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Death of Vinyl? ( No not the club..that was last week)

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my next investment is the cdj-1000.. but i dont think that cds are gonna take over the world of djing anytime soon.. its expensive equipment that not everyone can buy for their own personal use.. it would be cool to get a cd wit the mixes on it when u buy a record tho.. but i bet theyll be chargin an extra arm and leg for that too.. so we as the consumers always gettin shafted..

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Why do you say the death of Vinyl was last week? I was there, and have been looking for the damn review thread....is there one? Guess I'll try a search...... :laugh:

Danny lectured us (stopped the set and all) about smoking cigarettes and ruining the party. Why can't y'all muhfuckas just behave?!?! :laugh:

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Originally posted by djshaned

believe me.....it's a COMPLETE WASTE of money!!

that toy does not replicate the way u use a vinyl record

very true.....using the pitch is like using a gemini pitch and the touchy feel isnt there

give it time though for technology to catch up, it will soon.......the tricks you can do on those things are endless

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Originally posted by djshaned

believe me.....it's a COMPLETE WASTE of money!!

that toy does not replicate the way u use a vinyl record

The Denon S5000 does almost perfectly. Soon to be out, a cheaper version with only a few less features...the S3000.

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Originally posted by sheendawg

Why do you say the death of Vinyl was last week? I was there, and have been looking for the damn review thread....is there one? Guess I'll try a search...... :laugh:

Danny lectured us (stopped the set and all) about smoking cigarettes and ruining the party. Why can't y'all muhfuckas just behave?!?! :laugh:

because last week we found out the building vinyl is in is on the selling block..so everyone was speculating the death of vinyl...

hence the ( ) in the threat...harddyy harr harrr

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

very true.....using the pitch is like using a gemini pitch and the touchy feel isnt there


I had a similar gripe last week @ Filter.

They have the CDJ-1000 there, and when I went to mix in a cd, (which, admittingly, was like maybe the 5th time I've ever mixed a cd), I noticed that the pitch slider was looooooooose as *insert friend's mother's name here* :laugh:

(most people who use the CDJ already know the next part I'm about to say...but I JUST learned it, so I'm passing it along as well :))

so anyway, after bitching about this for the next few days to friends....I was shown the feature of the +6, +8, +10, +24 (or whatever the incriments are) Anyway, the lower you have the + set, the more loose the controls will be. Myself, I had it on 6, the lowest you can get, so to fix a mix IN the mix, I had to slide that muthafucka allll the way up/down.

Lesson learned....keep it on +24, and the feel is way more realistic, and more sensitive.

okay Jon? Now stop bitching!


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Originally posted by twiloguy

what's the deal with this Final Scratch thingy....I do know much about it....

its a program in which loads your MP3's on your computer, and with a specific sound card being attached via USB port into your computer, and your turntable(s) hooked into the sound card, along with blank pieces of vinyl(provided with program) you can play the MP3's on your computer, using blank vinyl pieces.

so in a nutshell, its a major revolution. let's say you dont like the feel of cd's, well ok now you can bring a massive collection of music, and cue it via the vinyl pieces. they also now have a sound card in which you can hook your CD deck into as well. **Any turntable, **any cd player will work with this program.

Jonathan Peters has been using it for awile now, and its a great program to use if you dont mind buying a laptop to lug with you. Even if I just want to use it via the cd player, it saves me the time of burning hundreds of cd's etc.

check it out, its a major advancement.

oh and yes, if you place the needle lets say 2 minutes into the record, the program cue's the MP3 to that point of the song, you can scratch with hiphop etc. etc.


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