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American Idol winner will be the black guy

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Originally posted by Kontrol

i agree. and hes up against a skinny gay wasp...def the fat black guy

thinks of the new mcdonalds commercials

I swear everytiem I cmoe on this board I have to AGAIN teach you bafoons the pecking order of the universe.

Everyoen knows the pecking order places blacks before railed out fags.

Get your facts straight.

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I've seen the show a couple times, and I agree with you that the "black guy" is going to win....not because of politics, but because he's a better singer and performer....he has great charisma and an amazing voice and stage presence....the other guy would be much more suited for broadway or something.....

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Originally posted by Mystify22

I've seen the show a couple times, and I agree with you that the "black guy" is going to win....not because of politics, but because he's a better singer and performer....he has great charisma and an amazing voice and stage presence....the other guy would be much more suited for broadway or something.....

i disagree. i think clay is a better singer but ruben is a better eprformer. i dont think either of them are popstar material.

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competition is so addicting when youre sitting back and eating chips watching them perform.

its all fake just like real world and all those gay shows,,,all shows are fake because ALL shows have a climax at some point

do you remember summer camp? no interesting shit like that ever happened , much less EVERy time...

its all fake

and life is fake

and earth is a nucleus

reach your arete or at least dont get sucked into the bullshit that governs our lives


go to clubs

get high

fuck people and dont care

mess with people on the street

anything to remove these gates that bind us

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why don't we all agree that american idol is a stupid show. mainly created because producers in la-la coke land (aka hollywood) have run out of ideas for shows and have resorted to this shit.

hey why not. acting is not taken seriously as an art or talent anymore, any shmuck that looks or sounds good can be a star....

and since the mindless masses seem to enjoy this trivial shit now, (starting with shit like survivor, big brother, etc) why not continue to funnel this drivel into our homes? they are certainly educational, as well as entertaining....:aright::blank::blown:

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Originally posted by sassa

why don't we all agree that american idol is a stupid show. mainly created because producers in la-la coke land (aka hollywood) have run out of ideas for shows and have resorted to this shit.

hey why not. acting is not taken seriously as an art or talent anymore, any shmuck that looks or sounds good can be a star....

and since the mindless masses seem to enjoy this trivial shit now, (starting with shit like survivor, big brother, etc) why not continue to funnel this drivel into our homes? they are certainly educational, as well as entertaining....:aright::blank::blown:

you are right the mindless masses do see to enjoy the trivial shit... we should liberate them... remove the while blocks infront of their eyes... theyve been BLINDED

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ruben is more talented please!!!!!!!!!!!!

ruben has the same tone throughout all his songs he has no pitch and cant change his voice.

clay on the other hand can sing---raise his voice,lower it and the last song he performed when it was 3 people left was the best of the show!!!!!!!!!!!!

theyre both gonna have their own albums anyway so it doesnt matter who actually wins

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Originally posted by hotcheme

i disagree. i think clay is a better singer but ruben is a better eprformer. i dont think either of them are popstar material.

I agree with you on that, I thought at first ruben was better and I loved his face expressions and smile...

And clay kinda irritated me in the gay fashion and his facial expressions... but recently i heard them both sing without actually watching them and I definitly though that clay was better singer...

I actually liked Kimberly, not Kimberly Locke but the other one....

I heard she was doing Playboy... which I don't think was smart to do right away, she could of waited a bit, since its a kids show.

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

His name is Rueben not the "black guy". I hate when people label others by their apperances or color.

Why dont you all stop being so racist..

It's very sad to see ignorant people.

My title was appropiate. Not racist nor ignorant but based on the fact of what will happen BASED on one's skin color.

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Originally posted by apotheosis

My title was appropiate. Not racist nor ignorant but based on the fact of what will happen BASED on one's skin color.

whitey, kike, wop, cracker, chinks, slanties... meathead, juicehead, k-head, e-head, whore, bitch, fag, slut... everybody classifies everybody by their appearance, race, sexual preference, religion and even sexual promescuity... i had a US history and governement teacher refer to Vietnamese as Charlie... its not right but it happens you know he was being racist why do you gotta gang up on him...

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