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Lee Burridge -@ Nerve Review ...


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great dj, great crowd

terrible plumbing, terrible A/C

still too loud, but I never leave home without earplugs!

overall it was a great night, I think Lee stayed on track, very housey, with some breaks, but just a nice smattering of them, he didn't go off on any major break beat tangents, always back to the house, I think he learned from other Miami appearances that people here like breaks, but not too many all at once

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i had a great time...perhaps too much of a great time cause im paying for it today.

great vibe, great crowd...definitely had fun with the cp-ers and the new ones i met

lee was great, but i kind of expected more...no disrespect to him or the club,

but it was'nt as spectacular as it was played up to be. i might have easily gone

there not even knowing burridge was on the decks, again no disrespect just my opinion.

Thankyou Nerve for offering the open bar, but i'd rather pay and get a real drink, as i did.

Fun crowd and fun setting kept me in a good mood all night...I would go back.


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oh and the lights sucked too

now that I think about it I can remember that he did kind of go off on this sort of weird tangent, playing some minimal drum tracks or something, but I thought that was interesting, and showed his creativity as a dj... not a GU style set, maybe not the best ever, but definitely very very nice, I didn't dig every single track, there were even 1 or 2 that sucked, but still it was by far one of the best nights here since conference, musically speaking

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i thought his set was pretty good. though i left at 3 or so so only saw an hr. the a/c was horrendous couldnt handle much more of that. anyways it was great meeting crazyc again, djss for the first time and lilliz77. and of course houze-kitty :) my date for the evening and new club buddy :) hope to see u all at edgar for tonite. and space for afterhours.

i woke up at 330 pm so im so ready to party tonite :)

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Well got there around 12:00 and saw the fire marshal there sayin to hold the door, always a good and bad sign at once. Good since u know there will be a crowd, but bad for many reasons. The guys at the door were cool and after a while took care of us. I get in and there was a fashion show just finishing, but coming into a club and seeing that much ladies on the bar always a good sign. :D Jon was on the decks and it looked like he was havin fun playin and most people were into it, but I thought it was too much, too early. Very nice songs though. Lee gets on around 2:00 and at first I was dissapointed and around 3 had to leave since I completely forgot I was supposed to meet a couple of people at prive, go there and that party is always good in every way but the music. Saw the peeps but within an hour of just chillin all decided to go home, and I got tempted to pass by nerve again and did. Don't regret it cause lee was playing some great music and I was loving his set at that time, but then he changed it up a bit and then I decided alrighty time to jet and did around 4:45. All in all was a pretty good night at nerve and prive, but my anticipations were a bit higher for 2nite even though I had never seen him live. Next week though I'm gonna be at James Zabiela for sure as that is one guy I've seen many times and am almost always amazed. Speaking of which, I think there should have been more fliers around for his upcoming gig next weekend. Did not see 2 much last night at nerve.

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Originally posted by james954

man, i'm sooo livid i missed this. had some drama here at work and ended up stuck here all night.....:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

...anybody out there want to hire me so i can have a real life??:blown:


you were missed though.. and you missed the rocking hat too

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hey guys

thankyou all for your support last night. I truely enjoyed the evening, playing for you all, lee burridge and especially the crowd. You guys were amazing. Last night the vibe was sick but I must apologise for the mishaps of the club last night.. Our first issue was the A/C - We have three seperate a/c units @nerve and when we cranked the place up around 9:30 only two were working to our dismay. Unfortunately, the one broken unit really caused a difference and I apologise for that but unfortunately, it was too late in the night to get it sorted immediately.. I do promise that as of next week that will be a non-issue.. secondly, our bathrooms - what a disgraceful mess. All kinds of plumbing issues happened last night and I know it was gross so I am sorry for that. I will insure you that they will be in propper working order next week and we have plans for total renovations of those bathrooms within the next few weeks.. All and all though, with all the issues we still managed to have our best night in my opinion by far. Thanks a million for all of your support and I truely hope to see you all next week for James Zabiela.

NERVE - "the little club that could" - thanks again:D


Jon Cowan:hat:

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Lee"s first hour just blew me away!! Def. the highlight of my night--i coudnt stop dancing in spite of the horrific heat....am glad i left when i did though since u guys said he changed it up a lil bit...nice to meet all the cp peeps i met---hope to hang again soon--your all madd cool peeps!

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WOW! I had a GREAT time last night at NERVE! I did not want to stop dancing to the great beats that were being thrown down.

Although the bathrooms, heat and ear-piercing sound combined with the strobe lights were a bit unbearable at times it did not kill the vibe that was going on in that place or the great time that I was having.

Nice to have met some new faces and of course see the ones I already knew. DJSS...always an interesting night with you, CLUBSPACEGUY...nice talking again, VIPNERD...ok, so you're NOT the person I though you were LOL, NERVEGUY...nice meeting you, I am sure to be at NERVE more often now.

And to all of you that know me....I FINALLY MET POD!!!! :D

Have to admit Pod, you were not what I expected at all and it was a nice surprise. I enjoyed our conversation and I am sure we will run into each other again.

See ya'll at NV for EDGAR V tonight!!!!:D

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Really enjoyed his set last night.....allthough like others...was expecting something a bit different. Thought he started off hot and slowly started getting colder with his mixing, attitude etc.. I just think he wasn't really up for it...seemed a even a bit tired. Still a night with a different twist, and better than the usual night in miami..specially music wise.. Enjoyed most of the tracks and found his set very original.... very unique brand of tech house and house. Hope he can make it back soon.....or more oftenly at least.

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Originally posted by CrzyC

And to all of you that know me....I FINALLY MET POD!!!! :D

Have to admit Pod, you were not what I expected at all and it was a nice surprise. I enjoyed our conversation and I am sure we will run into each other again.

I'm hoping so too!

It was fun for sure :cool:

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