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I am 5'11" and I like girls shorter than me........Small girls are easier for me to get to limp afterwords but I like girls of all sizes and from all continents, but the truth is that I dont discriminate...........I just regulate and be straight. Seriously though, even if a girl is wearing heals, I hate it when they are taller than me.

I realize I am not tall (5'11'' is not 6'0'' and therefore not tall) but I hate it when girls standing up straight with heels are taller than me. From what I hear, most guys are the exact same way.

In terms of looks, eyes, ass, tits, skin tone, attitude, and personality.........that all comes with the conversation or I find out later when they get the guts to talk to me.


Tryin to find the perfect girl when going out is impossible:(

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im about six feet tall, kinda lanky but i think im finally starting to fill out (no more spaghetti arms). I also prefer girls shorter than me, but if i see a girl taller than six feet without heels id wanna bag that cuz it would be a wild ride. im big on face and ass, not so much tits. latinas get me bad, but anygirl with a pretty face usually works. im not big on talking though so i dont meet to many girls cuz i dont have the guts to walk up and say hi (plus i kinda have a gf sort of) overall id say i have an obsession with round booty. oh and i like long walks on the beach...

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hi i'm single i am six feet tall i have blonde long hair and blue eyes and you sound like the perfect guy i want to go out with please e-mail me back on purpleniomi@msn.com my name is niomi and i am 18 years of age and very skinny

bye babe luv niomi


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Originally posted by grooveybabe

hi i'm single i am six feet tall i have blonde long hair and blue eyes and you sound like the perfect guy i want to go out with please e-mail me back on purpleniomi@msn.com my name is niomi and i am 18 years of age and very skinny

bye babe luv niomi



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Funk dat :eek:

Im like 5'8'', but have broad shoulders and carry myself like im 6'.

Jon, you shouldn't have to worry. There's more to attraction than height alone.

But i can't stand when tall girls feel they need to be taller and wear high heels, which in turn makes them taller than most guys in the club, and looks kinda awkward :laugh:

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Originally posted by gmccookny

But i can't stand when tall girls feel they need to be taller and wear high heels, which in turn makes them taller than most guys in the club, and looks kinda awkward :laugh:

Tall girls don't necessarily wear heels to look taller :blank:......I'm 5'9 & I wear heals all the time...not b/c I want to look like a giant...but b/c I like that type of shoe......Just b/c a girl is tall doesn't mean she should deprive herself of a nice pair of stilletos (sp)

And besides...All the tall girls are looking over you midgets anyway to get a look at the tall men :D:tongue:

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Originally posted by sweetie029

And besides...All the tall girls are looking over you midgets anyway to get a look at the tall men :D:tongue:

My height has never given me a problem with taller girls.

I've gone out with girls that are 5'9'' and taller. ANd they came back for more smurf meat :tongue:

So whatever :rolleyes:

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Well I'm 5'5" and I prefer a guy that's tall-er than me. Doesn't necessarily have to be tall. Athleticly fit, brutally honest, and horribly sarcastic with a great sense of humor is all a plus. I also want to be able to feel safe in his arms.

Lookwise, I don't really care that much.... other than the tallness and the fitness :D

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I'm 6'7", I prefer taller women, makes it easier to dance with, walk around with . . . I look different from everyone else out there. . .I like glasses, I like facial hair, and I don't spike my hair (in other words, the anti-jersey shore style) . I've gone out with women as short as 5'1, just my knees aren't that good to go so low when dancing and it hurts to walk around with them. I just have been having rather bad luck with taller women of late. . . dunno why.

A type tho, no idea, tall, somewhat intelligent and able to hold a conversation. . .

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i'm 4'11, and have always had a fetish for taller guys....older guys too.

As for other qualities....i think this is the beauty of the men i'm with...I don't particularly have a "type"...I just like to pick out qualities not found in "other" men.... I guess you can some my "type" up as somewhat eclectic..... the former(s) are never anything like another, or the present. :D

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

...Small girls are easier for me to get to limp afterwords but I like girls of all sizes and from all continents, but the truth is that I dont discriminate...........I just regulate and be straight...

you said this in another thread and i still don't know what you're talking about :confused: .
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