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Sf Weekend Review!!!!!!

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FRI: Sandbar

SAT: Dejais - Laurie619 bash - Merge - Temps - 1 hr nap

SUN: Breakfast - Factory 9am - 8:30pm home - 2 hr nap -

ephedrin insomnia!!

Great time hanging out with...everyone at Merge-Temps......nychich/someclown/fury....@ SF.

SICK MUSIC!!...except for the part where JP possibly stepped out for breakfast? and played a total of 2 different loops 2 hrs (approx 1 hr each). What happened?

Owe you big time someclown....it was a pleasure to spend sometime with you, look forward to next week....we all do....thank you again for your super kind gesture!! Its appreciated and wont be forgotten.

Missed some of the regulars....piro/neena/stardo/dogekid,etc. Luckily, left the phone in the car so no Factory calls for you :D.

This one...........did some major damage....paying the piper as I type...lets see if I make it thru this one. IV late night snack might have to be in order.

Crackaa55cece......it was a pleasure to meet you!!!

Joke of the night.....group of multiple people concerned that I was a cop.... because I was NOT rolling my face off...in a K-Hole or G'ed out. The humour is compounded by the fact that a blind man could see them bumping (from a mile away) the way they were doing it, yet they were concerned that I was a cop? DUMB FUCKS.

...and by the way....contrary to what was mentioned in a post last week....there was some HOT women in there this week!!

Correct me if I'm wrong whoever was there!!!!!

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I actually had a really good time. I thought SF was pretty sick overall except that 2-3 hour period when JP went out to eat or whatever and the same song played the whole time, and when those 10 real cops came storming in. I wonder what happened...


It totally filled my Factory craving for a really long time (maybe a few weeks) ;)

3rd Floor-it was great hanging out with you too. That thing was no big deal--I would do that anytime.

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Originally posted by someclown

It totally filled my Factory craving for a really long time

ive heard that one before :laugh::laugh::tongue:

and who was the random who kept yelling "ripppppppp it johnny!" ? what a geek! ;)

billy :nono: so disappointed i didnt see your smiling face sunday morning! wtf! :confused:

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Originally posted by someclown

... and when those 10 real cops came storming in. I wonder what happened...


I was drivin home from work at liek 6 so i figured i'd drive past since it was on my way, there were like 3 or 4 nypd cars that drive down the block the wrong way and were parked facing the west side highway, dunno what went down, but they usually dont drive the wrong way down streets for nuttin..

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- JP Blew

- It was the biggest Sausagefest I've ever seen. Easily 10 guys to 1 girl. Horrible.

- I heard the same beat for 5 hours straight.

I usually can make SF fun no matter what, and I just wasn't feeling it at all.

Gil - Did u ever make it out of that couch spot you had? That seat should be reserved for you lol.

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Originally posted by someclown

and when those 10 real cops came storming in. I wonder what happened...


2 of my boys got arrested in the factory , just because they got one jar on them...

there were a lot of undercover in there.

i drove to SF from Merge...i walked in around 6:00 am..i really had fun till 6:30 am...i dont remember the rest:D

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I was in SF from 10am to close................TORTURE!!!

Pleasure meeting you too Gil

Ok, so JP wasn't his best, be he was 110 times better then the Outlaw party.....the closing got a lil wacked

He played that new song that everyone thinks is Mya ~ I'm here, 3 times.

Dan, nothing wrong with a lil sausage LOL

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece


I was in SF from 10am to close................TORTURE!!!

Pleasure meeting you too Gil

Ok, so JP wasn't his best, be he was 110 times better then the Outlaw party.....the closing got a lil wacked

He played that new song that everyone thinks is Mya ~ I'm here, 3 times.

Dan, nothing wrong with a lil sausage LOL

CRACKHEAD fits your screen name:idea:

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Originally posted by nycchic24

what time did he close?

A torturous 1:30am..............why i stayed that long, god only knows........I figured he'd close at like 10pm or something, then 12am rolled around, by then I was like screw it, no way he'll stay longer then the anniversary party........

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Originally posted by berniec

I was drivin home from work at liek 6 so i figured i'd drive past since it was on my way, .

That's how you know you are a true Factory Head--you can't drive along the West Side Highway without taking a little detour along 46th Street:tongue: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by someclown

That's how you know you are a true Factory Head--you can't drive along the West Side Highway without taking a little detour along 46th Street:tongue: :laugh: :laugh:

sometimes u just gotta follow the beat to 46th street:D

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Originally posted by axel-a-promos

2 of my boys got arrested in the factory , just because they got one jar on them...

there were a lot of undercover in there.

guess my boy got lucky, the bouncer just made him dump out his bottle, and he was pissed about that.

Went the whole night with out coming close to Ging out, my friends were soo proud.

Def too packed though, i usually have a much better time when i can actually move around.

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Dehydration addressed.....finally ate some food.....when is the Underwear party again? :laugh::D A joke!!

The 3rd floor was packed from 9-12....then it eased up......lunch crowd then rolled in around 12:30. Packed from 1-3 again..then was on and off. As people shifted...so did the spots that got packed.

You havent seen packed...if you thought that was packed. I recall Halloween party 2 yrs ago in there....(nychic back me up on this)...no matter where u were...even under the stairs...you could not move and were totally squashed. Just thinking about it makes me sick.

Someclown and I were headed down the stairs to the basement around 5:30 to find someone and out of nowhere 20 cops come flying in. Half the basement didnt even notice!! They went primarily into the basement...the only cop I saw on the 3rd floor came out of nowhere....pulled one person out...and was gone. They knew everyone that they wanted. I saw a decrease in house security from what it used to be....they must have increased undercovers instead of trusting house security as much.

Undercovers then most likely relayed who was who, sent the numbers in and took out the main players. No lights....no noise....no drama.

Dan in answer to your question.....

not really....lol...hence the name and yes...back in the day....that couch was reserved for me every weekend (how did I live?). I pretty much stayed there because of the AC that pumps from above the stairs...directly into the area that I was at. I have AC and dont need to go in the basement to do crack.....why move other than for the b-room? In retropect...I think people got suspicious because I pretty much was in the same spot all night....lol. Plus I was not cracked out..and looked perfectly sober all night. Yes...there was a lot of cock....but around the area that you and I were at...at times....we would have 20+ chics around us no???

liqidtouch..there's always next time. Pleasure meeting u at Belmar.

PS: Cop my ass fake....lol...good to finally meet you. See you down the shore next weekend....and IT WILL BE NICE DAMMIT!!

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