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20 Questions for Tiesto

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is he gay?

what types of music besides clubbing music does he like?

where does he see himself musically in 5 years?

if he had to take three things on an island with him, what would he take?

maybe they're stupid, but maybe they're not...hope they help. good luck.

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Originally posted by sheendawg

A friend of mine has to interview him, and I wanted to know what you guys would ask him if you could? Thanks!!

Who or what inspired him to do what he is doing now?

What drives him to succeed and excel in what he does?

Who are his favorite DJ's?

Does he like to party when he is not DJing?


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1. Do you have a green card?

2. Which would you prefer, someone to pick your nose or someone to suck your ear wax out with a straw?

3. Which is disappearing quicker, the ozone layer or your hair?

4. Do you enjoy projectile vomiting?

5. Do you enjoy watching others projectile vomit?


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Originally posted by sassa

is he gay?

what types of music besides clubbing music does he like?

where does he see himself musically in 5 years?

if he had to take three things on an island with him, what would he take?

maybe they're stupid, but maybe they're not...hope they help. good luck.

Is he gay is your first question.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I would ask him if he feels like he has been overly commercialized.

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1. favorite club to spin at in the world (duh)

2. which DJ does he hate the most and why

3. if he wasnt DJing what the hell would he be doing with his life

4. where in the world does he feel has the best electronica culture and why

5. how does he feel about the current state of the NYC club scene, if he knows anything about it

6. his most memorable party and why

7. does he ever plan on evolving from trance to other genres of music

8. whats his feelings about people downloading music on the internet, esp electronica

9. if he were to fight PVD, who would win and why

10. what type of CHEESE does he like best :blown:

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How long is his penis.

Does he keep his pubes trim.

How many grams of protein is in his daily diet.

Has he ever smoked black tar heroin.

Does he moisturize?

Which country does he dislike more, Turkmenistan or France?

Does his mother speak English?

Who does his make-up?

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