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How do you tell someone you love them..


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and then tell another person that you care for them so much, but you can't be with them.

I really don't understand how guys can straight up lie to a girl, make them feel so loved and cared for and then break the news that they have a girlfriend that they love but they still want to be with you. I really don't get it

Are there any guys that don't have girlfriends that LIKE ME!!??

Seems like for the past few months every guy I have come in contact with has had a girlfriend and they cheated on her with me and they tend to break the news when they say they are "really starting to care about me"


you have no fucking feelings if your cheating on your girlfriend


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my only advice is to get out of these relationships as soon as these guys tell you that they're involved with other people. the whole "but i really care about you" bit is selfish horseshit and nobody deserves it. staying with men who dole out this crap is allowing yourself to be their little convenience - their no-hassle fun whenever they feel like it - no matter how much they say they care. remaining in these relationships is accepting this principle, plain and simple. it's not about "staying with so-and-so because circumstances are unfortunate and he really would choose me if he hadn't been with his other gf first;"* by remaining in it, it's about saying that this situation is ok.

you're worth more; accept nothing less :) .

*i know that this is not what you're saying; i'm just giving an example :) .

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

and then tell another person that you care for them so much, but you can't be with them.

I really don't understand how guys can straight up lie to a girl, make them feel so loved and cared for and then break the news that they have a girlfriend that they love but they still want to be with you. I really don't get it

Are there any guys that don't have girlfriends that LIKE ME!!??

Seems like for the past few months every guy I have come in contact with has had a girlfriend and they cheated on her with me and they tend to break the news when they say they are "really starting to care about me"


you have no fucking feelings if your cheating on your girlfriend


right now i am in this situation where i am really into this girl and she is into me but she has a fiance...we have great times when were with each other and i think she really wants to be with me more than him but he is a dr and makes much more money than i do and right now he can give her and her daughter a bettter life (financial wise) than i can but i think she will make a big mistake if she marries him...but what can i do? she has made her choice and i have to live with it even if i dont like it :mad:

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

and then tell another person that you care for them so much, but you can't be with them.

I really don't understand how guys can straight up lie to a girl, make them feel so loved and cared for and then break the news that they have a girlfriend that they love but they still want to be with you. I really don't get it

Are there any guys that don't have girlfriends that LIKE ME!!??

Seems like for the past few months every guy I have come in contact with has had a girlfriend and they cheated on her with me and they tend to break the news when they say they are "really starting to care about me"


you have no fucking feelings if your cheating on your girlfriend


sorry to hear Dee....maybe ur just looking in the wrong places ;) ;)

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im sorry to hear that dee.. im afraid its just a mix of bad luck and the wrong kind of guys

but like the other people said, avoid getting involved with someone who still has feelings for someone else. That's just a recipe for disaster :pissy:

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As soon as i find this shit out I just bounce and move on but it like bothers me because like the guy that just recently told me this I really liked and its just really upsetting.

I refuse to play the part of the "Other Women" plus its not fair to the other girl that he is playing her.

I really need to start looking other places...or many just stop looking all together:(

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I think most people are like that because they don't realize how it feels for the other person. It's kinda of like blocking out that people have feelings. Like, say if your the boss of some company and you have to lay off employes, you just do it and try not to think about it, if each and everyone on of those people came up to you and said how greatly this was gonna effect their lives, its much harder to do. I've done a couple of fucked up things to my g/f of mine because I didn't realize how much it hurts, after it was done to me, I am totally different now.

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Originally posted by sexxybabyd

Yea because the first question on every first date should be "so do you have a girlfriend?"


usually u would think if their on a date with you, you wouldnt have to ask that. but nowadays people are so sketchy...

all mean should be :blown:

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Just stick to computer geeks and nerds - they will go crazy for you, as you will be one of the very few girls they ever date.

Very unlikely they would cheat. :D

Seriously though: think of it that way: you are just looking for the right man and obviously he wasn't the one (or the last five guys) - BUT eventually you will find him.

Good luck ;)

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I really need to start looking other places...or many just stop looking all together

theres ur answer right there.

"lookin for love in all the wrong places"....... dont LOOK for it. the best love falls right into ur lap when u least expect it. sure u can go out with different people... but that right there builds some sort of expectation when u go out with people. its either "ok this person is either gonna be the one.. or hes not" and when he turns out to be the latter, u get disappointed. u need to stop going out in search of that special someone... cuz there are way too many people out there to pick and choose whos right for u and who isnt. IMO- it just happens. the one who is right for u, will find YOU. one way or another. but ur young. stop stressing. go out. enjoy life. and just have fun with the people that u meet without the expectation of whether or not theyre gonna be the one for u.


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Originally posted by linabina

theres ur answer right there.

"lookin for love in all the wrong places"....... dont LOOK for it. the best love falls right into ur lap when u least expect it. sure u can go out with different people... but that right there builds some sort of expectation when u go out with people. its either "ok this person is either gonna be the one.. or hes not" and when he turns out to be the latter, u get disappointed. u need to stop going out in search of that special someone... cuz there are way too many people out there to pick and choose whos right for u and who isnt. IMO- it just happens. the one who is right for u, will find YOU. one way or another. but ur young. stop stressing. go out. enjoy life. and just have fun with the people that u meet without the expectation of whether or not theyre gonna be the one for u.


Lynne always comin in with the good advice!


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Originally posted by linabina

theres ur answer right there.

"lookin for love in all the wrong places"....... dont LOOK for it. the best love falls right into ur lap when u least expect it. sure u can go out with different people... but that right there builds some sort of expectation when u go out with people. its either "ok this person is either gonna be the one.. or hes not" and when he turns out to be the latter, u get disappointed. u need to stop going out in search of that special someone... cuz there are way too many people out there to pick and choose whos right for u and who isnt. IMO- it just happens. the one who is right for u, will find YOU. one way or another. but ur young. stop stressing. go out. enjoy life. and just have fun with the people that u meet without the expectation of whether or not theyre gonna be the one for u.;)

Exactly!! Looking isnt the answer,if its gonna happen its going to happen by itself.The worst thing is putting effort or getting your hopes up and then have then smashed.You might be looking in the wrong places, clubs,bars,lounges, etc are not places to look for quality bf or gf,not sure if those are the places that you have been searching.But you cant put all men in the same bag im pretty sure theres someone for you out there but maybe it isnt the time for it .Remember good things come to those that wait.This isnt directly to you but ive had girls give it up eazy as fcuk just to keep me or get me to settle down shyt that isnt going to work hell no,i will have the sex with em but being so sleezy wasnt going to to do the job,remember im not saying that your this way,I dont know you so I will never judge you.Just saying that alot of girls do this and dont realize that it makes em look bad,if its just for the sex GREAT.But itmay suck if theres feelings inbetween.Also its not the way to catch someone to settle down for a relationship.

Dont worry life is beautiful and full of surprises but dont hate all men,like I said before good things come to those that wait.;)

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~~trust me Dee i know what ur going thru.......it seems like all men are mind-fucking scum...but all the best relatioships came to me when i least expected and sometimes from people i least expected..........i dont reember who said it but it is true ur classifying every guy u meet by he is either the One or NOT and it shouldn't be like that...and i know its easy to give advice from the outside but im giving u one from the inside....i just wish i can always listen to it myself:(

another thing i forgot is the advice someone gave me...its ALL about the vibe ur giving off....guys can sense it that ur looking and thus get turned off and i guess ur also giving off the asshole vibe thus attracting (u guessed it!) ASSHOLES! so have fun with friends flirt with guys go on dates take it all easy but make sure u dont MISS him but dont look for him either just be patient:D

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