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Jack Evans: "...I will be their enemy"

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From today's City Paper:

Loose Lips

Ward 2's Evans loathes a few things: High taxes. Out-of-control spending. Unsharpened pencils.

E. Barrett Atwood adds another item to the list of things Evans hates: to boogie. "I think Footloose is starting to come true here," says Atwood, who is president of the D.C. Nightlife Coalition, a recently formed group of club owners*, promoters, ravers, and other proponents of good times out on the town. In other words, coalition members want to kick off their Sunday shoes, all over the city.

Atwood casts Evans in the John Lithgow role, referring to a bill the councilmember proposed last year restricting dance floors to 10 by 10 feet. "If they want me to be their worst enemy, I will be their enemy," Evans responds.

He adds context to the anti-nightlife quotes the coalition attributes to Evans on its Web site: "I can't think of anywhere in this city that nightclubs are appropriate anymore....There are no areas that are appropriate for this type of behavior. If you want to have it, put it out in Silver Spring. That's a great place for it," remarked Evans at a January 2002 council hearing.

His remarks, Evans explains, focused on businesses that illegally use restaurant licenses to operate as nightclubs. Recently, Evans has received e-mails telling the councilmember who represents downtown, Dupont Circle, Georgetown, and other D.C. nightlife hot spots not to be such a drip. "Essentially if you're going to operate as an illegal nightclub, we don't want you here," defends Evans. "The residents of Ward 2 support me. And since the residents vote, I'm more than happy to support them."

[*editorial note: the DCNC disagrees with this charactericzation of our group. We are, in fact, a citizen's coalition made up of residents and patrons of nightlife buisnesses in the district. During the interview, this distiction was expressed to the author. We are not, as Evan's and others would paint us, spokespeople for any industry.]

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Originally posted by revaluation

He adds context to the anti-nightlife quotes the coalition attributes to Evans on its Web site: "I can't think of anywhere in this city that nightclubs are appropriate anymore....There are no areas that are appropriate for this type of behavior. If you want to have it, put it out in Silver Spring. That's a great place for it,"

Um... "this type of behavior?" what the HELL does that mean? What exactly does Evans think getting rid of nightclubs will accomplish? Seriously, I'm curious.

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

Um... "this type of behavior?" what the HELL does that mean? What exactly does Evans think getting rid of nightclubs will accomplish? Seriously, I'm curious.

well seriously write him about it....we have been hammering him on those comments for a while now. He's getting pretty pissed too :D

Chairman Pro Tempore Jack Evans (Ward 2)

Room 106 724-8058



Fax # 724-8023

Executive Assistant: John Ralls


I am DEAD serious! There are some seriously fucked up things going on in DC gov that could put an end to any live entertainment, incl. DJs and dancing, at hundreds of venues across the city. Ward 2 encompasses all major nightlife downtown areas: http://www.dccouncil.washington.dc.us/EVANS/website/Ward2.html

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Originally posted by raver_mania

So, wait, now he's back to trying to close down ALL nightclubs, instead of just the "problem" ones???

there has never BEEN a distinction until recently (in his backtracking due to public pressure). So no, it has nothing to do with "problem" nightclubs.

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Originally posted by revaluation

well seriously write him about it....we have been hammering him on those comments for a while now. He's getting pretty pissed too :D

Chairman Pro Tempore Jack Evans (Ward 2)

Room 106 724-8058


Are you sure he's a democrat? Because they're always so supportive of causes like this :rolleyes:

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