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Most amount of drugs u have ever seen?

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In my apartment, at one time was 500 Ttokkyos and 10,000 pills. Took me 3 days to get rid of everything. This was about every week for about 3-4 years. Course when I got raided, all they caught me with was 5 liqs.

(oh..and if your wondering why I'm not scared to say this, is because as part of my plea, I had to admit all the shit I've done to the DEA)


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some lil' bitch narc'd on me. My game was tight. Knew all my people. None of them were in on it. If they were, I'd still be in jail. I'd have been caught with 500x the amount if the cops had the correct info.

Basically, I got raided by NYPD and DEA the first time in June 2001. Charged with posession of 20 licks. I was out on bail when I got raided again in Dec. 2001 with 5 licks (I was still an addict). The DA had it in for me since I'm a white Wall St. boy living in Battery Park City. They only offered me a deal if Iturned on one of my associates. ALL of my associates were my friends and I couldn't do some jacked up shit like that. So, I had to plead to a class D felony, no jail time, no parole. But I am now forever scarred with this felony convition. I'll never be able to work in Wall St. again.


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Originally posted by Evan

some lil' bitch narc'd on me. My game was tight. Knew all my people. None of them were in on it. If they were, I'd still be in jail. I'd have been caught with 500x the amount if the cops had the correct info.

Basically, I got raided by NYPD and DEA the first time in June 2001. Charged with posession of 20 licks. I was out on bail when I got raided again in Dec. 2001 with 5 licks (I was still an addict). The DA had it in for me since I'm a white Wall St. boy living in Battery Park City. They only offered me a deal if Iturned on one of my associates. ALL of my associates were my friends and I couldn't do some jacked up shit like that. So, I had to plead to a class D felony, no jail time, no parole. But I am now forever scarred with this felony convition. I'll never be able to work in Wall St. again.


That sux bro, happened to a couple of my friends a 2 yrs back, just got their jail time last week.. Got Narcd by an associate who got busted, the associate set them up w/ a so called "buddy" of his, who ended up being State Police, 1 yr phone taps, hand to hands the whole 9 yards, the rat is still out and selling while my 2 buddies are in the state for 3 years..

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in january of 2000 I was playing beach volleyball in Ft. Lauderdale when this 16(ish) girl pulls this blue plastic sheet out of the water. Then she yells something to her dad who comes over then goes and makes a phone call.

15 minutes later there were about 20 cops and 20 DEA & Coastguard guys combing the beach to see if there was anything else besides the over 40kilos of coke that the girl had found just below the surfline.

I read that all told, just under 200 kilos of coke were recovered/found within about a quarter mile of where I was playing ball.

but all I saw was that 40 kilo pile/bail

and yes, everyone I knew there, was saying the same thing.. "Damn! why couldn't I have found it!"

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Originally posted by tunnelbandit

14 kilos of blow...good ole Washington Heights

I honestly do notknow what i would do if i ever saw that much prob ask the dude to spot me 2 and bounce for good:D but that is ridiculous recntly or back in the day?

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Originally posted by clubmanxtc

I honestly do notknow what i would do if i ever saw that much prob ask the dude to spot me 2 and bounce for good:D but that is ridiculous recntly or back in the day?

Yeah b/c the brothers in Washington heights would always spot your ass!LOL

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I honestly do notknow what i would do if i ever saw that much prob ask the dude to spot me 2 and bounce for good but that is ridiculous recntly or back in the day?

Id fucking shoot him and take his shit...leave the area...move somewhere in Florida or some shit, cause thats ALOT of $$$$$

Oh yea...def.

God damn...


I got the chills...



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most ever was the boxes and stashes of trees @ my dealers house. most coke i ever saw was what my x used to get on the weekends, don't know who much it was, but it filled up the entire plastic ziplock bag. the size of a waded up napkin! not till i ( back then) got into it more and bought my own did i realize how much he spend, asshole. hope he dies of a hearattack!:eek:

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Originally posted by clubmanxtc

I honestly do notknow what i would do if i ever saw that much prob ask the dude to spot me 2 and bounce for good:D but that is ridiculous recntly or back in the day?

This was about 8 yrs ago.

I already met the dude for my weed but my boy was getting a oz. of blow. We go into an apartment with nothing but a table full of blow and a triple beam. I've never sniffed before and the guy busts out 3 fat lines and makes me sniff..ya know just to make sure;)

Ok lemme stop because it's too early to get excited.

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Originally posted by Evan

In my apartment, at one time was 500 Ttokkyos and 10,000 pills. Took me 3 days to get rid of everything. This was about every week for about 3-4 years. Course when I got raided, all they caught me with was 5 liqs.

(oh..and if your wondering why I'm not scared to say this, is because as part of my plea, I had to admit all the shit I've done to the DEA)


man that fuckin sucks....been there done that..wont go into details but i got popped for sellin a lb of boomers and lb of KB to a narc...i originally got charged with a few class 1's but ended up with a class 4 attempted dist of weed..still a felony tho...but no time, 3 year probation and a shitload of fines...they wanted me to roll on my crew to and i told them to fuck themselves..i could have gotten it down to a few mistameanors but i do the crime and i do the time and i dont rat on my friends.

but with the original question..the most shit ive seen was at my place before a HUGE party..we had around 15,000 ills....2500 vials of liq-cid that was just freshly made from crystal from the fluff family (mid to late 90's on this shit) a few books of paper cid and 1/2lb of cooked K...was never into coke\meth so ive seen a few mounds of them at a party but i never dealt wth powders so i didnt know the amounts....

and i dont care to say it..cuz it happened almost 8 years ago and u cant do shit bout it now ive been outta the game for 3 or 4 years.

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Originally posted by Teknojunkee

Id fucking shoot him and take his shit...leave the area...move somewhere in Florida or some shit, cause thats ALOT of $$$$$

Oh yea...def.



I really hope you boys are joking, but even if you are, you just sent me into hell!

I didn't get popped, but just as I had enough, and shut it all down, no more income for me, in stepped a "friend".

Someone who I had trusted in my home sent a couple of huge guys into my house in the middle of the night to wake me with a gun to my head -- stole almost everything I had.

Yeah, I'm an ass for having it there and not being more secure. But, it was most definately not a business associate -- they were quite familiar with my home, called me by name.

Its taken almost 4 years to recover -- but thanks for taking me back there tonight!

Some things you just don't joke about!

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Been there done that. Repost of my story elsewhwere on the board:

"In December I decided that I was done with all of this. I had convinced my ex girlfriend to go on a trip with me to Vegas. I told all my colleagues I was done, and I started collecting money everyone owed me. The Russians, pissed off that I had been going elsewhere recently, as well as the fact that I was ending our association, sent a couple of thugs to beat me up and rob me. This all happened on a weekday late at night. By the time they were done, I had been robbed for $10,000 and beat up pretty bad."

Being jacked is not a funny matter. I see people laughing and making jokes about it. Then when their supplier has no stuff, they get mad about it. Well.. screw you guys. We take the heat, and we get thanked by people having big mouths so we get robbed and narced.

In the end, it just isn't worth it. And when all the drugs dealers realize this, where are you gonna get your drugs from?


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LoL first of all if u'r pushing that much weight u should b sleeping with 2 9's under your pillow, and also wouldnt it b smart 2 keep all your shtuff spread out in diferent locations? I dunnoo just my ideas. Isnt it fruked up though that u ussuelly get robbed by some1 close 2 u, itss a sadd werld we live in.

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I have never even held a gun nor want to. 99% of the drug dealers I know are the same way. Just because we are labeled criminals by the goverment, does not mean we are going to shoot somone tommorow. This isn't South Central you know.


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Originally posted by Evan

I have never even held a gun nor want to. 99% of the drug dealers I know are the same way. Just because we are labeled criminals by the goverment, does not mean we are going to shoot somone tommorow. This isn't South Central you know.


tru...ur story is a tuff one but glad to hear ur doing good now :aright:

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Yes, should have/could have/would have ...

Luckily, I was able to convince the gunmen that there was no more for them to have and there was no point in trying to have me take it to them. Oh yeah, did I mention there were 2 of them?

I have no use for guns, neither does anyone I know (OR SO I THOUGHT!). I was very careful in what I was working with - I stayed away from the "big" drugs - no coke, no speed, no crystal, no heroin, - just e & k, and I got the K myself. No gangs to be upset. Picked up from 2 guys, passed it back to 3.

Just a small group of folks who wanted to make sure that we got what we were asking for -- tested, clean, drugs of choice. No one ever ended up in the hospital from taking anything that passed through my hands. No one ended up physically addicted to anything that passed through my hands. No one had unexpected drug interactions from anything that passed through my hands. In fact, these are the only reasons I ever became a "criminal" in the first place -- before I started, this wasn't true where I lived!

I wonder why the "War on Drugs" hasn't figured this out -- right now with K not available, and me being so selective in what I want to put in my body, I am out searching for something to have a night out with. I know I'm gonna get ripped off. I know I'm gonna end up helping the "drug lords". I know I'm gonna end up using chemicals whose true identity is unknown to me, so my harm reduction strategies may or may not work. etc., etc., etc.

Make any sense to you?

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