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Should I or Shouldn't I?


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Originally posted by Evan

Ok..here?s the background.

In 1993 I dated this girl (let?s call her M) for 3-4 years. She lived in Queens and we started dating while I was a senior in High School and she was a junior. She had this REALLY annoying little sister (let?s call her L). L was a 10 year old spoiled brat. She was always spying on us and snitching. I would end up having to bring her on dates with us because she would throw a tantrum that her sister was going out without her. M and I broke up, and I never saw the family again.

Skip ahead now a decade later to 2003. I?m 27 now. I am online when I see that M?s AOL screen name was on my buddy list. Now, we both have had AOL almost since it began, and I had forgotten her name was on there (I have a pretty big buddy list). I message her on AOL asking how she was doing. It turns out that her sister L was on the screen name. She is now about 20 years old. We start talking and reminiscing about her family and me dating her sister. I talk about how much of a brat she was. She starts telling me how hot she has become and how she hates her family and her parents think she?s a whore. She keeps mentioning how I should see how pretty she has become. In the end of the conversation, she invites me to Queens for Sunday afternoon and gives me her cell # to call.

What should I do? If I go meet her, I?ll burn in hell. Her parents would HATE this. She might even be doing this to piss off her parents. Her sister (my ex) would hate this. But then again, he sister did nothing but lie and cheat on me,

On the other hand. This would fulfill almost all the perversions one sicko pervert like me could ever have.


If she was brat then, she's gonna be a brat now. She must have some horrible parents cause they think she is a whore :(

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I just feel bad for the parents. It's like a soap opera. I can almost see their dad coming after me. "First you took my daughter's virginity. For this, you must die. Now, for being with my second daughter...you will die SLOWLY"


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Bang that girl . . . you're a grown man now, she's a grown woman . . . 20 is an adult. What's the father going to do to you? Absolutely nothing. . .it's not like you're ever likely gonna get back together with the first one. I have an entire family that hates me for a halfway similar reason . . . but ask me if I care. This girl might be wanting to fuck you to get back at her parents or someting, but who cares. . . i say that if you see her and don't get a sick/wierd feeling all of a sudden. . . fuck her till she can't walk :D

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Good, besides, when you didn't show up, she prolly had 3 or 4 other booty calls up and rearing to go.

Shit, if her parents are even calling her a whore, then you don't want any part of that. Who knows what kinda shit is growing inside that coochie.

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Originally posted by rdancer

If she was brat then, she's gonna be a brat now. She must have some horrible parents cause they think she is a whore :(

Maybe she is a whore. They have parents too. and come on, I was such an asshole when I was young its ridiculous. And now.... well, ok Im still an asshole, maybe your right. :)

BTW Evan... your such a pussy!!! (but she probably would have just teased you anyway) :D

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  • 3 months later...

It's just 555-1212. He has no other way to fuck with me, so the pathetic moron must annoy everyone and fucken clog up the board with posts that are old and irrevelant. he has done it already with 6 of my old posts. These are obviously posts that I asked for relationship advice on. In the drug board he has brought up posts about drugs that I have replied on. That's all this loser can do against me. Fuck him

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Originally posted by smokesum

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Evan is such a loser...go out and meet women..

stop relying on the internet

Actually, u fucken idiot, this thread was about me and my ex and her sister. Nothing about girls on the internet. Only a 1/5 of the girls I have dated have I talked to online. Nothing wrong with that, as I am online because of work most of the day.

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