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Justin Timberlake & Cameron Diaz


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not saying that i support the double standard... im just saying its a tad bit more weird for me to see cuz im just so used to seeing older men with younger women... no big deal- im sure ill get used to it if these celebs keep this up lol

plus i never said it was morally wrong ;)

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Originally posted by linabina

not saying that i support the double standard... im just saying its a tad bit more weird for me to see cuz im just so used to seeing older men with younger women... no big deal- im sure ill get used to it if these celebs keep this up lol

plus i never said it was morally wrong ;)

weyes made it out like it was a huge age difference, i guess i should have quoted her. isnt she like 32 and hes 22 or so? i dont think that is a big difference... it is nothing compared to demi and her guy. shes like 42 and hes like 24!! i think it is fine though, you always see these rich, old men with trophys on their arms, why shouldnt it work both ways ;)
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Originally posted by incredulous

hope this doesnt sound gay, but i think he can do better MEANING.....i think britney and alyssa were MUCH better looking then cameron diaz

Listen... homophobe... what could possibly sound gay about what you said??

Why would you start that sentence with... hope this doesn't sound gay.

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so he had brittany, he had alyssa:drool:, now he has cameron, big deal. why do ppl hype brittany up to be the fuck of the century and that you cant get any better than brittany, fuck that, ppl worship her shit to much. if she was such an awesome fuck, justin or colin would still be with her. i say to justin, your young, got the world by the balls, fuck all you want and whoever wants to fuck you. for every brittany, theres thousands of other girls out there that are hotter. nuff said

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Originally posted by somebitch

i dont think there is anything wrong with an older woman and a younger man, there is such a double standard about this shit. how come it is sexy if madonna kisses britney but a 30 year old dates a 20 year old and it is morally wrong...


Definitely agreed...

Although I agree w/Weyes about big age differences... it's going to happen, and I personally would much rather see a younger guy with an older woman. I can't help but cringe at the reverse... I'm not into old men so it kind of creeps me out, lol. But to see a young stud with an older lady... you just know he's got to be doing something right in order to keep her happy. So even though I don't care for Cameron Diaz... Justin, you go on with your bad self! :aright:

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Originally posted by somebitch

weyes made it out like it was a huge age difference, i guess i should have quoted her. isnt she like 32 and hes 22 or so? i dont think that is a big difference... it is nothing compared to demi and her guy. shes like 42 and hes like 24!! i think it is fine though, you always see these rich, old men with trophys on their arms, why shouldnt it work both ways ;)

age differences matter more when the younger person is that young. we all sort of reach a plateau as far as maturity is concerned at some point, and i just don't think that most early twenty-somethings are on par with mid-thirty-somethings, when it comes down to their abilities to be in a serious relationship.
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Originally posted by sexxyme


Who gives a shit!!! Let them live!!! I don't understand people who care about who celebrities sleep with or date, pretend like they are someone you dont know on the street and get over it!!!

exactly!! why are pictures of cameron diaz and justin timberlake surfacing on a messageboard.. That's a little lame aren't we supposed to be adults here? Let them do their thing and dont pass judgement on them when they do it. It's disgusting that people make livings off of pictures like these.. They just want some privacy and people can't respect that... it's a shame

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There's definitely something attractive about Cameron Diaz, and it isn't directly related to her looks. I mean, she is a beautiful woman, but something about her on-screen personality makes her seem attractive.

Of course, I have absolutely no idea how she is off the screen, but I'm guessing she's a personable individual.

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Originally posted by xxgrooveericxx

People talking about other people's love live's....

What's wrong with this picture?

...uh....nothing....it's quite the norm ....no?!.......friends get new bf's...gf's......blah blah....other people's love lives seems to be a COMPLETELY COMMON topic of convo...celeb...or not............

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