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vinyl sucks dick

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ok...i will put my two cents in for this one:

vinyl is great, the bouncers are really nice to me, the rest of the staff is very nice, considering what they have to put up with. i see how some people talk to them and it is terrible, they are working while other people are having fun..give them a break.

things that upset me:

1. some people walk right into you. they may have a friend on the other side and they are trying to get through. you are in a club if your friends don't know that it takes 20 minutes to walk from one end of a club to another, don't go to a club.

2. guys that can't take no for an anwser! the ones that ask you to dance, you say no, and they grab your hand. i sware i can't stand that.

.....and some of you gentlemen when you see this, ask the girl if she is ok. two weeks ago a guy would not stop bothering me, another guy saw me and asked if i was ok, he told the guy to leave me alone did not want anything else form me. thank you so very much! i am miss faithful and don't like to dance with other men, sometimes girls just need a night out alone.

3. the dancing!!! people if you see someone dancing in a way you think is strange...and you see a SMILE on their face and they are not bothering anyone......GOD BLESS THEM!!! someone was trying to make fun of someone elses style to me and i told them off.

4. don't asume everyone is on drugs in the place everytime they go...don't go up to someone and ask what they are on. i find it rude.

5. it is not a rave!

there are so many more,

but you know clubplanet is a bad message board to leave a post like this, because the people it's being address to would not look futher into a scene than the club itself. i feel that people who love the music and lifestyle spend some of their free time looking deeper into the scene to learn more about it.

i really like vinyl...i feel bad it has to go through this, as eveyone knows, this comes and goes. it goes in phases i hope by the fall this problem will die out .

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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

Vinyl was fucking AWFUL last night. I never had such a bad time in my life EVER. If Danny's not spinning and you're not on ecstacy that place is fucking SHIT. I've been going for 5 years and the transformation there is FUCKING RIDICULOUS.

THe juiceheads need to FUCKING LEAVE.. YOU'RE RUINING VINYL. THe party is called "Be Yourself" you fucking dicks.. how are you being yourself when you stick needles in your body to be 6 times the size of what you really are???

No one there knows what the fuck that party was originally about. AND WHAT THE FUCK HAPPNENED to common curtosey?? There are such things as

"exuse me"

"thank you"


"SORRY" when you bump into someone!!!!

WHY IS it so goddamn neccessary to eat 5 pills and bump into people!???? CONTROL YOURSELVES you fucking LOSERS.

That place is so MAINSTREAM it makes me SICK AND very SAD.

And since when is it appropriate to moleste girls on the dancefloor??

"Be Yourself" is about RESPECT, UNITY and FUCKING FUN dammit


NYC is dead!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

dont forget the guidettes and slutty girls :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by crowina

but you know clubplanet is a bad message board to leave a post like this, because the people it's being address to would not look futher into a scene than the club itself. i feel that people who love the music and lifestyle spend some of their free time looking deeper into the scene to learn more about it.

Amen, sister!

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Wow and think I was going to wake up and go at 6am, I am glad I didnt. There usually is a sign up, (not always in a convient place to see) to say that Danny will not be there that nite. You can also tell when you turn in to the main room, if the crowd is small our the music is low, I don't know how but I could just tell when he is not there.

Danny took the nite off, that is no big deal. He posted a long post about how he feels about the crowd at Arc lately. Someone even said, there were people cheering for Danny even though he wasnt there. That is the problem with the place, the people who go who have no clue what the fuck is going on. That is what is killing the place. He also said that he was thinking about taking some time off, he just didnt say when though.

The bottom line is, I learned to check his MSG board before I leave cause there is usually a post saying he wont be there. Although there was no post. Always look around at the entrance there is always a sign up saying Danny wont be there.

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Originally posted by progressive2

dont forget the guidettes and slutty girls :rolleyes:

oh yes, let's not forget to exclude the guidettes and slutty girls, lets have Be Yourself for a small nitch of people, and have a set of rules under the phrase "Be Yourself."

Your a clear reason why Be Yourself is falling apart. Who the fuck cares what they look like, dress, behave sexually. << cough cough >> I thought thats why they have this party, to not have judgement passed reguardless if you wax your eye brows, dance a certain way, and what not.

What a crude comment you just made.

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Originally posted by djustinh

oh yes, let's not forget to exclude the guidettes and slutty girls, lets have Be Yourself for a small nitch of people, and have a set of rules under the phrase "Be Yourself."

Your a clear reason why Be Yourself is falling apart. Who the fuck cares what they look like, dress, behave sexually. << cough cough >> I thought thats why they have this party, to not have judgement passed reguardless if you wax your eye brows, dance a certain way, and what not.

What a crude comment you just made.

i actually totally agree with you, i dont care what they look like or dress like whether its a guy or girl, if you read the first post in the thread, the person writes about guidos and her having a problem with them at vinyl, im not passing judgement , i just want to indicate that its a two way street...

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the point that i think everyone will agree on is that regardless of the name, you can only really 'be urself' if 'yourself' is what Danny thinks you should be...if you dont fit that mold then your somehow outcast from his party and his followers will rip on you.

whatever, i'm done with this arguement - its been discussed i dont know how many times in the last year or so- but at least for me, i'll stick to going to factory on sunday mornings, and personally i think JP is a better DJ anyway - granted Danny is more predictable - but when JP is on point, there is nobody who can compare...

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here's DT's rant about "Be Yourself".....

Many Nyc Club People Better Wise Up Soon...


Because I have NOT been enjoying myself the way I used to


Because there are more & more disrespectful assho*es getting on my very last nerve with sneaking cigarette's right in front of my eyes while they are dancing, and I can only get annoyed so many times per night before I finally get on the microphone, try to burn the idiot myself with 2 million candle watt flashlights and remind them that there is NO SMOKING inside NY venues!

I did not make up this new law, Mayor Gloomberg did, but we have to insist that our patrons respect this otherwise not only are we gonna get fined, but eventually if more MEATHEADS start discovering "Be Yourself Friday's" and don't know the rules, or how to respect their own bodies, our party, our jobs, our livelihood, then I obviously am not going to have fun doing my job as an entertainer if I have to keep seeing these things from the booth, or having to alert security to have someone removed for disrespecting.

And that's only what I can see from the booth.......

The obnoxious new usage of cell phones on the dance floor has also become a real irritating distraction. WHY? Becuase they are not just telephones any longer! They are now also camera's, text messaging units, and many lighting up so brightly, some people are just being disruptful to our lightman and when the light show goes black during a song's breakdown and you see 5 cell phones in VARIOUS Colors , well, it's extremely annoying. ESPECIALLY when the people are not even dancing! They are just standing there on the dance floor with this lit up Nokia TOY! >> No! We're not havin it!

There are various other places in the venue to use those things, NOT on our dance floor. If someone wants to use their stupid cell phones, then they should go into the back lounge or hallway where the coat check is at.

We have security AND undercover security as well, yet some people still get so stupid and lost into a zone of their own....

The bottom line is this........

I LOVE 6 Hubert Street. Arc, Vinyl, Shelter, Body & Soul, Be Yourself Friday's, W H A T E V E R you wanna call the place!

HOWEVER, if it stops becoming FUN for me...... Then I am out of there! Period. I will start hitting the road again once a month or so and make my living that way as well as entertaining myself up at my Loft with a FEW friends. Ain't no one ever gonna disrespect my personal space, that's for certain!

So, on top of the fact that no matter how hard ARC seems to be trying, the AC is still experiencing difficulty and it's just really hot in that booth now, and on top of being hot I have to deal with CHILDREN who probably didn't even know who I was a year ago needing to be educated on "How to BE and not to BE" at our weekly party.

Yes, like I say on the Mic, this is YOUR party...... Without you 800-1000 people per week, I ain't shit, so as I am getting tired of sounding like some jaded old fart, having to lower the music, kill a good vibe and having to remind people (as if they don't already know) that there is no longer smoking allowed inside the building.......

All I know is we are gonna have to enforce some really strict new policy soon like that of the Paradise Garage & The Loft where it was for "MEMBERS ONLY"....... 21 & Over, and you can only get in the club IF you are with a member/cardholder.

That's all I can think of now in my moment of VENTING!

So, don't BE surprised if I have a week or two over the next 2 months where I just simply will not show up there because I am absolutely getting extremely fed up and just feel like I need a break, and hopefully this message will get around to everyone.

NO, I am NOT going to play at CROBAR! Or any other club (new or old) in NYC. Yes, I have had offers, but I am not interested at all at this time. 100% not.

I make this announcement often after I give it up for our opening guest DJ's.....

*I care for you people, whether I know you personally or not. I do not want to hear of any more nonsense that puts me in a mood where I don't even want to play music any longer.

I ask people to respect themselves and to be very careful of what they put into their bodies. I cannot tell people what to do, but I BEG THEM, "IF" they have any intentions on doing anything that's jeapordizing to our party, then to Please "BE YOURSELF SOMEWHERE ELSE"! We do not want your $20-25 dollars if your gonna commit "Disco Suicide" on our premises and ruin a great part of NYC nightlife again for everyone else.





EVEN EXIT'S EARTH party is unfortunately also over......

ROXY & SF has had their difficulty getting those big rooms filled on a weekly Friday basis. Although they both still kick ass on Saturday's! All clubs are struggling at this time, and that is no secret...... You all know the deal!


Well, I've been holding this post in for some time now, and I just don't care anymore what anyone thinks of what my personal opinion is. I am speaking from what I've been seeing evolve over the last few years and it just disgust me to think that people want to go out to hear music and dance and put Horse & Cat tranquilizer (K) in their bodies.....?????

GHB??? I still don't know what the FU** this drug is? What it looks like? Smells like? Why it even exist? What was it's original purpose on this planet? Why are so many people still spending $20 or more on bullshit XTC that only God knows what is in it?? And then have the nerve to COMPLAIN about a $20-25 dollar door cover charge to hear 10 hours of music???

Do SOME people expect that club owners should just let them in for free and let them rampantly do whatever they want and risk everyone else's happiness?

I know that most of you here are NOT the people I am speaking of. Yeah, maybe some of you do your thing here & there, but you know the type of DODO'S I am speaking of.......

It seems like they just all of a sudden came out of the woodwork and are about to kill it for all the great people who are nothing but passionate for the music and simply love to come out to THE PARTY and not just TO PARTY!

Once again, I am suggesting to all of you who have been coming out to hear me for quite some time now to take control!

THIS IS YOUR PARTY!!! If you see a person doing something WRONG then please alert security and point them out, or tell them yourself!

Otherwise, get ready to..... "ENJOY THE SILENCE"..... ,

While I will be internationally club hopping with other DJ's like Danny Howells, Deep Dish etc... having a blast from Sydney to Budapest, Ibiza & beyond ..........

Have I made myself clear enough???

Peace, Love & Respect to all,


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Originally posted by eckobarbie1

Vinyl was fucking AWFUL last night.

im starting to believe youre not a fan of any new york city club.. however in this instance im going to have to agree with you on this... arc/vinyl is the pits... the hair club for men is a better club than vinyl...

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If you read Danny MSG board reguarly, he says not to take his post and repost them on other MSG boards. He said it really bothers him that people do this. Bigpoppanils did you read that post?

Originally posted by bigpoppanils

here's DT's rant about "Be Yourself".....

Many Nyc Club People Better Wise Up Soon...


Because I have NOT been enjoying myself the way I used to


Because there are more & more disrespectful assho*es getting on my very last nerve with sneaking cigarette's right in front of my eyes while they are dancing, and I can only get annoyed so many times per night before I finally get on the microphone, try to burn the idiot myself with 2 million candle watt flashlights and remind them that there is NO SMOKING inside NY venues!

I did not make up this new law, Mayor Gloomberg did, but we have to insist that our patrons respect this otherwise not only are we gonna get fined, but eventually if more MEATHEADS start discovering "Be Yourself Friday's" and don't know the rules, or how to respect their own bodies, our party, our jobs, our livelihood, then I obviously am not going to have fun doing my job as an entertainer if I have to keep seeing these things from the booth, or having to alert security to have someone removed for disrespecting.

And that's only what I can see from the booth.......

The obnoxious new usage of cell phones on the dance floor has also become a real irritating distraction. WHY? Becuase they are not just telephones any longer! They are now also camera's, text messaging units, and many lighting up so brightly, some people are just being disruptful to our lightman and when the light show goes black during a song's breakdown and you see 5 cell phones in VARIOUS Colors , well, it's extremely annoying. ESPECIALLY when the people are not even dancing! They are just standing there on the dance floor with this lit up Nokia TOY! >> No! We're not havin it!

There are various other places in the venue to use those things, NOT on our dance floor. If someone wants to use their stupid cell phones, then they should go into the back lounge or hallway where the coat check is at.

We have security AND undercover security as well, yet some people still get so stupid and lost into a zone of their own....

The bottom line is this........

I LOVE 6 Hubert Street. Arc, Vinyl, Shelter, Body & Soul, Be Yourself Friday's, W H A T E V E R you wanna call the place!

HOWEVER, if it stops becoming FUN for me...... Then I am out of there! Period. I will start hitting the road again once a month or so and make my living that way as well as entertaining myself up at my Loft with a FEW friends. Ain't no one ever gonna disrespect my personal space, that's for certain!

So, on top of the fact that no matter how hard ARC seems to be trying, the AC is still experiencing difficulty and it's just really hot in that booth now, and on top of being hot I have to deal with CHILDREN who probably didn't even know who I was a year ago needing to be educated on "How to BE and not to BE" at our weekly party.

Yes, like I say on the Mic, this is YOUR party...... Without you 800-1000 people per week, I ain't shit, so as I am getting tired of sounding like some jaded old fart, having to lower the music, kill a good vibe and having to remind people (as if they don't already know) that there is no longer smoking allowed inside the building.......

All I know is we are gonna have to enforce some really strict new policy soon like that of the Paradise Garage & The Loft where it was for "MEMBERS ONLY"....... 21 & Over, and you can only get in the club IF you are with a member/cardholder.

That's all I can think of now in my moment of VENTING!

So, don't BE surprised if I have a week or two over the next 2 months where I just simply will not show up there because I am absolutely getting extremely fed up and just feel like I need a break, and hopefully this message will get around to everyone.

NO, I am NOT going to play at CROBAR! Or any other club (new or old) in NYC. Yes, I have had offers, but I am not interested at all at this time. 100% not.

I make this announcement often after I give it up for our opening guest DJ's.....

*I care for you people, whether I know you personally or not. I do not want to hear of any more nonsense that puts me in a mood where I don't even want to play music any longer.

I ask people to respect themselves and to be very careful of what they put into their bodies. I cannot tell people what to do, but I BEG THEM, "IF" they have any intentions on doing anything that's jeapordizing to our party, then to Please "BE YOURSELF SOMEWHERE ELSE"! We do not want your $20-25 dollars if your gonna commit "Disco Suicide" on our premises and ruin a great part of NYC nightlife again for everyone else.





EVEN EXIT'S EARTH party is unfortunately also over......

ROXY & SF has had their difficulty getting those big rooms filled on a weekly Friday basis. Although they both still kick ass on Saturday's! All clubs are struggling at this time, and that is no secret...... You all know the deal!


Well, I've been holding this post in for some time now, and I just don't care anymore what anyone thinks of what my personal opinion is. I am speaking from what I've been seeing evolve over the last few years and it just disgust me to think that people want to go out to hear music and dance and put Horse & Cat tranquilizer (K) in their bodies.....?????

GHB??? I still don't know what the FU** this drug is? What it looks like? Smells like? Why it even exist? What was it's original purpose on this planet? Why are so many people still spending $20 or more on bullshit XTC that only God knows what is in it?? And then have the nerve to COMPLAIN about a $20-25 dollar door cover charge to hear 10 hours of music???

Do SOME people expect that club owners should just let them in for free and let them rampantly do whatever they want and risk everyone else's happiness?

I know that most of you here are NOT the people I am speaking of. Yeah, maybe some of you do your thing here & there, but you know the type of DODO'S I am speaking of.......

It seems like they just all of a sudden came out of the woodwork and are about to kill it for all the great people who are nothing but passionate for the music and simply love to come out to THE PARTY and not just TO PARTY!

Once again, I am suggesting to all of you who have been coming out to hear me for quite some time now to take control!

THIS IS YOUR PARTY!!! If you see a person doing something WRONG then please alert security and point them out, or tell them yourself!

Otherwise, get ready to..... "ENJOY THE SILENCE"..... ,

While I will be internationally club hopping with other DJ's like Danny Howells, Deep Dish etc... having a blast from Sydney to Budapest, Ibiza & beyond ..........

Have I made myself clear enough???

Peace, Love & Respect to all,


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i just posted my time there firday on there board,

in hopes that it will change something, the thigns isaw friday were UN-REAL.....

girls being grabbed, people VERY AGGRESIVE, i felt unsafe, and i wont be back AGAIN for another few months..

Thank god for midtown! <HINT> LOL

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eh no

i thought the music was Very Brand, water down, same old shit, iv heard a thousand times before, noting really jumped out at me, and im not up DT's ass either,


i complained ablout that place way before your little LOOSE Ass ever did, lol

Hey! u ever come to midtown? to here tim spin?

COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

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Originally posted by jaysea

eh no

i thought the music was Very Brand, water down, same old shit, iv heard a thousand times before, noting really jumped out at me, and im not up DT's ass either,


i complained ablout that place way before your little LOOSE Ass ever did, lol

Hey! u ever come to midtown? to here tim spin?

COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol


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...yano, the more I read these types of threads, the more I'm greatful to have known the people I've partied with in that Space during Howells night...How lucky that man is to have a group like the one that comes out for his parties...I just wish everyone outside that context would fall into line...

...Danny T has a point..people got to tighten up or its gonna be game over faster than you think...

...eh, one day...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

im starting to believe youre not a fan of any new york city club.. however in this instance im going to have to agree with you on this... arc/vinyl is the pits... the hair club for men is a better club than vinyl...

Why? Do I complain that often?

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

...yano, the more I read these types of threads, the more I'm greatful to have known the people I've partied with in that Space during Howells night...How lucky that man is to have a group like the one that comes out for his parties...I just wish everyone outside that context would fall into line...

...Danny T has a point..people got to tighten up or its gonna be game over faster than you think...

...eh, one day...

yo phunk :aright:

what's up kid?

well i'm a very tolerant clubber, and really don't give a damn who else is in the club or what they look like so long as

- people on the floor dance instead of standing around (or at least stick to the edges)

- there is a friendly respectful attitude with the bouncers and 95% of the patrons

I personally stopped going to Be Yourself a long time ago because i really don't like all the breaks in the music - i pretty much go to hear DT spin, not talk! And the "meathead" factor grew...by that i just mean that there are more and more people there who are not into the music, not into dancing, and only into taking up space and grabbing girls or guys asses.

i'm really hoping that some other big friday parties catch hold just so there's more choice and people will sort out where they feel most comfortable and go there wherever that may be.

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Originally posted by housedog

If you read Danny MSG board reguarly, he says not to take his post and repost them on other MSG boards. He said it really bothers him that people do this. Bigpoppanils did you read that post?

why because he dosnt want people that dont agree with his whining to be able to see and comment on what he says? Tuff shit, he posted it it should be published everywhere so everyone can see what a little bitch he's being about certain things

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Originally posted by housedog

If you read Danny MSG board reguarly, he says not to take his post and repost them on other MSG boards. He said it really bothers him that people do this.

and we don't want to upset danny...

if you post something on the internet, its fair game to be posted anywhere... get a fuckin life... no one's taking orders from a dj...


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