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Drama at AIR


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Fer real! I had *just* walked through the door (thanks for the list help, Lainie!!) and all of a sudden the funky beats are gone and 50 cent (how original) is going.... whaaaaaaat the fuck? I asked Palash wtf was going on and he's like "i guess we're done!" - I seriously wanted to beat my head on the wall :banghead:

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yeah, well like vixen said, all of a sudden.....it was hip-hop time!

we i got there a bit past 11 w/ festoon & met up with kken, tinybf, rocky, haddad and co., and after a 20 min wait in line we got in. i really didnt pay much attention to guest list situation and stuff so i just paid $10.

bar was a bit of a mess, just not enough bartenders so we had to wait a good 20 min. to get our drinks, upon getting our drinks and starting to get our drink on we head to the area in front of the dj boot and observed the "eclectic" crowd. i would say a good 30% probably were there because it was saeed and palash while the remaining 70% probably were just thinking "wut's up with this techno music?" :confused:

anyway, palash is on the decks, osta and co. show up and were hanging out just bs'ing and stuff in general, saeed takes the decks, we head back to the bar to get our second round of drinks, waited another 20 minutes, vixen and brooksbro guy show up, we head back to the front of the dj booth, enjoying the wonderful night and the good music that saeed is spinning and all of a sudden . . . . . . :hang: HIP-HOP . . . we look towards the dj booth and we see saeed and palash talking with soe people, there is another guy spinning now those great grinding melodies of our college days a few minutes later S&P are on the dance floor, everyone's is like "WTF is going on here?" we bail head outside and sit in the entrance area for a few minutes while we decide what to do, S&P are right there on their phones visibly upset at what was going on while in the background of it all we continue to hear those enchanting melodies that we have all grown to love. :blown:

it was such a beautiful day and night yesterday though and did like their setting, but what the people at AIR did was sketchy to say the least. and wtf is up with having to go through 2 security point to go to the bathroom? :confused:

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we thought about it but hung out at ben n mo's after instead on the rumor that s&p were going to show up there and spin. none of us really wanted to pay a second cover for the night. ben n mo's was pretty funny because they play hip hop in there til about 2:30 so it's chock fulla collegiate youngsta goodness... but as soon as the edm comes out, it EMPTIES out bigtime.

btw, this is it for me for trying new fucking clubs. i don't care who's playing there, or what's free, or who's got the guestlist. membership to kken's book of patronage is now closed. if i hear even the remotest bad thing about a place, i'm not going.

aside from all the drama, it was cool to hang with people last nite... guess the chill night turned out to be a good thing as the next coming month is gonna be crazy lol.

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Originally posted by funkyfreshdc

so did u guys go to 5?

nope. it was rumored that S&P might show up at ben&mo's, so we headed over there and and chilled for a while. around 3:15ish our empty and grumbly tummies mandated that we go in search of food, so we headed over to a diner near my house and chowed down on some grub.

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Signs your night isn't going to go well:

While being wanded by a male security guard he leers at you when he's "inspecting" your chest area and says "Niiiiiiiiice" :rolleyes:

A bottle of Absolut costs $100

People are grinding to Saeed & Palash's funky beats

You have to stumble through two security check points while drunk to get to the bathroom.

The russian bartender tells you "We don't have any vodka"

The same russian bartender later tells you "We don't have any redbull"


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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

While being wanded by a male security guard he leers at you when he's "inspecting" your chest area and says "Niiiiiiiiice" :rolleyes:

uncanny ..i had that done to me aswell....but at restroom checkpoint 2 :eek:

5 and the cowboy house musik proved to be a good hangout after air took a leak all over me and the boys

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thats great, well it's great because I was 2 seconds from going there at about 11. I really wanted to go but my friends ended up over ruling me so we wentg to Vida for a minute then headed over to Felix to hear Shady lay down some beats and the funk band next door. Thats sucks though, but glad I was over ruled for once.......

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at ben and mo's we ordered a couple of vodka cranberries and we were like "wtf? this is not vodka...it's gin" we tell the bartender and then they tell us they do not have any vodka and that it was in fact gin.


even though air was sketchy and stuff, blahg i didnt care, i had a great time last night hanging out with everyone. and yeah as kken mentioned the resto fo september and october will be busy months.

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the rumors came flying into Five about 1:00. I couldn't fucking believe it. wtf?!?!? I hope that place burns down. What fucking disrespect. You don't book internationally known DJs and then tell them what to play.

What dumbass promoter booked them and then had that happen? They should be ashamed to throw a party.

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from what my friend's roommate told me, they only spun about 40 min of hip hop and then switched to salsa/international music so all the hip hopsters left.

i seriously hope the promoters for air get blackballed in a big way... btw who is the promotor/booking agent for fuckyouair?

oh, and ben n mo's now serves liquor with a $5?/10? cover... place was pretty fucking ransacked by the college kiddies during the <2:00am hip hop set. still a chill place to go to tho.

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