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Is HOUSE MUSIC dying???

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* * * I posted this on a few other boards, so my apologies if you are reading this more than once * * *

I've been meaning to write this for a while...

This is a long post, but It's interesting, so I reccommend reading the entire post...

There has been an obvious trend in music in the past 2 years or so...Hip Hop has become much more widely accepted and extremely more popular, not only in clubs, but on radio stations, movies, TV and all other media channels. At any point of the day, you can turn on any one of the POP MUSIC stations ie: Z100, WBLI, KTU, Party 105, Blink, you name it...And there will be a better chance of hearing a hip hop song then any other genre. Do you remember when you would only hear Hip Hop on Hot 97??? Now there is 107.5 & 105.1 playing all hip hop. MTV is now FLOODED with music videos and shows about Hip Hop...

Where am I going with this? Well here I go...

I'm not all that old, and I can't say that I'm an expert in regards to dance music, and I may only be speaking about my local area (Long Island)...But it's obvious to me that House music is losing it's appeal, and Hip Hop is taking over.

I hate to say this, and it really makes me depressed (Being a house DJ and all) but it just seems that people don't "Feel" house the way they used to...Maybe it's a decline in the use of Ecstasy, and I'm only saying decline because I surely don't know anyone that really takes pills anymore. I haven't read up on the numbers, but the whole drug culture seems to have dissapeared. At least the E and K users...

Believe me, this is not a bad thing...People grow up, and grow out of things...I used to be into E when I was much younger, but I haven't touched it in over a year, and might have done it 3 times in the past 2 years. Ecstasy was an obvious phase for me, and I'm over it...But DAMN, I used to LOVE HOUSE MUSIC when I was banged up. I still get chills thinking about hearing My Love is Your Love @ Sound Factory the first time he ever played it back in 1999...I miss that...But I also know that If I would have continued that behavior, I may be dead now..And if not dead, prolly about 120 lbs. But anyway you look at it, IT'S NOT THE SAME...

So anyway...

There aren't too may places that only play house anymore...Even Neptunes, that for the past 2-3 years, has only played house, (And Theo worked soooo hard to get it like that) is starting to get many requests for Hip Hop...It's only a matter of time...Look @ Cyberia Friday nights...That place was ONLY house for over 2 years, it just died out. When they started playing Hip Hop and house this past Feb, it started getting busy again. By working out in the Hamptons, I see that the places that are focusing on Dance music are not doing that well...The smaller bars, that play all types of music, are the places that are doing well right now...

I could probably write on this topic forever, but I want to make this friendly to the forum...My main objective in writing this post, is to get everyone else's opinion on what I'm saying here...Is anyone else noticing what I'm noticing? What do you guys think?

September 11, 2001 - Is absolutely the turning point...All I know is that the CLUB SCENE and Dance music genre was doing extremely well, until 9-11 - Since then, people have less money to spend, not only on going out, but everything else that goes with that.

I also see the House music scene becoming uderground again, depending on how you look at it, this may be a good thing.

What do you guys think?

Looking forward to your responses...



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House music has always been underground in this country.

Hop-hop is mainstream culture. Its just the way things have progressed... only takes a few media moguls to drive a generation.

If you want dance music, there are only few places left that are consistent. Centro-Fly, Arc, Factory(if you call that music 1/2 the time except for Cleveland), yadda yadda.

Pick up a copy of Mixmag if you can, then you'll see where dance music flourishes, everywhere else.

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I agree with you on the fact that after Sept 11. the club scene sort of calmed down a little. I also notice the music changing at the big clubs like Roxy, Exit, and Arc(which I was a regular at) have also changed a lot (less hard stuff). I personally still listen to trance, hard trance, and a little bit of hop-hop, and for me clubbing has definetley changed due to the fact that I stopped doing elements in the clubs. Hopefully clubs dont go out of business cause i still like to attend, not as frequently as before. But music is still one of my main passions and I have not fallen off with it. ;)

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HOUSE MUSIC started uderground still is underground and if one day its commericialized and popular like HIP HOP its still gonna be underground as well. And if you need to be "high" or using some stuff to enjoy it damn its a shame, but i understand that sometimes thats how it goes. Look most clubs play house music nowadays also, And ARC, FACTORY, CENTRO FLY arent the only places that MATTER TO THE SCENE, DISCOTHEQUE, WEBSTERHALL, CHEETAH, jesus fcking chritst do ihave to name all the clubs. Every club that we are lucky to have a floor or a room dedicated to house music should be checked out at least once on differen days. yeah so what if theres no big name dj playing there. Does that mean theres no good records in his/her collection. Ive been a fan of house music since 1990, 13 yrs later it is still my fave style of music. As long as the music is good i am very happy, to me the crowd comes second, MUSIC first then the people. Cause nobody can control what type of crowd goes to a venue. But if the dj has some banging beats then why should you not be happy to hear the TUNES. If everybody is waiting for, SPIRIT, CROBAR to open hear and then abandon NYC clubs then your just contributing to decrease in numbers of NYC CLUBS.

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i dont think that there's anything to worry bout. (hip-hop has always been mainstream) and you are in LI, so probably the furthest you'd go is the city, where the scene is DEAD(and it used to be INSANE). the Jersey scene is hopping, and if u go down to south Beach, you would have a whole different perspective.

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Originally posted by eddie3

i dont think that there's anything to worry bout. (hip-hop has always been mainstream) and you are in LI, so probably the furthest you'd go is the city, where the scene is DEAD(and it used to be INSANE). the Jersey scene is hopping, and if u go down to south Beach, you would have a whole different perspective.

u are outright fucking clueless:laugh: :laugh:

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Here is the problem with hip hop on Long Island......

There are no clubs or promoters on long island that are willing to invest in a long term good night. There all let's make a buck right away, hire a Joey Mp3 DJ for 50 bucks a night and bam it's all profit!

It's a shame to see a club like Cyberia with a world class sound system play hip hop.

Another thing is if you play hip hop expect the thugs, im sorry but as soon as they hear a Jay Z song they waddle their way right inside and over the course of the night someone is gonna do something stupid and there is gonna be a fight or two or three.

Even CPI this year people have kind of stayed away from the main room it's like their afraid of house music.... I have to say that the crowd there this year is just un-fun. It was 2 am when the dance floor was full memorial day weekend, and in years past it would be full by 11 I don't get it?

I have to say Kudo's to Timmy & Theo @ Hom! They go out of their way to bring in the talent and their promotion team does a good job as well!




Saeed & Palash

and some others Theo has sworn me to secricy not to tell untill their booked!

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I just have one phrase to say...... H O U S E M U Z A K A L L N I T E L O N G!!!!

The same question that you are relating to this forum.... we all have asked ourselves that question.... but as the years go on.. the more you are certain that House music will be with us forever!

Not every one understands House music....... we who do appreciate the work being done by all the greats in this genre of music .... Truly understand House Music........... It takes you to other levels... other dimensions....... and the more music being made....... it is all in the hands of the "DJ"............. As long as we have DJ's .................... We will have the "Gimme that House" "music" "You gotta move your body, yeah yeah!!!!!

Now what I do have to say... there is an over saturation in HIP HOP.. But just as there is exceptional House Music .... There is exceptional HIP HOP.... and this is all found in the underground..

My suggestion to all of you's that get all your music via radio stations....... Don't listen to the radio stations for a month...

Go through your cd collection, Go to record stores, Go to the clubs, lounges, or bars.. and listen and study and then you will truly understand... what music is all about!

Write back in a month and tell me what you have learned!!!

Suggestions.... listen to some early house music... Early 90's

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Thats a problem alot of people dont like early house cause its not HARD OR FAST enough. Well HOUSE is a feeling and from the beginig of house to now there are tons of tracks out there with great beats and great vocals as well. Listen to JODEY WATLEYS- SATURDAY NIGHT EXPERIENCE (SHELTER MIX). Awesome. Old school house was being played at CHEETAH last night and it was great.

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First off, we need to make a distinction between music and the club scene. As much as it seems though they belong together, they are still two distinct things. No offense, but I think you're too young to know. Listen, Im not much older than you but Ive seen the evolution of the club scene from the early 90's in NYC (limelight, soundfactory bar, roxy, Club USA, Palladium) to its pinnacle in 1998-2000 when Tunnel, Twilo, Roxy & Exit took the reign.

I've been into house music since the late 80's (ie. Inner City and so forth). Yes, youre right about the club scene dying but its always been like that, there's a always a period of drought until something new comes around, typically a popular genre of house (or unfortunately a drug).

I had my day @ Exit and Roxy, but I think now more than ever, house music is stronger than ever. There's many more artists out there making way more quality music. In fact, look at how many online record stores there are now.

Unfortunately, most people tend to associate the two, but if you're a real house fan u dont.

I'll give you an example. Look at tribal house these days, its huge. Every club you go to, thats what they're playing, but sad but true, tribal has been around since the early 90's it just that now there's more people willing to accept dance music as a form of art. Sooner or later, eveyything rises from the ashes.

In conclusion, support the artists out there and believe me, once the economy turns, the clubs will be back!

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If you're really a house DJ - you should know that house has been around for decades, and has never, and probably will never die. Has it started to lose some of it's appeal in some of the big clubs? It's possible - I don't spend too much time in those places, so i can't really say for sure. However, what i can say is that these things go in cycles. Sometimes for whatever reason, the focus moves away from house, and twords something else. House doesn't die - it just goes back where it belongs - away from the masses. Eventually people will get bored with whatever flavor of the week they were going apeshit talking about, and house music will see a rebirth of sorts.

this is just how these things go.

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House/dance/whatever music isn't dying, but changing. House is much different now than when it first started. Even the styles today are starting to become bored with themselves (hard house...). Techno is on its way out (I'll probably get abused for saying so). If ya want my 2 cents, the future of dance music (and possibly music in general) is drum n bass. Maybe not the way ya know it right now but in a different form.

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Originally posted by mhaze107

House/dance/whatever music isn't dying, but changing. House is much different now than when it first started. Even the styles today are starting to become bored with themselves (hard house...). Techno is on its way out (I'll probably get abused for saying so). If ya want my 2 cents, the future of dance music (and possibly music in general) is drum n bass. Maybe not the way ya know it right now but in a different form.

i don't think drum and bass is the future of music right now. It has the potential for it, but it's been really stale lately. Ever since the whole tech-step/darkstep sound came about years ago, it doesn't seem to have evolved all that much. You hear the "hot new drum and bass track" of the week - and it could easily be mistaken for a track that was dropped in like 2000, by any number of producers.

If some of them kats get thier shit together, and start being more creative, then yea - i think dnb is going to have a huge impact on the way people think about electronic music.

as for techno being on it's way out - i think you're way off base there. Some of the most interesting tracks ever produced in techno have come out in the past 1-2 years... and it doesn't seem to be slowing down. Techno might be on it's way out as far as being the flavor of the week in the big clubs, but on the musical side of things, it's by no means dying.

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Originally posted by joctane

In conclusion, support the artists out there and believe me, once the economy turns, the clubs will be back!

I agree 100% that it's the economy. I have been financially disabled for about a year and a half now. Before then I went out every weekend. Since I got broke in the last year and a half I have gone out maybe 3 times. Sad, but it costs money to go out and I don't have any, Yet. When things come back around I will be going out again and I know I am not the only one in that position.

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"so what if theres no big name dj playing there. Does that mean theres no good records in his/her collection."

This could be one of the truest points that could ever have been said!!! Go out and support the small nights, that's where it started and that's where it will always be.

I am sure many of you can attest. Oakenfold doesn't really care about DJ'ing that much anymore, and you can hear it. With him, you seldomly get what you pay for these days... I think. 2hr. set? All these guys should be playing at least 4 hrs.

Its a shame the for a while Balance was charging crzy amounts of money for it's DJ's. Money they would never get in the UK. All the hype, the drugs, the $$$ door covers. That has led to a backlash.

I am also kind of saddened that much is not talked about the true New York house DJ's. Sure much is said about Danny T, but what about Francois K, or Erick Morillo. All I hear is Tony Draper and John "45 minutes of my love is your love" Peters. Go out and support the John Selways, the Choo-Choo Romeros, the Morillos, the David Waxmans, and the rest of the amazing spectrum of DJ's you have here in NY.

Make it so good here in NY that you don't need the Oakies, the Diggers. Make it so they badly want to come for the party, not the pay off.

You guys have such an incredible city with tons of local talent. Ask yourself why some of the greatest producers of house music produce in NY, but play it elsewhere...? NY DJ's are bigger outside of NY than they are in NY... strange?

If you want to embrace something foreign, embrace me...LOL! Besides, the UK is a land of bad weather, shitty food, pastey white women, and people with bad teeth... Oakie and Digweed included...LOL!

Honestly... which one was better "Wild On the UK" or "Wild On Australia"...LOL!

A lot has contributed to the shrinking circles in the US house scene, and worldwide. But the music and the prty goers will find a way to keep it alive. Here's to that!!




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ITS LONG ISLAND...If you go out any farther than the Huntington area everyone seems to think they are THUG (well for the most part).

Long Island has to Cater to this certain crowd that listens to everything. I mean come on, you go to a bar or club and hear Bon Jovi and everyone is going insane. Go into Nassau and there is alittle more house music than out here in suffolk (with the Exception of the Hamptons).

The city is more a Drug-Fueled crowd than an alcohol-fueled crowd. I dont care what anyone says, or whether you have convinced yourselves otherwise, but, the drug-fueled city crowd is more into house music. I notice it when i go out to certain places. Drug People love HOUSE MUSIC. Exit, Factory, Twilo, Limelight, Tunnel, Arena, Palladium, Roxy, etc...it goes on and on. Whenever you Walk into or Used to walk into these places, you can noticeably see people Messed up on things other than alcohol.

House music isnt dying. With stations out here like Party 105.3, The KTU weekend shows (all house), 92.7 LIR weekend shows(House), 106.1 weekend shows (house). Its not dying, its just when and where you go.

That my opinion.


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Cheers mate!

I think that is a big problem too! It all isn't techno!!!!

My first night at Tavern some girl who wrote an article and said I was playing techno. I was playing true big, gay, vocal house records... nothing close to techno.

It's all house to me, soulful, progy, deep, tribal, but IT IS DEFINTELY NOT ALL TECHNO!

More people need to realize this...

"Let me tell you something about house music, it's a spiritual thing, a body thing, a soul thing!"



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Originally posted by evanscott-syd-

I am also kind of saddened that much is not talked about the true New York house DJ's. Sure much is said about Danny T, but what about Francois K, or Erick Morillo. All I hear is Tony Draper and John "45 minutes of my love is your love" Peters. Go out and support the John Selways, the Choo-Choo Romeros, the Morillos, the David Waxmans, and the rest of the amazing spectrum of DJ's you have here in NY.

Make it so good here in NY that you don't need the Oakies, the Diggers. Make it so they badly want to come for the party, not the pay off.

You guys have such an incredible city with tons of local talent. Ask yourself why some of the greatest producers of house music produce in NY, but play it elsewhere...? NY DJ's are bigger outside of NY than they are in NY... strange?

but have many of the big commecial clubbers EVER supported anybody other then the same handful of nyc megaclub residents? Not to try to bash on people here - but most people are too stupid to know anything else. Hell - there's people out there who think when they see a DJ - they're seeing somebody create thier own music on the fly - they don't even realize that it's somebody playing records. How much can you really expect from a crowd like that?

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Originally posted by evanscott-syd-

"so what if theres no big name dj playing there. Does that mean theres no good records in his/her collection."

This could be one of the truest points that could ever have been said!!! Go out and support the small nights, that's where it started and that's where it will always be.

I am sure many of you can attest. Oakenfold doesn't really care about DJ'ing that much anymore, and you can hear it. With him, you seldomly get what you pay for these days... I think. 2hr. set? All these guys should be playing at least 4 hrs.

Its a shame the for a while Balance was charging crzy amounts of money for it's DJ's. Money they would never get in the UK. All the hype, the drugs, the $$$ door covers. That has led to a backlash.

I am also kind of saddened that much is not talked about the true New York house DJ's. Sure much is said about Danny T, but what about Francois K, or Erick Morillo. All I hear is Tony Draper and John "45 minutes of my love is your love" Peters. Go out and support the John Selways, the Choo-Choo Romeros, the Morillos, the David Waxmans, and the rest of the amazing spectrum of DJ's you have here in NY.

Make it so good here in NY that you don't need the Oakies, the Diggers. Make it so they badly want to come for the party, not the pay off.

You guys have such an incredible city with tons of local talent. Ask yourself why some of the greatest producers of house music produce in NY, but play it elsewhere...? NY DJ's are bigger outside of NY than they are in NY... strange?

If you want to embrace something foreign, embrace me...LOL! Besides, the UK is a land of bad weather, shitty food, pastey white women, and people with bad teeth... Oakie and Digweed included...LOL!

Honestly... which one was better "Wild On the UK" or "Wild On Australia"...LOL!

A lot has contributed to the shrinking circles in the US house scene, and worldwide. But the music and the prty goers will find a way to keep it alive. Here's to that!!




romeros and the morillos ARE heavily praised:idea:

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