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* Accents *

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Does anyone have one? Who here likes them?

I don't have one, unless my mild Queens accent counts...

I don't mind accents unless they are very heavy where they make it difficult to communicate therefore creating a language barrier. But I know many people are infatuated with them -they just never really appealed to me.

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My accent tends to fluctuate, depending on the situation. I'm from LI so every now and then after spending a lot of time with relatives, that starts to come out. I've lived in Brooklyn for about five years, and sometimes that comes out of me. First it was more of a joke but lately it's just been happening naturally.

I think a lot of foreign accents are quite hot. My boyfriend is Irish- I don't really notice his brogue much anymore... but every so often I make myself stop and really listen to it. And it makes me :drool: everytime. ;)

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i have an accent, but i can't describe it.

the only things i say that are really new york is water and coffee....and how you doing......

got that annoying cali accent going on, if i'm tired....my old accent comes back.......

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i have some sort of weird accent thing going on..some say its like "jersey-ish" but i dont know why or where it could have came from.

i get heat for it all the time from my friends. but come on now, im from STATEN ISLAND, people tend to talk with their own accents around here. maybe i just speak correctly, and thats different to them :laugh2:

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Originally posted by sassa

i have an accent, but i can't describe it.

the only things i say that are really new york is water and coffee....and how you doing......

got that annoying cali accent going on, if i'm tired....my old accent comes back.......

I know exactly what your saying. I get teased accents I've never noticed I had...

I never really noticed it before but is there an east coast and west coast accent????

You can tell from people if they're from boston and NY but as from NY to LA??? hmmm

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Originally posted by kross921

I know exactly what your saying. I get teased accents I've never noticed I had...

I never really noticed it before but is there an east coast and west coast accent????

You can tell from people if they're from boston and NY but as from NY to LA??? hmmm

i think so. i also think you retain a little bit of everywhere you've been and that can be noticed in certain words and phrases you use.

for example. i've noticed in the east coast people say "mad" cool, "mad funny" etc...i get shit for saying "hella" a lot...everything is "hella good" or "hella bad"...

and DUDE.....everyone is a dude, and the way you say it also depends on how you're feeling at that time...

"dude, what's up" or "dude, why did you key my car"........

and all the mexican slang...........

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Originally posted by sassa

i think so. i also think you retain a little bit of everywhere you've been and that can be noticed in certain words and phrases you use.

for example. i've noticed in the east coast people say "mad" cool, "mad funny" etc...i get shit for saying "hella" a lot...everything is "hella good" or "hella bad"...

and DUDE.....everyone is a dude, and the way you say it also depends on how you're feeling at that time...

"dude, what's up" or "dude, why did you key my car"........

and all the mexican slang...........

lmao!! I know exactly what your saying,, people in cali do say the word "dude" alot more than east coast. In NY we say "bro" more... I think New Yorkers tend to stress words alot more than cali like we need for people to really understand what we are saying or expressing ourselves...

Hey imagine if the Puerto Ricans or DOmincans came to cali oh forget about it it will be all hell with three latin nationalities mixing up the lingos.....lol

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Guest gabo

I lovvvvvvve accents! and I am not talking about nj and ny accents.

a french accesnt i ssooooo hot and spanish, italian, german, etc

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Originally posted by kross921

I know exactly what your saying. I get teased accents I've never noticed I had...

I never really noticed it before but is there an east coast and west coast accent????

You can tell from people if they're from boston and NY but as from NY to LA??? hmmm

there are a lot of differences. have anyone from l.a. say this phrase:

i went to a horror movie with my friends aaron and erin, and we wrote with orange pens.

it will sound like this:

i went to a whore movie with my friends eerin and eerin, and we wrote with oorange pins.

check it out; it's all true :) .

i'm confused, though, kross; are you in the east now or the west?

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I don't have a NY accent at all....people from other places who I have met have told me I don't sound like a New Yorker lol....

I wish I had an English accent....I could listen to myself talk for hours!! lol.....As far as guys w/ accents I LOVE THEM :D.....As long as they aren't heavy

btw...I don't like southern accents..I find them annoying...Y'all..I can't stand that :rolleyes:

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