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Advil and Drinking

Is taking Advil after a night of drinking bad for you?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. Is taking Advil after a night of drinking bad for you?

    • Yes - stay away from that stuff.
    • No - it's a lie
    • I have no idea

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Alright - I need some help with a health question. For years now I've been taking Advil before bed after a night of drinking. It's great for chasing away hangovers. But I've recently read that it's really bad to do this - something about your liver and stomach lining and such. :(

Does anybody know if this is true? Have any better "before bed" hangover remedies?

Thanks guys. :D

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

Alright - I need some help with a health question. For years now I've been taking Advil before bed after a night of drinking. It's great for chasing away hangovers. But I've recently read that it's really bad to do this - something about your liver and stomach lining and such. :(

Does anybody know if this is true? Have any better "before bed" hangover remedies?

Thanks guys. :D

I think Ibuprofen can hurt your stomach on its own if taken regularly. So I can see that to be true. But it's probably different for everybody. If you already have ulcers and stomach problems, it's probably not a good idea.

Oral sex is a really good "before bed" hangover remedy.

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Originally posted by lena1279

Before you go to bed, drink a lot of water and eat a piece of bread - that always helps me........then in the morning you can take and advil.

Yeah, but in the morning you need to be feeling good enough to get out of bed (hence why you take advil the night before.) As long as you don't take 3-4 doses of Advil every day of your life, then I doubt that you will have negative side effects like stomach ulcers. You have to keep in mind that while testing drugs and the like, they give lab animals so much that it's inevitable that they won't develop some kind of cancer, condition or even die eventually

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Here's one for you...Pete "In the Shadows" philosophy:

Beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, still not drunk, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, not passed out yet, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer... you get the point.

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Originally posted by hotcheme

alcohol is bad for your body too. at least you can wake up not in pain.

not sure if you want to compound the effects to your liver by taking ibuprofen on top of drinking though!

Cookie - water is definitely the best medicine. Also, any drink w/ vitamin B (such as gatorade or that yummy vitamin water). Vitamin B helps your body process the alcohol faster thus eliminating it from your body faster. Helps w/ the dehydration too :)

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Originally posted by spinsaikel

well drugs and alcohol is bad enough as it is. but def. do not take any advil, aspirin, aleve, etc.. after a night of drinking. why? well plain n simple, it makes nice holes in your liver over time.

oh yeah, between drinks try to drink water. or just drink lots of it after drinking.

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Guest jroo
Originally posted by cookiegirl

Alright - I need some help with a health question. For years now I've been taking Advil before bed after a night of drinking. It's great for chasing away hangovers. But I've recently read that it's really bad to do this - something about your liver and stomach lining and such. :(

Does anybody know if this is true? Have any better "before bed" hangover remedies?

Thanks guys. :D

yes it is very damaging. dont do it. the label even tells you not to. my cure all is before i go to bed drink 2 or 3 glasses of water, and eat something, i mainly grab lunch meat, cheeses , and such, spicy sausgage dog, whatever is quick and easy, greesy food helps too. to settle your stomach.

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Ibuprofen is totally different from Acetaminophen which is the drug that causes liver failure when mixed with alcohol.

Ibuprofen is more of a muscle relaxer and reduces swelling which is why it's great for hangovers as the extreme headache is caused by a swelling of the brain. it's also in Midol (good for muscle cramps)

Acetaminophen is an aspirin substitute processed in the liver. Deadly when taken with alcohol. There was a big article about it in the Wash post. a college student was hospitalized when he felt faint and mysteriously died the next day. I think they had to exhume the body to do an autopsy which revealed liver failure.

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

I think Ibuprofen can hurt your stomach on its own if taken regularly. So I can see that to be true. But it's probably different for everybody. If you already have ulcers and stomach problems, it's probably not a good idea.

Oral sex is a really good "before bed" hangover remedy.

I'm not 100% sure that Ibuprofen can hurt you! I have a friend that works in a hospital and he recomended me Ibuprofen!

He said that is ok to take after drinking!

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Had a chat with my doctor buddy from school... he stated taht only Tylenol after drinking has chance of fucking you or your liver up long term. All the others; aspirin, aleve, advil; are ok. One or two are fine, but take anymore and most you could do is kinda fuck up your stomach lining if taken on an empty stomach or just water.

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Originally posted by ez-e

I'm not 100% sure that Ibuprofen can hurt you! I have a friend that works in a hospital and he recomended me Ibuprofen!

He said that is ok to take after drinking!

Take it AFTER drinking. As in the next morning. After the majority of the booze has left your body.

It's not good to mix any drugs with alcohol. Except - Cocaine, Exstacy, Weed, Heroin (in low doses), Valium, Oxycoton, Vicodin, Ambien, Prozac, Demerol, Codien, Darvon, Fiorinal, Talwin, Percodan, Xanax, Librium, Dexadrin, Dilaudid, Ativan, Tramadol and anything else that you have to sign for at the pharmacy.

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