt have said it better myself...

Twilo represented everything I look for and love in/about this scene. There is a reason I was there every friday for 2 years...

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Originally posted by tastyt

Supposedly, it will be opening on June 21... it will never be Twilo, but I think that people need to look past that and give it a chance... this city really needs something new to rescucitate (sp?) its nightlife.

no. you're right about that. any new place is welcomed in this city. it's unfortunate, from what i hear, that it won't be a place that "welcomes all." if i want to get dressed nicely and go out i'll head over to whatever bar/lounge. i just wish it was going to be a place where you can get nice, dirty, sweaty....

nonetheless, out with the old.. in with the new! i just look forward to walking through those doors again at W. 27th! ;)

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Interesting people I met there:

A kid from Cambodia who had come by himself to hear PVD.

A DJ named John Digweed who was hanging out at the bar at 12pm on Sunday of the Tenaglia/Diggers anniversary party and dancing his ass off!!

Some CP peeps that I still keep in touch with too.


But the more we reminice the harder it will be to get over the place being gone.:(

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on the way to tunnel i walked passed "that gay club" for months.... (which was ironic cuz i would spend most of the night on the kurfew side). i got into twilo pretty late in the game, for a s+d set i will never EVER forget.... and after that it was nearly every friday until it closed.

the lines around the block, the friends you made, the lights, the sound, the international talent brought in every fucking week.... also the diversity of the crowd - not just wifebeater spikey hair kids and juiceheads, though there were plenty of them. heads in my computational neuroscience program would always meet up for pvd (and later for dd, to represent iran, hehe!)

you're waiting outside for 2 hours, and every concrete slab you move forward feels like an accomplishment. The poor fools that took a little too early were thinking "this is the beeeeest line i've eeeeeever been on", hearing the bass resonate through the walls as you get close... you know you have to say someone's name at the door to get $5 off, and you've been telling all your friends "JUST SAY YOU'RE ON DIEGO'S LIST" and you get to the man and you're like, ummmm..... who is the guy in the wizard hat? oh yeah, i met him last week. where did all my friends go? oh, they'll find me (no they won't). when the sound kicks up for the headliner, when they unveiled the new multicolored lasers... when its 5am and pvd busts out the psytance, when its 9am and digweed doesn't want to stop dropping encores.... jeesus....


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I went to Twilo 4 times total, but that was really before I was really even into the scene. One thing I remember very vividly was how friendly and diverse everyone was. The vibe in that place the few times I was there was something I haven't really experienced since. People like to compare Arc to it, but I don't really see it. I had only been to Vinyl once, and Arc many times. Arc just seems so clean and open compared to the grittiness of Twilo. I remember being really intimidated the times I went to Twilo. So many crazy things going on all over the place, things are more toned down now I think.

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Before Twilo I had traveled around the world, not clubbing, but just to travel, live, and meet people. After moving to NY in July of '99 my friend was like 'oh you got to see Sasha and Digweed at Twilo' I had no clue what she was talking about. I had been searching for that same feeling living abroad for a year or so, but never found it. Twilo filled that void.

The epitomie of my Twilo experience was Nov '00 for PvD's set. We were up in the VIP room, but it wasn't really a VIP room with bottle service and stuff, it was just another room with the same music so you didn't have to deal with the crowd. If you were close to the VIP room when it opened, you were in...that simple. No list, no big bouncer. Anyway, when the VIP room closed at 6 we made our way down to catch the rest of PvD's set. Being in that room for 6 hours you made some great friends, it was like your own little house party with PvD spinning. I grabbed my girlfriend (at that time) hand, she then grabbed my best friends hand, and before you knew it we had a line of 20 people holding hands making our way through the bar, down the stairs into the chill room and finally came to the main room. I felt like family, acually is was my family. Then to enter the main room with those neon beams racing around the edges of ceiling and the pulsating music coming from all sides of the room...my lord it was hard for me to believe a place like this existed, especially becaue I thought I'd seen it all.

I wasn't around for Limelight or the Tunnel, but I feel so lucky that I was able to spend 2 or 3 Fridays a month for a whole year at Twilo. It's kind of like an immediate connection you have with someone when Twilo comes up, and the person has been there. Words can't describe it, as with everything else you would try to, but Twilo you just couldn't.

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i started going to twilo in the last few months it was open...but it was a place where you didn't have to conform and do your own thing...the vibe in there was INCREDIBLE, twilo made me fall in love with pvd...and that was during my exit days so it was def. a place for converts :)

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It was all about the music! With the love for the music the vibe came right along with it.

People knew how to say execuse me or sorry if they happend to bump into you. Those words are missing from most of todays clubgoers vocabulary

People were not there to look pretty or it was the new cool place to go

It was post Limelight, and the last great weekly party in NYC

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