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Subsitutes for K?

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Originally posted by shroomy

A friend of mine told me :)

acid and E or Acid and K are both insane combos.

all 3 equals an un explainable experience... try to imagine how intense it would be then mutliply that by like 1000000 and there you go... defiantly worth trying once.

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Originally posted by kholeman

2CB is a realy nice addition to the mix.

Some people eat it, but snorting it give the wildest visuals -- burns like hell, though!

But it is tru, K is the ultimate cocktail.

and good luck finding 2cb...or acid for that matter.

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Originally posted by exit24e

and good luck finding 2cb...or acid for that matter.

No shit, I would put 2CB at the top of the list if it was available at all. :( A truely special substance that goes with K like peanut butter goes with jelly.

There also seems to be some special synergy that makes K more potent.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally posted by blazynup

how much robitussin did u drink?

i took 16 pills of coricidin cough & cold. i wouldn't recommend this b/c there is an antihistamine ingredient in it that can hospitalize you. i took the risk, i was stupid.

take something that only has DXM like Robitussin Maximum Strength cough syrup (or generic equivalents) and Dexalone. if you want the exact dose, just type in DXM into google and you'll get tons of info.

anyway, it'll fuck you up. the closest i ever got to a k-hole without taking k was downing those 16 pills of DXM. i was fucked up for about 10 hours. i went through every emotion in the book, fell into a DXM hole, was acting like a complete ass. overall, glad i did it once. don't think i'll do that again since i can afford other substances. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by kitty19

i took 16 pills of coricidin cough & cold. i wouldn't recommend this b/c there is an antihistamine ingredient in it that can hospitalize you. i took the risk, i was stupid.

take something that only has DXM like Robitussin Maximum Strength cough syrup (or generic equivalents) and Dexalone. if you want the exact dose, just type in DXM into google and you'll get tons of info.

anyway, it'll fuck you up. the closest i ever got to a k-hole without taking k was downing those 16 pills of DXM. i was fucked up for about 10 hours. i went through every emotion in the book, fell into a DXM hole, was acting like a complete ass. overall, glad i did it once. don't think i'll do that again since i can afford other substances. ;)

i ate 10 of those things once a few years ago

they fucckkk you upp

dxm trips are very weird..very detached feeling..i was walking around this party looking for my body..i couldnt find it anywhere..i checked all the closets and under every bed.....

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Originally posted by ladyshady

i ate 10 of those things once a few years ago

they fucckkk you upp

dxm trips are very weird..very detached feeling..i was walking around this party looking for my body..i couldnt find it anywhere..i checked all the closets and under every bed.....

Reminds me of the time I was in a HUGE k hole, thought I was dead, and asked the cops (that had raided the club) what they were gonna do with my dead body.

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I had a similar trip once -- the one you always try to get to again....

I had complete ego dissolution. I wasn't sure if I was dead or I had just disappeared. I knew the body (no "mine" anymore) in the chair must look different to the people around me. Heard a voice say "This is the way its going to be from now on" and the voice that used to be me said "Ok, I guess I'll deal with it". I managed to crawl up long enough to ask the person sitting next to me if I was still breathing (since my MD had told me that respiratory failure due to anesthesia was the only real "overdose" reaction to watch for - and that it would be temporary). She said "yes", I said "Good, make sure I don't stop" and slid right back down.

This experience, combined with the experiences I had on DMT, led me to believe that I had experienced what DM Turner :bowdown: had described as the "psychedelic shaman" phenomena - having seen the "other side" and returned to live in this dimension without fear.

Made sense to me. Seems that whatever happens after we die -- in this existence (I mean for all we know, this IS the afterlife and we are already dead!) -- we'll just deal with it, like we do everything that happens to us now! And, if there isn't anything else that happens, we will never know. (This is called escatalogical verification - proof positive only. One of the best words and concepts I learned at university!)

Now THAT is why I trip.


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Originally posted by jtk4

Hold your breath for 45 seconds then run into a wall. :D

i do not think there is anything like it.


better yet, sit down on a chair, hold your breath, spin around a lot, then stand up quick.... It's even more trippy. I almost crapped my pants.

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