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Once trust is broken, should/can it be rebuilt?


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Not a personal issue, just wanted to read some opinions....

I'm still not sure, I mean, I think people deserve second chances, but also, once trust is broken, I've seen very few cases where it's actually been successfully rebuilt.....

I mean, if someone cheated on me or lied to me, no matter what they did to make it up to me, I would always have that 'wondering' feeling - Is that really fair to me? And is it even fair to the one who did the lying/cheating? If they truly changed, why should they have to be questioned and not trusted?



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I think it all depends on the situation...

In a case of cheating-no way...once that shit is done, there is no way i would take someone back...that shows that they dont respect you....

something dumb..like not being somewhere u say u are..

i can build up the trust agian..still dont appreciate it and would be mad but i will not hold a grudge lol:D

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Originally posted by Mystify22



trust is the foundation of the relationship... once theres cracks in it, its no longer sturdy... trust is the one thing in a relationship that cannot be gotten once lost... IMO...

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my 2 cents...

i don't believe once a cheater always a cheater...

like if you cheated on a previous gf/bf(whatever your preference)

you will cheat on the next...


in a single relationship...

if they cheated on you once...

they'll do it again...

there is no excuse to justify cheating...

if you trust them again...

you are just setting yourself up...

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Originally posted by bodiii

my 2 cents...

i don't believe once a cheater always a cheater...

like if you cheated on a previous gf/bf(whatever your preference)

you will cheat on the next...


in a single relationship...

if they cheated on you once...

they'll do it again...

there is no excuse to justify cheating...

if you trust them again...

you are just setting yourself up...

i feel the same way...

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If someone cheated on me, there would be no way for me to ever trust them again.

And as far as lying about stupid things....that is more forgivable...but if you can lie about something stupid, you can lie about anything.

I just dont like liars period.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

trust is the foundation of the relationship... once theres cracks in it, its no longer sturdy... trust is the one thing in a relationship that cannot be gotten once lost... IMO...

this man speaks the truth....but, in the case of once a cheat always a cheat, I disagree.

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Originally posted by Mystify22

Not a personal issue, just wanted to read some opinions....

I'm still not sure, I mean, I think people deserve second chances, but also, once trust is broken, I've seen very few cases where it's actually been successfully rebuilt.....

I mean, if someone cheated on me or lied to me, no matter what they did to make it up to me, I would always have that 'wondering' feeling - Is that really fair to me? And is it even fair to the one who did the lying/cheating? If they truly changed, why should they have to be questioned and not trusted?



Actions speak louder then words. You can say im sorry or I love you a Gazillion times and it won't make a difference if you have done something so awful to a person.. Trust is like a rubber band once the band is broken you can't just tie it back up and make it as strong as it used to be. You need to look for a new rubberband!:idea:

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I fully support second chances DEPENDING on the situation. I've given them before, and they've worked.

They need to prove and convince me that whatever they did, or something worse won't happen again at all, that things are going to change for the better and have the understanding that what they did was wrong. If they don't have that, then they don't get a second chance at all

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Takes a while, Really does

When you feel like you have been deceived there is really no going back. You feel betrayed and that is the worst feeling in the world. You start to get turned off by that person and you can't even look them in the face anymore because you are so disgusted by their actions. My X from 2 years ago did me wrong so bad and I was in love with that kid so much.

It took me a long time to really get over it and now we are in a pretty fucked up situation but things have been put in the past. But usually trust takes a long time to rebuild once it has been broken. My advice is just be brutally honest, regardless of what it is, cause it will hurt them more if they find out from other people or you fuck up in the lie.

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