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what/who got u started on drugs?

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the first time i drank was like 6th grade..it was my own choice

the first time i smoked..was my summer going into high school..

the first time i did E..my friend gave me and my best friend 2 free pills, it was the summer after my freshman year. i really didnt know much about E but i did it anyway..

first time i did shrooms was also the summer after my freshman year..me and my best friend ate them with these two other girls

first time i did coke was my sophmore year..fell in love with it right then and there

first time i did K.. was sophmore year..HATED it the first time i did it..loved it the second, lol

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I actually went out of my way to try weed for the first time. I was 14, a freshman in high school, and I was dying of curiosity. I asked this girl who was always talking about getting stoned if she knew where I could get any, and she sold me a quarter.

Although actually, I think it may have really started in the dentist's and doctor's office. DON'T LAUGH!!! I can remember being put under, when getting fillings, and when going in for those operations on my ears. I remember the sensation of floating, and kind of spiraling down. I liked it!!! Maybe I was trying to recreate that sensation, lol.

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I've just always been curious i guess

First time i got really drunk was in like 7th grade (i have no idea when the first time i drank was)

Smoked weed in 8th grade

then didnt really do much else until i went off to boarding school sophmore year, and thats when i first tried coke, x, shrooms, and painkillers

then senior year i finally got ahold of some k, and also tried smoking opium

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8th grade I had a girlfriend who had a brother that was in college and I went to her house one night and she already smoked so they asked me if I wanted to try it and being curious I did, smoked out of a bong and got SOOOO FUCKED up after that it was downhill I started buying from her brother and became a pot head.

9th grade started with pills and all that other good stuff

I stopped doing hard drugs end of 11th grade

but smoking pot ever since that lovely 8th grade night:D

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i started drinking at like 14 yrs old then smoking alittle by 16....when i turned 20 my friend gave me x one night and i liked it. the very next night we started doing more which turned into a night i will never forget cause i went from never doing to doing 7 pills, a gram of coke and like 25 bong hits...i was so wacked but it felt sooooooooooooo good and i havent been the same since :hat:

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All my drug use was initiated by me.

Alcohol in 8th grade. Weed in 10th. 12th grade, alcohol, weed, shrooms. Graduated high school: acid (lots of acid) shrooms, coke, weed, opium, hash, pure THC oil, honey oil. I didn't really ever hear of "e'' back then, so that came years later.

Currently nothing but alcohol and weed!

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started to drink at around 14 in Belgium, cuz kids there drink and smoke at a younger age. Plus , the beer is cheap and good :drunk:

I only started to smoke herb freshman year in college, but still occassionally do. Everything else (shrooms, E) happened in college.

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was 19 and did some meth\pcp..more pcp then meth...ran around like a tard then tried to chase down and 'play' with a brown bear in the woods...hurt myself breaking and lifting shit...

then after that was @ 20 some off hits of cid for my 1st time (oops) and from there it went to xtc and thats bout all i did for 7 or 8 years.

fun times ;)

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I never touched drugs before I was 21. Hell, I barley even drank alcohol. Still have nevr drank a beer.

At 21, on of my co workers in Wall St. was a coke dealer. I started selling it on the side to make some extra pocket. I had already been clubbing for five years before that straight. I started getting sick and tired of watching my friends have E orgies, so I took my first pill. A weekend later I was up to 3-5 pills a weekend. Took me only about a month before my first E orgy. :D A month later I did my first bump of K. Got hooked. A month after that, did my first blast of coke. Only did the coke for 2 weeks total. A couple months after that, smoked my first weed. a year later, did first acid and shrooms.

That's it. Crackhead ever since. I haven't done coke, weed, acid, shrooms, or E in over 2-3 years.


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me...I tried X with my best friend one night, when I was about 21, 22 and that was it, I started on that, then graduated to K, my favorite of all drugs, got addicted, turned to pot and alcohol, and now just dabble here and there. I'd rather do K, or nothing at all. It's been a few years, but I miss it, so I guess I need to start looking for it soon

that shit is da bomb

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i'm a late bloomer when it comes to drugs...

drank occasionally towards the end of high school but then when i went away to college it became more of a frequent thing...

smoked ganja for the first time my freshman year of college. totally hated it. didn't like the way it made me feel. i was far too paranoid and not acoustomed to the feelings. 2nd semester of my sophomore year my roommate turned me into a pothead.

hey. what can i say? it was a long ass fuckin winter and really - when you aint got shit to do is when the marijuana lures you in.

i did e and shrooms my freshman year. haven't rolled in about a year but not really wanting to.

im waiting to do shrooms again. hopefully before the summer ends.

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I randomly got brought by some older friends to the city to some bar everyone was going to back then (Cha Chas on Mulberry Street). Drank two Long Island Ice Teas and got pretty fucked up. Didn't start REALLY drinking until I got to college. Smoked for the first time in HS. i was with my gf, at the time, fucking in the back seat of my car at some reservation, when some black dude pulls up behind me, nearly gave me a heart attack, and offered our naked asses some weed. Didn;t really like it and never got into smoking weed.

I first really learned about E through "The New Yorker" magazine. They did this whole artical on Twilo a few years ago, follwed by another huge artical on the E craze. Me and my adventurous friend put two and two together, and drove to Twilo a few times in 00' looking to buy pills inside. Got ripped off, and gave up on it until my sophomore year of college I randomly came across some. I half-way rolled off weak pills, but knew I liked it. Got kicked out of school for s semester, and at my horrible mall job, met one of those F.O.B. promoters at Exit who had crazy drug connections inside. It was last April, the night Scot Project was there. Dropped a green dove inside and had the best night of my life. Went on my E-binge for almost a year, and a few months ago started slowing down a lot.

My first K experience was in SF. Loved it, and did it a few times after, but haven't in awhile. I've actually been itching to do it again recently.

I sroomed for the first time in Amsterdam last Spring and absolutely loved it. I've done it a couple of times since, and will defintiely do it again if I randomly come across it.

Right now I'm mostly a drinker, with the occasional pill at a club. Long story, sorry.

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well i smoked pot in hs..... then if this isn't the most fucked up thing ever.. when i was 16 my dance teacher gave me coke at a party!!!! then had me sell it at school:(

after i graduated and moved to jersey my friends weren't into it.. so i just smoked sometimes..

then when i was 19 which was in 98 i found my way to the ROXY!!! it was all down hill from there!!!

i miss the roxy from back then.. i went last summer.. and i felt too old.. people wouldn't even sell me pills i think they thought i was a narc!!! hahah

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wait i forgot to add how i tried K cause its really funny... so i was at roxy for the seconed time and i met this kid.. the following week was my bday.. so he took me shopping to get an outfit before we went to roxy.... he was like here take a bump.. before we go into the mall.. i thought it was coke.. nope it was K omg it was so funny.. we were in bang bang dancing to the music.. hahah

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