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what was the wierdest thing u ever seen @ SF?

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Umm mine would have to be about 2 1/2 years

ago there was a girl sitting not too far from me

tripping balls like you could not believe it.. Well

this girl starts fucking hooking up with another

girl and they are all up on eachother kissing

and touching and next thing you know they are

both going down on eachother on the couch..

practically butt naked and the bouncers didnt

do shit!.. One of the bouncers was right next

to me watching the whole damn show laughing

and licking his lips... I was just grossed out and

shocked by how little moral people have. :blank:

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Originally posted by hotbarbiedoll

The weirdest thing I had ever seen at SF was about four years ago-these 4 huge juiceheads who,out of nowhere,began all making out with each other...Everyone began gathering around & pointing, the bouncers looking in disgust. But to top that off, they began pulling down their pants and yes- bangin' each other from behind.That's when the bouncers finally broke it up.I'd never seen anything like that, better yet come close to it in all of my clubbing experiences.But they were laughing hysterically while doing it-either they were so fucked up that they didn't know what they were doing or just really enjoyed it...Ahh the memories that place has are unforgettable ;)


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Originally posted by naughtybabe

Umm mine would have to be about 2 1/2 years

ago there was a girl sitting not too far from me

tripping falls like you could not believe it.. Well

this girl starts fucking hooking up with another

girl and they are all up on eachother kissing

and touching and next thing you know they are

both going down on eachother on the couch..

practically butt naked and the bouncers didnt

do shit!.. One of the bouncers was right next

to me watching the whole damn show laughing

and licking his lips... I was just grossed out and

shocked by how little moral people have. :blank:

if the bouncers would have tried to break that up... I would have tackled the bouncers

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Originally posted by naughtybabe

Umm mine would have to be about 2 1/2 years

ago there was a girl sitting not too far from me

tripping falls like you could not believe it.. Well

this girl starts fucking hooking up with another

girl and they are all up on eachother kissing

and touching and next thing you know they are

both going down on eachother on the couch..

practically butt naked and the bouncers didnt

do shit!.. One of the bouncers was right next

to me watching the whole damn show laughing

and licking his lips... I was just grossed out and

shocked by how little moral people have. :blank:

Let's go to the video tape!:makeout:

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

About 4 or 5 hidsedic (sp?) jews walking around SF.

Bwhahaha ...... they were probably selling E pills:laugh:

Craziest thing i ever saw was at the s&m party this dude is sitting on the floor bouncing up and down on this huge dildo and taking the whole thing in his ass. A big circle of people were just looking on like :eek::puke:

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Originally posted by anacondatro

Bwhahaha ...... they were probably selling E pills:laugh:

Craziest thing i ever saw was at the s&m party this dude is sitting on the floor bouncing up and down on this huge dildo and taking the whole thing in his ass. A big circle of people were just looking on like :eek::puke:


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Originally posted by njangel

thats the day barry brought his family

worst thing I ever saw was some guy fall over the railing on the 3rd floor, smacking his head on the banister & and then landing on the dancefloor.

OmG i was thErE 4 ThAt..i TotAlLy ForGoT aBoUt ThaT oNe...iVe SeeN sO mUch FaWkEd uP sTuFF thEre BuT thAt wAs sCaRy...or WhEn lAst SumMer OnE dAy @ cLosInG tHIs GuY wAs sO g-D up AnD wEnt CraZy..puNchEd a GiRl KnoCkEd oVer Mad PeOplE and ThEn gOt tHroWn 2 The FloOr bY liKe 10 BouNcErZ...aLL b/C hE dIdNt wAnT tHe MusIk 2 EnD...AlSo iM suRe u HaVe AlL sEeN ViVaCiOuS dO a NumBer of crAzy ThiNgS!!!!!

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mine is kinda personal and fucked up also.....

my gilr at the time met some guy there and end inviting him over to our place after factory, while i was home , and lied about him ...and began to hang out with him behind my back...once i found out she got mad at me ...and started a fight with me and got me locked up...i saw him at factory and told the bouncers that he was a big time dealer so they kicked him out...but that did not stop him from messing with and her, but mostly was her fault anyways...

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Originally posted by thefunkphenom

The weirdest thing was seeing one of those robot dogs on the floor in the back of the dancefloor about 2 years ago...........and swear he was dancing to the music and then he went off on his own and noone could find him...........:eek:

i swear the smae shit happened to me... and, omg its jsut so happens that it was about 2 years ago.

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Originally posted by thefunkphenom

The weirdest thing was seeing one of those robot dogs on the floor in the back of the dancefloor about 2 years ago...........and swear he was dancing to the music and then he went off on his own and noone could find him...........:eek:

thats sounded awesome:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by jpfactorygrl

OmG i was thErE 4 ThAt..i TotAlLy ForGoT aBoUt ThaT oNe...iVe SeeN sO mUch FaWkEd uP sTuFF thEre BuT thAt wAs sCaRy...or WhEn lAst SumMer OnE dAy @ cLosInG tHIs GuY wAs sO g-D up AnD wEnt CraZy..puNchEd a GiRl KnoCkEd oVer Mad PeOplE and ThEn gOt tHroWn 2 The FloOr bY liKe 10 BouNcErZ...aLL b/C hE dIdNt wAnT tHe MusIk 2 EnD...AlSo iM suRe u HaVe AlL sEeN ViVaCiOuS dO a NumBer of crAzy ThiNgS!!!!!

OmGGggg I tHiNk i Kn0w wUt y0u'Re tAlKinG aBoUt!!

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pvd @ sf... whole place is packed, nowhere in the club to breathe. except there is this circle with a 5ft radius that NOBODY is going near. the only empty space in the club - why? because there is a sweaty guy with a belly wearing nothing but a thong. he was trying to rub up against people but whenever he moved it was automatic - nobody wanted to go anywhere near him.

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I was at an Easter Party theme night at factory a few years ago, and I was tripping on a ton of E. Anyway, I seen the Easter Bunny butt slamming a horse (or something that resembled a horse anyway).

It was so disturbing, but I couldnt stop watching. Kinda like a car wreck involving a bus load of retarded kids. REALLY SICK that place is. Only reason I ever liked Factory is because of how crazy it gets there compared to anywhere else.

I've been unable to celebrate easter since.. :(

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Originally posted by bozer

I was at an Easter Party theme night at factory a few years ago, and I was tripping on a ton of E. Anyway, I seen the Easter Bunny butt slamming a horse (or something that resembled a horse anyway).

It was so disturbing, but I couldnt stop watching. Kinda like a car wreck involving a bus load of retarded kids. REALLY SICK that place is. Only reason I ever liked Factory is because of how crazy it gets there compared to anywhere else.

I've been unable to celebrate easter since.. :(


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The weirdest fucked up thing actually was about 4 years ago and i was hangin by the old black light so im rolling and doin small bumps of k and i end up talking to this hot girl from s.i. so my boy gives her a bump a huge bump so she sits on my lap and starts kissing me now for some reason jp was playing mad evil shit that night and shes kissing my neck all of a sudden i feel her teeth plunge into my neck!!! so i push her away and i wasnt sure if my neck was bleeding because i was sweating balls all of a sudden my boy and his girl have a look of horror on there faces so there i am in factory rolling and doin bumps evil music in the background with my neck bitten and blood streaming down my neck.....holy fuckin shit i was never so freaked out in my life!!!!!!!!

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